INTERNAL REWORK. testers are needed.

This commit is contained in:
Xonk 2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
parent 4d8a5105ed
commit a2fc114c4f
238 changed files with 5445 additions and 10291 deletions

View File

@ -1,35 +1,29 @@
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
block.2200 = minecraft:oak_sign minecraft:spruce_sign minecraft:birch_sign minecraft:jungle_sign minecraft:acacia_sign minecraft:dark_oak_sign minecraft:mangrove_sign minecraft:crimson_sign minecraft:warped_sign minecraft:oak_wall_sign minecraft:spruce_wall_sign minecraft:birch_wall_sign minecraft:jungle_wall_sign minecraft:acacia_wall_sign minecraft:dark_oak_wall_sign minecraft:mangrove_wall_sign minecraft:crimson_wall_sign minecraft:warped_wall_sign
block.2100 = minecraft:end_portal
####### ----- SSS and waving ----- #######
####### ----- waving blocks with SSS ----- #######
##ground waving
block.10001 = minecraft:sunflower:half=upper minecraft:beetroots minecraft:potatoes minecraft:carrots minecraft:wheat minecraft:nether_wart minecraft:kelp minecraft:large_fern:half=upper minecraft:peony:half=upper minecraft:rose_bush:half=upper minecraft:lilac:half=upper minecraft:crimson_roots minecraft:nether_sprouts minecraft:warped_roots minecraft:seagrass minecraft:tall_seagrass:half=upper minecraft:tall_grass:half=upper minecraft:wither_rose minecraft:lily_of_the_valley minecraft:cornflower minecraft:sweet_berry_bush minecraft:oxeye_daisy minecraft:pink_tulip minecraft:white_tulip minecraft:orange_tulip minecraft:red_tulip minecraft:azure_bluet minecraft:allium minecraft:blue_orchid minecraft:poppy minecraft:dandelion minecraft:dead_bush minecraft:oak_sapling minecraft:spruce_sapling minecraft:birch_sapling minecraft:jungle_sapling minecraft:acacia_sapling minecraft:dark_oak_sapling minecraft:fern
# add a newline to organize for modded blocks
block.10001 = minecraft:sunflower:half=upper minecraft:beetroots minecraft:potatoes minecraft:carrots minecraft:wheat minecraft:nether_wart minecraft:kelp minecraft:large_fern:half=upper minecraft:peony:half=upper minecraft:rose_bush:half=upper minecraft:lilac:half=upper minecraft:crimson_roots minecraft:nether_sprouts minecraft:warped_roots minecraft:seagrass minecraft:tall_seagrass:half=upper minecraft:tall_grass:half=upper minecraft:wither_rose minecraft:lily_of_the_valley minecraft:cornflower minecraft:sweet_berry_bush minecraft:oxeye_daisy minecraft:pink_tulip minecraft:white_tulip minecraft:orange_tulip minecraft:red_tulip minecraft:azure_bluet minecraft:allium minecraft:blue_orchid minecraft:poppy minecraft:dandelion minecraft:dead_bush minecraft:oak_sapling minecraft:spruce_sapling minecraft:birch_sapling minecraft:jungle_sapling minecraft:acacia_sapling minecraft:dark_oak_sapling
block.10009 = minecraft:grass
block.10009 = minecraft:grass minecraft:fern
##air waving
block.10003 = minecraft:azalea_leaves minecraft:flowering_azalea_leaves minecraft:cherry_leaves minecraft:mangrove_leaves minecraft:vine minecraft:oak_leaves minecraft:spruce_leaves minecraft:birch_leaves minecraft:jungle_leaves minecraft:acacia_leaves minecraft:dark_oak_leaves
# add a newline to organize for modded blocks
block.10003 = minecraft:azalea_leaves minecraft:flowering_azalea_leaves minecraft:cherry_leaves minecraft:mangrove_leaves minecraft:vine minecraft:oak_leaves minecraft:spruce_leaves minecraft:birch_leaves minecraft:jungle_leaves minecraft:acacia_leaves minecraft:dark_oak_leaves \
westerosblocks:vine_jasmine westerosblocks:apple_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:apricot_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:cherry_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:purple_grape_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:lemon_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:lime_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:orange_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:peach_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:plum_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:pomegranate_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:weirwood_leaves westerosblocks:hop_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:olive_fruit_leaves westerosblocks:palm_leaves westerosblocks:white_grape_fruit_leaves
####### ----- blocks with SSS ----- #######
## strong sss
block.10004 =minecraft:tall_seagrass minecraft:seagrass minecraft:kelp minecraft:large_fern:half=lower minecraft:tall_grass minecraft:tall_seagrass minecraft:kelp_plant minecraft:peony minecraft:rose_bush minecraft:lilac minecraft:sunflower:half=lower minecraft:packed_ice minecraft:blue_ice minecraft:melon_stem minecraft:pumpkin_stem minecraft:attached_melon_stem minecraft:attached_pumpkin_stem minecraft:lily_pad \
westerosblocks:blackberry_bush westerosblocks:blueberry_bush westerosblocks:raspberry_bush westerosblocks:juniper_bush westerosblocks:red_rose_bush westerosblocks:pink_rose_bush westerosblocks:white_rose_bush westerosblocks:yellow_rose_bush westerosblocks:yellow_wildflowers westerosblocks:green_spiny_herb westerosblocks:green_leafy_herb westerosblocks:orange_marigolds westerosblocks:orange_trollius westerosblocks:blue_forgetmenots westerosblocks:pink_wildflowers westerosblocks:yellow_tansy westerosblocks:blue_flax westerosblocks:white_daisies westerosblocks:yellow_daisies westerosblocks:green_scrub_grass westerosblocks:dead_scrub_grass westerosblocks:yellow_bedstraw westerosblocks:orange_bells westerosblocks:blue_bells westerosblocks:blue_swamp_bells westerosblocks:yellow_buttercups westerosblocks:orange_bog_asphodel westerosblocks:yellow_lupine westerosblocks:blue_hyacinth westerosblocks:pink_thistle westerosblocks:yellow_dandelions westerosblocks:yellow_daffodils westerosblocks:yellow_roses westerosblocks:strawberry_bush westerosblocks:white_lilyofthevalley westerosblocks:yellow_bells westerosblocks:yellow_sunflower westerosblocks:white_roses westerosblocks:red_dark_roses westerosblocks:yellow_hellebore westerosblocks:meadow_fescue westerosblocks:red_poppies westerosblocks:red_roses westerosblocks:purple_pansies westerosblocks:purple_roses westerosblocks:orange_sun_star westerosblocks:pink_primrose westerosblocks:red_aster westerosblocks:blue_chicory westerosblocks:red_flowering_spiny_herb westerosblocks:purple_foxglove westerosblocks:pink_allium westerosblocks:purple_violets westerosblocks:white_chamomile westerosblocks:red_tulips westerosblocks:white_peony westerosblocks:purple_alpine_sowthistle westerosblocks:red_carnations westerosblocks:magenta_roses westerosblocks:red_chrysanthemum westerosblocks:blue_orchid westerosblocks:yellow_rudbeckia westerosblocks:pink_tulips westerosblocks:cranberry_bush westerosblocks:purple_lavender westerosblocks:red_sourleaf_bush westerosblocks:pink_sweet_peas westerosblocks:red_sorrel westerosblocks:pink_roses westerosblocks:unshaded_grass westerosblocks:cow_parsely westerosblocks:bracken westerosblocks:lady_fern westerosblocks:nettle westerosblocks:dead_bracken westerosblocks:fireweed westerosblocks:heather westerosblocks:red_fern westerosblocks:dock_leaf westerosblocks:jasmine_vines westerosblocks:dappled_moss westerosblocks:cushion_moss_wall westerosblocks:hemp_short westerosblocks:hemp_tall westerosblocks:hemp_dense westerosblocks:crop_carrots westerosblocks:crop_wheat westerosblocks:crop_turnips westerosblocks:crop_peas westerosblocks:cattails westerosblocks:jungle_tall_fern westerosblocks:jungle_tall_grass westerosblocks:savanna_tall_grass
####### ----- SSS ----- #######
## weak sss
block.10006 = minecraft:grass_block:snowy=true minecraft:snow_block minecraft:snow powder_snow cobweb red_mushroom_block brown_mushroom_block weeping_vines weeping_vines_plant twisting_vines twisting_vines_plant vine tube_coral tube_coral_block tube_coral_fan tube_coral_wall_fan horn_coral horn_coral_block horn_coral_fan horn_coral_wall_fan fire_coral fire_coral_block fire_coral_fan fire_coral_wall_fan dead_brain_coral dead_brain_coral_block dead_brain_coral_fan dead_brain_coral_wall_fan dead_bubble_coral dead_bubble_coral_block dead_bubble_coral_fan dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan dead_bush dead_fire_coral dead_fire_coral_block dead_fire_coral_fan dead_fire_coral_wall_fan dead_horn_coral dead_horn_coral_block dead_horn_coral_fan dead_horn_coral_wall_fan dead_tube_coral dead_tube_coral_block dead_tube_coral_fan dead_tube_coral_wall_fan bubble_coral bubble_coral_block bubble_coral_fan bubble_coral_wall_fan brain_coral brain_coral_block brain_coral_fan brain_coral_wall_fan bamboo bamboo_sapling minecraft:spore_blossom minecraft:cave_vines minecraft:cave_vines_plant minecraft:glow_lichen minecraft:melon minecraft:pumpkin minecraft:big_dripleaf minecraft:big_dripleaf_stem minecraft:cactus minecraft:hay_block minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:mushroom_stem minecraft:sugar_cane minecraft:crimson_fungus minecraft:warped_fungus minecraft:sea_pickle minecraft:honeycomb_block
## strong
block.10004 = minecraft:fern minecraft:packed_ice minecraft:blue_ice minecraft:melon_stem minecraft:pumpkin_stem minecraft:attached_melon_stem minecraft:attached_pumpkin_stem minecraft:lily_pad
## weak
block.10006 = minecraft:grass_block:snowy=true minecraft:snow_block minecraft:snow powder_snow cobweb red_mushroom_block brown_mushroom_block weeping_vines weeping_vines_plant twisting_vines twisting_vines_plant vine tube_coral tube_coral_block tube_coral_fan tube_coral_wall_fan horn_coral horn_coral_block horn_coral_fan horn_coral_wall_fan fire_coral fire_coral_block fire_coral_fan fire_coral_wall_fan dead_brain_coral dead_brain_coral_block dead_brain_coral_fan dead_brain_coral_wall_fan dead_bubble_coral dead_bubble_coral_block dead_bubble_coral_fan dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan dead_bush dead_fire_coral dead_fire_coral_block dead_fire_coral_fan dead_fire_coral_wall_fan dead_horn_coral dead_horn_coral_block dead_horn_coral_fan dead_horn_coral_wall_fan dead_tube_coral dead_tube_coral_block dead_tube_coral_fan dead_tube_coral_wall_fan bubble_coral bubble_coral_block bubble_coral_fan bubble_coral_wall_fan brain_coral brain_coral_block brain_coral_fan brain_coral_wall_fan bamboo bamboo_sapling minecraft:tall_seagrass minecraft:seagrass minecraft:kelp minecraft:large_fern minecraft:tall_grass minecraft:tall_seagrass minecraft:kelp_plant minecraft:peony minecraft:rose_bush minecraft:lilac minecraft:sunflower:half=lower minecraft:spore_blossom minecraft:cave_vines minecraft:cave_vines_plant minecraft:glow_lichen minecraft:melon minecraft:pumpkin minecraft:big_dripleaf minecraft:big_dripleaf_stem minecraft:cactus minecraft:hay_block minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:mushroom_stem minecraft:sugar_cane minecraft:crimson_fungus minecraft:warped_fungus minecraft:sea_pickle minecraft:honeycomb_block
block.200 = minecraft:white_wool minecraft:orange_wool minecraft:magenta_wool minecraft:light_blue_wool minecraft:yellow_wool minecraft:lime_wool minecraft:pink_wool minecraft:gray_wool minecraft:light_gray_wool minecraft:cyan_wool minecraft:purple_wool minecraft:blue_wool minecraft:brown_wool minecraft:green_wool minecraft:red_wool minecraft:black_wool minecraft:orange_carpet minecraft:magenta_carpet minecraft:light_blue_carpet minecraft:yellow_carpet minecraft:lime_carpet minecraft:pink_carpet minecraft:gray_carpet minecraft:light_gray_carpet minecraft:cyan_carpet minecraft:purple_carpet minecraft:blue_carpet minecraft:brown_carpet minecraft:green_carpet minecraft:red_carpet minecraft:black_carpet
block.10010 = minecraft:white_wall_banner minecraft:orange_wall_banner minecraft:magenta_wall_banner minecraft:light_blue_wall_banner minecraft:yellow_wall_banner minecraft:lime_wall_banner minecraft:pink_wall_banner minecraft:gray_wall_banner minecraft:light_gray_wall_banner minecraft:cyan_wall_banner minecraft:purple_wall_banner minecraft:blue_wall_banner minecraft:brown_wall_banner minecraft:green_wall_banner minecraft:red_wall_banner minecraft:black_wall_banner minecraft:white_banner minecraft:orange_banner minecraft:magenta_banner minecraft:light_blue_banner minecraft:yellow_banner minecraft:lime_banner minecraft:pink_banner minecraft:gray_banner minecraft:light_gray_banner minecraft:cyan_banner minecraft:purple_banner minecraft:blue_banner minecraft:brown_banner minecraft:green_banner minecraft:red_banner minecraft:black_banner
## weak sss
block.200 = minecraft:white_wool minecraft:orange_wool minecraft:magenta_wool minecraft:light_blue_wool minecraft:yellow_wool minecraft:lime_wool minecraft:pink_wool minecraft:gray_wool minecraft:light_gray_wool minecraft:cyan_wool minecraft:purple_wool minecraft:blue_wool minecraft:brown_wool minecraft:green_wool minecraft:red_wool minecraft:black_wool minecraft:orange_carpet minecraft:magenta_carpet minecraft:light_blue_carpet minecraft:yellow_carpet minecraft:lime_carpet minecraft:pink_carpet minecraft:gray_carpet minecraft:light_gray_carpet minecraft:cyan_carpet minecraft:purple_carpet minecraft:blue_carpet minecraft:brown_carpet minecraft:green_carpet minecraft:red_carpet minecraft:black_carpet \
westerosblocks:clothesline westerosblocks:smoke westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_1 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_2 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_3 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_4 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_5 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_6 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_7 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_8 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_9 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_10 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_11 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_12 westerosblocks:brown_mushroom_13 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_1 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_2 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_3 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_4 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_5 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_6 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_7 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_8 westerosblocks:red_mushroom_9 westerosblocks:white_wool_slab westerosblocks:orange_wool_slab westerosblocks:light_brown_wool_slab westerosblocks:light_blue_wool_slab westerosblocks:yellow_wool_slab westerosblocks:dirty_white_wool_slab westerosblocks:pink_wool_slab westerosblocks:grey_wool_slab westerosblocks:light_grey_wool_slab westerosblocks:cyan_wool_slab westerosblocks:purple_wool_slab westerosblocks:blue_wool_slab westerosblocks:brown_wool_slab westerosblocks:green_wool_slab westerosblocks:red_wool_slab westerosblocks:black_wool_slab westerosblocks:white_wool_carpet westerosblocks:orange_wool_carpet westerosblocks:light_brown_wool_carpet westerosblocks:light_blue_wool_carpet westerosblocks:yellow_wool_carpet westerosblocks:dirty_white_wool_carpet westerosblocks:pink_wool_carpet westerosblocks:grey_wool_carpet westerosblocks:light_grey_wool_carpet westerosblocks:cyan_wool_carpet westerosblocks:purple_wool_carpet westerosblocks:blue_wool_carpet westerosblocks:brown_wool_carpet westerosblocks:green_wool_carpet westerosblocks:red_wool_carpet westerosblocks:black_wool_carpet westerosblocks:thatch_light_fur_carpet westerosblocks:thatch_dark_fur_carpet
## weak sss
block.10010 = minecraft:white_wall_banner minecraft:orange_wall_banner minecraft:magenta_wall_banner minecraft:light_blue_wall_banner minecraft:yellow_wall_banner minecraft:lime_wall_banner minecraft:pink_wall_banner minecraft:gray_wall_banner minecraft:light_gray_wall_banner minecraft:cyan_wall_banner minecraft:purple_wall_banner minecraft:blue_wall_banner minecraft:brown_wall_banner minecraft:green_wall_banner minecraft:red_wall_banner minecraft:black_wall_banner minecraft:white_banner minecraft:orange_banner minecraft:magenta_banner minecraft:light_blue_banner minecraft:yellow_banner minecraft:lime_banner minecraft:pink_banner minecraft:gray_banner minecraft:light_gray_banner minecraft:cyan_banner minecraft:purple_banner minecraft:blue_banner minecraft:brown_banner minecraft:green_banner minecraft:red_banner minecraft:black_banner \
westerosblocks:renly_banner westerosblocks:redwyne_banner westerosblocks:grafton_banner westerosblocks:grey_banner westerosblocks:red_banner westerosblocks:black_banner westerosblocks:the_faith_of_the_seven_banner westerosblocks:cream_banner westerosblocks:blue_banner westerosblocks:brown_banner westerosblocks:cyan_banner westerosblocks:green_banner westerosblocks:orange_banner westerosblocks:pink_banner westerosblocks:purple_banner westerosblocks:lord_of_light_rhllor_banner westerosblocks:yellow_banner westerosblocks:arryn_banner westerosblocks:baratheon_banner westerosblocks:bolton_banner westerosblocks:dayne_banner westerosblocks:frey_banner westerosblocks:greyjoy_banner westerosblocks:hightower_banner westerosblocks:lannister_banner westerosblocks:manderly_banner westerosblocks:martell_banner westerosblocks:stannis_banner westerosblocks:stark_banner westerosblocks:targaryen_banner westerosblocks:tarly_banner westerosblocks:tully_banner westerosblocks:tyrell_banner
## weird blocks
block.10007 = minecraft:sand minecraft:red_sand
@ -37,40 +31,21 @@
## grass uwu
block.10008 = minecraft:grass_block:snowy=false
####### ----- lightsources ----- #######
block.10005 = minecraft:sculk_sensor:sculk_sensor_phase=active minecraft:soul_fire minecraft:soul_campfire:lit=true minecraft:cave_vines_plant:berries=true minecraft:soul_lantern minecraft:soul_torch minecraft:soul_wall_torch minecraft:conduit minecraft:beacon minecraft:sea_pickle minecraft:respawn_anchor:charges=4 minecraft:smoker:lit=true minecraft:blast_furnace:lit=true minecraft:furnace:lit=true minecraft:lava_cauldron minecraft:sea_lantern minecraft:cave_vines:berries=true minecraft:glowstone minecraft:torch minecraft:wall_torch minecraft:lava minecraft:fire minecraft:redstone_torch minecraft:redstone_wall_torch minecraft:jack_o_lantern minecraft:magma_block minecraft:redstone_lamp:lit=true minecraft:lantern minecraft:campfire:lit=true minecraft:shroomlight minecraft:end_rod minecraft:end_gateway minecraft:lava minecraft:fire
block.10005 = minecraft:sculk_sensor:sculk_sensor_phase=active minecraft:soul_fire minecraft:soul_campfire:lit=true minecraft:cave_vines_plant:berries=true minecraft:soul_lantern minecraft:soul_torch minecraft:soul_wall_torch minecraft:conduit minecraft:beacon minecraft:sea_pickle minecraft:respawn_anchor:charges=4 minecraft:smoker:lit=true minecraft:blast_furnace:lit=true minecraft:furnace:lit=true minecraft:lava_cauldron minecraft:sea_lantern minecraft:cave_vines:berries=true minecraft:glowstone minecraft:torch minecraft:wall_torch minecraft:lava minecraft:fire minecraft:redstone_torch minecraft:redstone_wall_torch minecraft:jack_o_lantern minecraft:magma_block minecraft:redstone_lamp:lit=true minecraft:lantern minecraft:campfire:lit=true minecraft:shroomlight minecraft:end_rod minecraft:end_gateway minecraft:lava minecraft:fire \
####### ----- reflective translucents / glass ----- #######
block.10002 = minecraft:slime_block minecraft:nether_portal minecraft:honey_block ice minecraft:frosted_ice minecraft:black_stained_glass minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane minecraft:blue_stained_glass minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:brown_stained_glass minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane minecraft:cyan_stained_glass minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane minecraft:gray_stained_glass minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:green_stained_glass minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:lime_stained_glass minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane minecraft:magenta_stained_glass minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane minecraft:orange_stained_glass minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane minecraft:pink_stained_glass minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane minecraft:purple_stained_glass minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane minecraft:red_stained_glass minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane minecraft:white_stained_glass minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane minecraft:yellow_stained_glass minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane minecraft:glass_pane minecraft:glass
####### ----- misc ----- #######
## all blocks here get exluded from POM.
block.2200 = minecraft:oak_sign minecraft:spruce_sign minecraft:birch_sign minecraft:jungle_sign minecraft:acacia_sign minecraft:dark_oak_sign minecraft:mangrove_sign minecraft:crimson_sign minecraft:warped_sign minecraft:oak_wall_sign minecraft:spruce_wall_sign minecraft:birch_wall_sign minecraft:jungle_wall_sign minecraft:acacia_wall_sign minecraft:dark_oak_wall_sign minecraft:mangrove_wall_sign minecraft:crimson_wall_sign minecraft:warped_wall_sign
## stuff
block.2100 = minecraft:end_portal
block.8 = minecraft:water minecraft:flowing_water
#wavy plants, translucent, bottom vertices not moving
block.10001= 6 31 32 37 38 39 40 59 115 141 142 207
#wavy plants (blocks)
block.10003 = 18 106 161
block.10004 = 30 83 104 105 111 175 176 177
#reflective surfaces (not including water and ice)
block.10002=95 160
layer.translucent = minecraft:glass_pane minecraft:glass
# layer.solid = minecraft:tripwire minecraft:slime_block minecraft:nether_portal minecraft:honey_block minecraft:ice minecraft:black_stained_glass minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane minecraft:blue_stained_glass minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:brown_stained_glass minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane minecraft:cyan_stained_glass minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane minecraft:gray_stained_glass minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:green_stained_glass minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:lime_stained_glass minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane minecraft:magenta_stained_glass minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane minecraft:orange_stained_glass minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane minecraft:pink_stained_glass minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane minecraft:purple_stained_glass minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane minecraft:red_stained_glass minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane minecraft:white_stained_glass minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane minecraft:yellow_stained_glass minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane minecraft:glass_pane minecraft:glass
# layer.cutout = minecraft:tripwire minecraft:slime_block minecraft:nether_portal minecraft:honey_block minecraft:ice minecraft:black_stained_glass minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane minecraft:blue_stained_glass minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:brown_stained_glass minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane minecraft:cyan_stained_glass minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane minecraft:gray_stained_glass minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:green_stained_glass minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:lime_stained_glass minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane minecraft:magenta_stained_glass minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane minecraft:orange_stained_glass minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane minecraft:pink_stained_glass minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane minecraft:purple_stained_glass minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane minecraft:red_stained_glass minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane minecraft:white_stained_glass minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane minecraft:yellow_stained_glass minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane minecraft:glass_pane minecraft:glass

View File

@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex6; // Noise
uniform sampler2D colortex8; // Noise
uniform sampler2D colortex15; // Noise
uniform sampler2D shadow;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
#define ffstep(x,y) clamp((y - x) * 1e35,0.0,1.0)
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort)
float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb;
float angle = jitter*6.28+alpha * nbRot * 6.28;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*alpha;
// float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
// float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
// return noise;
// }
// float interleaved_gradientNoise2(){
// vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
// vec2 coord = vec2(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x,alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter;
// float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
// return noise;
// }
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000);
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + frameTimeCounter;
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract( 52.9829189 * fract( (coord.x * 0.06711056) + (coord.y * 0.00583715)) );
return noise ;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0;
n.xy = abs(encn);
n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y;
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn;
return clamp(normalize(,-1.0,1.0);
vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.);
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){
return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0);
vec2 R2_samples(int n){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha * n);
vec2 tapLocation_alternate(
int sampleNumber,
float spinAngle,
int nb,
float nbRot,
float r0
float alpha = (float(sampleNumber*1.0f + r0) * (1.0 / (nb)));
float angle = alpha * (nbRot * 3.14) ;
float ssR = alpha + spinAngle*3.14;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*ssR;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
// Emin's and Gri's combined ideas to stop peter panning and light leaking, also has little shadowacne so thats nice
void GriAndEminShadowFix(
inout vec3 WorldPos,
vec3 FlatNormal,
float VanillaAO,
float SkyLightmap,
bool Entities
float DistanceOffset = clamp(0.1 + length(WorldPos) / (shadowMapResolution*0.20), 0.0,1.0) ;
vec3 Bias = FlatNormal * DistanceOffset; // adjust the bias thingy's strength as it gets farther away.
// stop lightleaking
if(SkyLightmap < 0.1 && !Entities) {
WorldPos += mix(Bias, 0.5 * (0.5 - fract(WorldPos + cameraPosition + FlatNormal*0.01 ) ), VanillaAO) ;
WorldPos += Bias;
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize;
float z = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x;
vec2 tempOffset=TAA_Offset;
vec4 data = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord);
vec4 dataUnpacked0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.x),decodeVec2(data.y));
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
vec3 normal = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * clamp(worldToView( decode(dataUnpacked0.yw) ),-1.,1.);
vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;
// bool lightningBolt = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.5) <0.01;
// bool isLeaf = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.55) <0.01;
// bool translucent2 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.6) <0.01; // Weak translucency
// bool translucent4 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.65) <0.01; // Weak translucency
bool entities = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.45) < 0.01;
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
// bool blocklights = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.8) <0.01;
float minshadowfilt = Min_Shadow_Filter_Radius;
float maxshadowfilt = Max_Shadow_Filter_Radius;
float NdotL = clamp(dot(normal,WsunVec),0.0,1.0);
// vec4 normalAndAO = texture2D(colortex15,texcoord);
// vec3 FlatNormals = normalAndAO.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
// float vanillAO = clamp(normalAndAO.a,0.0,1.0) ;
float vanillAO = clamp(texture2D(colortex15,texcoord).a,0.0,1.0) ;
if(lightmap.y < 0.1 && !entities){
// minshadowfilt *= vanillAO;
maxshadowfilt = mix(minshadowfilt, maxshadowfilt, vanillAO);
float SpecularTex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord).z;
float LabSSS = clamp((-64.0 + SpecularTex * 255.0) / 191.0 ,0.0,1.0);
#ifndef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows
if (LabSSS > 0.0 && !hand && NdotL < 0.001) minshadowfilt += 50;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(minshadowfilt, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0);
if (z < 1.0 && !hand){
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
#ifdef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows
if (NdotL > 0.001 || LabSSS > 0.0) {
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
// GriAndEminShadowFix(p3, viewToWorld(FlatNormals), vanillAO, lightmap.y, entities);
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * p3 + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
//do shadows only if on shadow map
if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.z) < 6.0){
const float threshMul = max(2048.0/shadowMapResolution*shadowDistance/128.0,0.95);
float distortThresh = (sqrt(1.0-NdotL*NdotL)/NdotL+0.7)/distortFactor;
float diffthresh = distortThresh/6000.0*threshMul;
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
float mult = maxshadowfilt;
float avgBlockerDepth = 0.0;
vec2 scales = vec2(0.0, 120.0 - Max_Filter_Depth);
float blockerCount = 0.0;
float rdMul = distortFactor*(1.0+mult)*d0*k/shadowMapResolution;
float diffthreshM = diffthresh*mult*d0*k/20.;
float avgDepth = 0.0;
int seed = (frameCounter%40000) + (1+frameCounter);
float randomDir = fract(R2_samples(seed).y + blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).g) * 1.61803398874 ;
for(int i = 0; i < VPS_Search_Samples; i++){
// vec2 offsetS = tapLocation(i,VPS_Search_Samples,1.61803398874 , blueNoise(),0.0);
vec2 offsetS = tapLocation_alternate(i, 0.0, 7, 20, randomDir);
float weight = 3.0 + (i+blueNoise() ) *rdMul/SHADOW_FILTER_SAMPLE_COUNT*shadowMapResolution*distortFactor/2.7;
// float d = texelFetch2D( shadow, ivec2((projectedShadowPosition.xy+offsetS*rdMul)*shadowMapResolution),0).x;
float d = texelFetch2D( shadow, ivec2((projectedShadowPosition.xy+offsetS*rdMul)*shadowMapResolution),0).x;
float b = smoothstep(weight*diffthresh/2.0, weight*diffthresh, projectedShadowPosition.z - d);
blockerCount += b;
avgDepth += max(projectedShadowPosition.z - d, 0.0)*1000.;
avgBlockerDepth += d * b;
gl_FragData[0].g = avgDepth / VPS_Search_Samples;
gl_FragData[0].b = blockerCount / VPS_Search_Samples;
if (blockerCount >= 0.9){
avgBlockerDepth /= blockerCount;
float ssample = max(projectedShadowPosition.z - avgBlockerDepth,0.0)*1500.0;
gl_FragData[0].r = clamp(ssample, scales.x, scales.y)/(scales.y)*(mult-minshadowfilt)+minshadowfilt;

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
void main() {
TAA_Offset = offsets[frameCounter%8];
#ifndef TAA
TAA_Offset = vec2(0.0);
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;
WsunVec = (float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.)*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec2 rodExposureDepth;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
attribute vec4 mc_Entity;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
// varying float vanilla_ao;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform int frameCounter;
// uniform float sandStorm;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/climate_settings.glsl"
flat varying float WinterTimeForSnow;
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
// if (gl_FragCoord.x < 1. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
// averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;
// averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;;
// sunColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
// moonColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(13,37),0).rgb;
vec3 sc = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.;
lightCol.rgb = sc;
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
zMults = vec3((far * near)*2.0,far+near,far-near);
rodExposureDepth = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(14,37),0).rg;
rodExposureDepth.y = sqrt(rodExposureDepth.y/65000.0);
WinterTimeForSnow = 0.0;
#ifdef Seasons
#ifdef Snowy_Winter
vec3 color1 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 color2 = color1;
YearCycleColor(color1, color2, WinterTimeForSnow);
TAA_Offset = offsets[frameCounter%8];
#ifndef TAA
TAA_Offset = vec2(0.0);
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51*BLOOM_QUALITY/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec4 exposure;
flat varying vec2 rodExposureDepth;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
rodExposureDepth = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(14,37),0).rg;
rodExposureDepth.y = sqrt(rodExposureDepth.y/65000.0);

View File

@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//Volumetric fog rendering
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
flat varying vec3 refractedSunVec;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
// uniform sampler2D colortex1;
// uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// // uniform sampler2D colortex0;
// uniform sampler2D colortex7;
// uniform sampler2D colortex13;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightness;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
// uniform int worldTime;
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
float R2_dither2(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x *(1- gl_FragCoord.x) + alpha.y * (1-gl_FragCoord.y) + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
vec2 coord = vec2(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x,alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float waterCaustics(vec3 wPos, vec3 lightSource) { // water waves
vec2 pos = wPos.xz + (lightSource.xz/lightSource.y*wPos.y);
if(isEyeInWater==1) pos = wPos.xz - (lightSource.xz/lightSource.y*wPos.y); // fix the fucky
vec2 movement = vec2(-0.035*frameTimeCounter);
float caustic = 0.0;
float weightSum = 0.0;
float radiance = 2.39996;
mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(vec2(cos(radiance), -sin(radiance)), vec2(sin(radiance), cos(radiance)));
const vec2 wave_size[4] = vec2[](
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
pos = rotationMatrix * pos;
vec2 speed = movement;
float waveStrength = 1.0;
if( i == 0) {
speed *= 0.15;
waveStrength = 2.0;
float small_wave = texture2D(noisetex, pos / wave_size[i] + speed ).b * waveStrength;
caustic += max( 1.0-sin( 1.0-pow( 0.5+sin( small_wave*3.0 )*0.5, 25.0) ), 0);
weightSum -= exp2(caustic*0.1);
return caustic / weightSum;
// vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
// return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
// }
#include "/lib/volumetricFog.glsl"
void waterVolumetrics(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEyeDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient, vec3 lightSource, float VdotL){
int spCount = 8;
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
vec3 dV = (end-start);
//limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
//you can't see above this anyway
float maxZ = min(rayLength,32.0)/(1e-8+rayLength);
dV *= maxZ;
vec3 dVWorld = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ;
rayLength *= maxZ;
float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
vec3 progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition;
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunVec * lightCol.a;
float phase = (phaseg(VdotL,0.6) + phaseg(VdotL,0.8)) * 0.5;
vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
float expFactor = 11.0;
for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor); // exponential step position (0-1)
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0); //step length (derivative)
vec3 spPos = + dV*d;
progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
//project into biased shadowmap space
float distortFactor = calcDistort(spPos.xy);
vec3 pos = vec3(spPos.xy*distortFactor, spPos.z);
float sh = 1.0;
if (abs(pos.x) < 1.0-0.5/2048. && abs(pos.y) < 1.0-0.5/2048){
pos = pos*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0)+0.5;
sh = shadow2D( shadow, pos).x;
sh *= GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(progressW, WsunVec);
vec3 sunMul = exp(-max((estSunDepth - dY * d) ,0.0)/abs(refractedSunVec.y) * waterCoefs);
vec3 ambientMul = exp(-max(estEyeDepth - dY * d,0.0) * waterCoefs) * 2.0 ;
float np3_Y = normVec(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y;
float ambfogfade = clamp(exp(np3_Y*1.5 - 1.5),0.0,1.0) ;
float sunCaustics = clamp(pow(waterCaustics(progressW, WsunVec)+1,5) * 2.0, phase*0.8+0.2, 1.0);
// make it such that the volume is brighter farther away from the camera.
float bubbleOfClearness = max(pow(length(d*dVWorld)/16,5)*100.0,0.0) + 1;
float bubbleOfClearness2 = max(pow(length(d*dVWorld)/24,5)*100.0,0.0) + 1;
vec3 Directlight = (lightSource * sunCaustics * phase * (sunMul+0.5)) * sh * pow(abs(WsunVec.y),2) * bubbleOfClearness;
vec3 Indirectlight = max(ambient * ambientMul, vec3(0.6,0.6,1.0) * exp(-waterCoefs) * bubbleOfClearness2) * ambfogfade ;
vec3 light = (Directlight + Indirectlight) * scatterCoef ;
vL += (light - light * exp(-waterCoefs * dd * rayLength)) / waterCoefs * absorbance;
absorbance *= exp(-dd * rayLength * waterCoefs);
inColor += vL;
// void waterVolumetrics(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEyeDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient, vec3 lightSource, float VdotL){
// int spCount = 16;
// vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
// vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
// vec3 dV = (end-start);
// //limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
// //you can't see above this anyway
// float maxZ = min(rayLength,32.0)/(1e-8+rayLength);
// dV *= maxZ;
// vec3 dVWorld = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ;
// rayLength *= maxZ;
// float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
// vec3 progressW = (gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition);
// vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunVec * lightCol.a;
// // float phase = phaseg(VdotL,0.5) * 1.5 + 0.1;
// float phase = (phaseg(VdotL,0.5) + phaseg(VdotL,0.8)) ;
// // lightSource *= clamp(abs(WsunVec.y)*5,0.,1.);
// vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
// vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
// float expFactor = 11.0;
// for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
// float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor); // exponential step position (0-1)
// float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0); //step length (derivative)
// vec3 spPos = + dV*d;
// progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
// // vec3 progressW =;
// //project into biased shadowmap space
// float distortFactor = calcDistort(spPos.xy);
// vec3 pos = vec3(spPos.xy*distortFactor, spPos.z);
// float sh = 1.0;
// if (abs(pos.x) < 1.0-0.5/2048. && abs(pos.y) < 1.0-0.5/2048){
// pos = pos*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0)+0.5;
// sh = shadow2D( shadow, pos).x;
// }
// // #ifdef VL_CLOUDS_SHADOWS
// // sh *= GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(progressW);
// // #endif
// vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd;
// vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
// float ambfogfade = clamp(exp(np3.y*1.5 - 1.5),0.0,1.0) ;
// // vec3 sunMul = exp(-max((estEyeDepth - dY * d) ,0.0)/abs(refractedSunVec.y) * waterCoefs);
// vec3 sunMul = exp(-max(estSunDepth * d,0.0) * waterCoefs) / 5.0;
// vec3 ambientMul = exp(-max(estEyeDepth - dY * d,0.0) * waterCoefs) / 2.0;
// ambientMul = max(ambientMul, ambfogfade * 0.01);
// float sunCaustics = waterCaustics(progressW, WsunVec);
// // sunCaustics = clamp(sunCaustics+1.0,0.0,1.0);
// sunCaustics = max(pow(sunCaustics*3,2),0.5);
// vec3 Directlight = (lightSource * phase * sunMul * sunCaustics) * sh;
// vec3 Indirectlight = ambientMul*ambient;
// vec3 light = ( Indirectlight) * scatterCoef;
// vL += (light - light * exp(-waterCoefs * dd * rayLength)) / waterCoefs *absorbance;
// absorbance *= exp(-dd * rayLength * waterCoefs);
// }
// inColor += vL;
// }
vec4 RainRays(vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 ambient, vec3 lightSource, float VdotL){
int spCount = 8;
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
vec3 dV = (end-start);
//limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
//you can't see above this anyway
float maxZ = min(rayLength,1000)/(1e-8+rayLength);
// min(length(dVWorld),far)/length(dVWorld);
dV *= maxZ;
vec3 dVWorld = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ;
rayLength *= maxZ;
float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
vec3 progressW = (gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition);
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunVec * lightCol.a;
float absorbance = 1.0;
vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
vec3 mC = vec3(fog_coefficientMieR*1e-6, fog_coefficientMieG*1e-6, fog_coefficientMieB*1e-6);
//Mie phase + somewhat simulates multiple scattering (Horizon zero down cloud approx)
float mie = phaseg(VdotL,0.7);
float rayL = phaseRayleigh(VdotL);
float cloudShadow = 1;
float expFactor = 11.0;
for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor); // exponential step position (0-1)
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0); //step length (derivative)
progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
float sh = 1.0;
sh *= GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(progressW,WsunVec);
float density = clamp(CumulusHeight - progressW.y,0,1) ;
vec3 m = density*mC;
vec3 DirectLight = (lightSource*sh) * (m*mie);
vec3 vL0 = DirectLight*25 ;
vL += (vL0 - vL0 * exp(-m*dd*rayLength)) / (m+0.00000001)*absorbance;
absorbance *= dot(clamp(exp(-m*dd*rayLength),0.0,1.0), vec3(0.333333));
return vec4(vL,0);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
float lightleakfix = max(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y,0)/240.;
vec2 tc = floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION*texelSize+0.5*texelSize;
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,tc).x;
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0);
jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter;
jitter.y *= aspectRatio;
jitter.xy *= 0.004 * JITTER_STRENGTH;
vec3 fragpos_DOF = toScreenSpace(vec3((tc + jitter)/RENDER_SCALE,z));
if (isEyeInWater == 0){
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(tc/RENDER_SCALE,z));
#ifdef Cumulus
#ifdef Cloud_Fog
vec4 VL_CLOUDFOG = InsideACloudFog(fragpos, vec2(R2_dither(),blueNoise()), lightCol.rgb/80., moonColor/150., averageSkyCol/30.);
// vec4 rays = vec4(0.0);
// if(rainStrength > 0.0){
// rays = RainRays(vec3(0.0), fragpos, length(fragpos), R2_dither(), (avgAmbient*2.0) * 8./150./3., lightCol.rgb, dot(normalize(fragpos), normalize(sunVec) ));
// VL_CLOUDFOG += rays * rainStrength;
// }
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(VL_CLOUDFOG, 0.0,65000.);
vec4 VL_Fog = getVolumetricRays(fragpos, blueNoise(), averageSkyCol);
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(VL_Fog,0.0,65000.);
vec4 VL_Fog = getVolumetricRays(fragpos, blueNoise(), averageSkyCol);
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(VL_Fog,0.0,65000.);
if (isEyeInWater == 1){
float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount;
vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B);
vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B);
vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon;
vec3 scatterCoef = dirtAmount * vec3(Dirt_Scatter_R, Dirt_Scatter_G, Dirt_Scatter_B);
totEpsilon *= 2.0;
scatterCoef *= 10.0;
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(tc/RENDER_SCALE,z));
float noise = blueNoise();
float estEyeDepth = 1.0-clamp(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.0,0.,1.0);
estEyeDepth = pow(estEyeDepth,3.0) * 32.0;
vec3 lightColVol = lightCol.rgb / 80.;
vec3 lightningColor = (lightningEffect / 3) * (max(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y,0)/240.);
vec3 ambientColVol = (averageSkyCol_Clouds/30.0);
// estEyeDepth = max(Water_Top_Layer - cameraPosition.y,0.0);
vec3 vl = vec3(0.0);
waterVolumetrics(vl, vec3(0.0), fragpos, estEyeDepth, estEyeDepth, length(fragpos), noise, totEpsilon, scatterCoef, ambientColVol, lightColVol*(1.0-pow(1.0-sunElevation*lightCol.a,5.0)) , dot(normalize(fragpos), normalize(sunVec* lightCol.a ) ));
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(vec4(vl,1.0),0.000001,65000.);

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec3 refractedSunVec;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform int frameCounter;
// uniform int worldTime;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
// #include "/lib/biome_specifics.glsl"
// uniform float sandStorm;
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*(0.01+VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION)*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;
vec3 sc = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;
sunColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
moonColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(13,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.;
lightCol.rgb = sc;
// lightCol.rgb = mix(lightCol.rgb, luma(lightCol.rgb) * vec3(1.0, 0.01, 0.1) , sandStorm);
// #ifndef VL_Clouds_Shadows
// lightCol.rgb *= (1.0-rainStrength*0.9);
// #endif
// #endif
TAA_Offset = offsets[frameCounter%8];
#ifndef TAA
TAA_Offset = vec2(0.0);
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
refractedSunVec = refract(WsunVec, -vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), 1.0/1.33333);

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//Horizontal bilateral blur for volumetric fog + Forward rendered objects + Draw volumetric fog
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec3 zMults;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex0;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex2;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform sampler2D colortex9;
uniform sampler2D colortex11;
uniform sampler2D colortex13;
uniform sampler2D colortex15;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
flat varying vec3 noooormal;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float blindness;
uniform float darknessFactor;
uniform float darknessLightFactor;
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
// #include "/lib/biome_specifics.glsl"
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
float ld(float depth) {
return 1.0 / (zMults.y - depth * zMults.z); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
// #include "/lib/specular.glsl"
vec4 BilateralUpscale(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth,vec2 coord,float frDepth, vec2 distort){
coord = coord;
vec4 vl = vec4(0.0);
float sum = 0.0;
mat3x3 weights;
const ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION);
ivec2 posD = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION + distort)*scaling;
ivec2 posVl = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION + distort);
float dz = zMults.x;
ivec2 pos = (ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy+frameCounter) % 2 )*2;
ivec2 tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
float dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
float w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,0) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2,0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0) + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0,-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
return vl/sum;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0;
n.xy = abs(encn);
n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y;
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn;
return clamp(normalize(,-1.0,1.0);
vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.);
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){
return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0);
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
/// thanks stackoverflow
void applyContrast(inout vec3 color, float contrast){
color = ((color - 0.5) * max(contrast, 0.0)) + 0.5;
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize;
vec4 trpData = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord);
bool iswater = trpData.a > 0.99;
float translucentAlpha = trpData.a;
// vec4 speculartex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord); // translucents
// float sunlight = speculartex.b;
//3x3 bilateral upscale from half resolution
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,texcoord).x;
float z2 = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x;
float frDepth = ld(z2);
// vec4 vl = texture2D(colortex0,texcoord * 0.5);
////// --------------- UNPACK OPAQUE GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec4 data_opaque = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord);
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data_opaque.z),decodeVec2(data_opaque.w)); // normals, lightmaps
// vec4 dataUnpacked2 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;
////// --------------- UNPACK TRANSLUCENT GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec3 data = texture2D(colortex11,texcoord).rgb;
vec4 unpack0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.r),decodeVec2(data.g)) ;
vec4 unpack1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.b),0,0) ;
vec4 albedo = vec4(,unpack1.rg);
vec2 tangentNormals = unpack0.xy*2.0-1.0;
if(albedo.a <= 0.0) tangentNormals = vec2(0.0);
vec4 TranslucentShader = texture2D(colortex2,texcoord);
float lightleakfix = clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.,2) ,0.0,1.0);
vec2 tempOffset = TAA_Offset;
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
vec3 fragpos2 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z2));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
vec2 refractedCoord = texcoord;
/// --- REFRACTION --- ///
#ifdef Refraction
refractedCoord += (tangentNormals * clamp((ld(z2) - ld(z)) * 0.5,0.0,0.15)) * RENDER_SCALE;
// refractedCoord += tangentNormals * 0.1 * RENDER_SCALE;
float refractedalpha = decodeVec2(texture2D(colortex11,refractedCoord).b).g;
float refractedalpha2 = texture2D(colortex7,refractedCoord).a;
if( refractedalpha <= 0.001 ||z < 0.56) refractedCoord = texcoord; // remove refracted coords on solids
/// --- MAIN COLOR BUFFER --- ///
// it is sampled with distorted texcoords
vec3 color = texture2D(colortex3,refractedCoord).rgb;
#ifdef BorderFog
vec3 sky = skyFromTex(np3,colortex4) / 150. * 5.0;
float fog = 1.0 - clamp(exp(-pow(length(fragpos / far),10.)*4.0) ,0.0,1.0);
float heightFalloff = clamp( pow(abs(np3.y-1.01),5) ,0,1) ;
if(z < 1.0 && isEyeInWater == 0) color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, sky, fog * heightFalloff* lightleakfix);
vec4 vl = BilateralUpscale(colortex0, depthtex1, gl_FragCoord.xy, frDepth, vec2(0.0));
float bloomyFogMult = 1.0;
if (TranslucentShader.a > 0.0){
#ifdef Glass_Tint
if(albedo.a > 0.2) color = color*albedo.rgb + color * clamp(pow(1.0-luma(albedo.rgb),20.),0.0,1.0);
color = color*(1.0-TranslucentShader.a) + TranslucentShader.rgb;
#ifdef BorderFog
if(z < 1.0 && isEyeInWater == 0) color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, sky, fog * heightFalloff * lightleakfix);
//cave fog
#ifdef Cave_fog
if (isEyeInWater == 0){
// float fogdistfade = clamp( pow(length(fragpos) / far, CaveFogFallOff) ,0.0,1.0);
// float fogfade = clamp( exp(clamp(np3.y * 0.5 + 0.5,0,1) * -3.0) ,0.0,1.0);
float fogdistfade = clamp( pow(length(fragpos) / far, CaveFogFallOff) ,0.0,1.0);
fogdistfade = fogdistfade*0.95 + clamp( pow(1.0 - exp((length(fragpos) / far) * -5), 2.0) ,0.0,1.0)*0.05;
float fogfade = clamp( exp(clamp(np3.y * 0.5 + 0.5,0,1) * -3.0) ,0.0,1.0);
// vl.a *= 1-fogdistfade ;
// float fogdistfade = clamp( pow(1.0 - exp((length(fragpos) / far) * -5), 2.0) ,0.0,1.0);
// // float fogfade = clamp( exp(clamp(np3.y * 0.35 + 0.35,0,1) * -5.0) ,0.0,1.0) * 0.1;
vec3 cavefogCol = vec3(CaveFogColor_R,CaveFogColor_G,CaveFogColor_B);
#ifdef Biome_specific_environment
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, cavefogCol*fogfade, fogdistfade * (1.0-lightleakfix) * (1.0-darknessFactor) * clamp( 1.5 - np3.y,0.,1)) ;
// color.rgb = vec3(CaveFogColor_R,CaveFogColor_G,CaveFogColor_B)*fogfade ;
// underwater fog
if (isEyeInWater == 1){
float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount;
vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B);
vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B);
vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon;
// float fogfade = clamp( exp(length(fragpos) / -20) ,0.0,1.0);
// vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (length(fragpos) / -4) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (length(fragpos) / -4) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
fogfade *= 1.0 - clamp( length(fragpos) / far,0.0,1.0);
color.rgb *= fogfade ;
bloomyFogMult *= 0.4;
// apply VL fog to the scene
color *= vl.a;
color += vl.rgb;
// bloomy rain effect
float rainDrops = clamp(texture2D(colortex9,texcoord).a, 0.0,1.0);
if(rainDrops > 0.0) bloomyFogMult *= clamp(1.0 - pow(rainDrops*5.0,2),0.0,1.0);
/// lava.
if (isEyeInWater == 2){
color.rgb = vec3(4.0,0.5,0.1);
/// powdered snow
if (isEyeInWater == 3){
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb,vec3(10,15,20),clamp(length(fragpos)*0.5,0.,1.));
bloomyFogMult = 0.0;
// blidnesss
color.rgb *= mix(1.0,clamp( exp(pow(length(fragpos)*(blindness*0.2),2) * -5),0.,1.) , blindness);
// darkness effect
color.rgb *= mix(1.0, (1.0-darknessLightFactor*2.0) * clamp(1.0-pow(length(fragpos2)*(darknessFactor*0.07),2.0),0.0,1.0), darknessFactor);
#ifdef display_LUT
vec2 movedTC = texcoord;
vec3 thingy = texture2D(colortex4,movedTC).rgb / 150. * 5.0;
if(luma(thingy) > 0.0 ) color.rgb = thingy;
gl_FragData[0].r = vl.a * bloomyFogMult; // pass fog alpha so bloom can do bloomy fog
gl_FragData[1].rgb = clamp(color.rgb,0.0,68000.0);

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
flat varying vec3 noooormal;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
zMults = vec3(1.0/(far * near),far+near,far-near);
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;
TAA_Offset = offsets[frameCounter%8];
#ifndef TAA
TAA_Offset = vec2(0.0);
vec3 sc = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.;
lightCol.rgb = sc;
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
vec3 noooormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// Compute 3x3 min max for TAA
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
ivec2 center = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec3 current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center, 0).rgb;
vec3 cMin = current;
vec3 cMax = current;
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, 0), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(0, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(0, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, 0), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = cMax;
gl_FragData[1].rgb = cMin;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//Temporal Anti-Aliasing + Dynamic exposure calculations (vertex shader)
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
const int noiseTextureResolution = 32;
const int colortex0Format = RGBA16F; // low res clouds (deferred->composite2) + low res VL (composite5->composite15)
const int colortex1Format = RGBA16; //terrain gbuffer (gbuffer->composite2)
const int colortex2Format = RGBA16F; //forward + transparencies (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex3Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //frame buffer + bloom (deferred6->final)
const int colortex4Format = RGBA16F; //light values and skyboxes (everything)
const int colortex6Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //additionnal buffer for bloom (composite3->final)
const int colortex7Format = RGBA8; //Final output, transparencies id (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex8Format = RGBA16F; //Final output, transparencies id (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex9Format = RGBA8; //Final output, transparencies id (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex10Format = RGBA16F; //FREE BUFFER
const int colortex11Format = RGBA16;
const int colortex13Format = RGBA8;
const int colortex14Format = RGBA8;
const int colortex15Format = RGBA8; // flat normals and vanilla AO
//no need to clear the buffers, saves a few fps
const bool colortex0Clear = false;
const bool colortex1Clear = false;
const bool colortex2Clear = true;
const bool colortex3Clear = false;
const bool colortex4Clear = false;
const bool colortex5Clear = false;
const bool colortex6Clear = false;
const bool colortex7Clear = false;
const int colortex5Format = RGBA32F; //TAA buffer (everything)
const int colortex5Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //TAA buffer (everything)
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float exposureA;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex0;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
// uniform sampler2D colortex10;
uniform sampler2D colortex13;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int framemod8;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform int hideGUI;
#define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.)
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+tempOffsets);
float triangularize(float dither)
float center = dither*2.0-1.0;
dither = center*inversesqrt(abs(center));
return clamp(dither-fsign(center),0.0,1.0);
vec3 fp10Dither(vec3 color,float dither){
const vec3 mantissaBits = vec3(6.,6.,5.);
vec3 exponent = floor(log2(color));
return color + dither*exp2(-mantissaBits)*exp2(exponent);
//returns the projected coordinates of the closest point to the camera in the 3x3 neighborhood
vec3 closestToCamera5taps(vec2 texcoord, sampler2D depth)
vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x*2., 0.0);
vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y*2.);
vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv - du).x);
vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv + du).x);
vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depth, texcoord).x);
vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv - du).x);
vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv + du).x);
vec3 dmin = dmc;
dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z? dtr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z? dtl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z? dbl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z? dbr : dmin;
dmin.xy = dmin.xy/RENDER_SCALE;
return dmin;
//Modified texture interpolation from inigo quilez
vec4 smoothfilter(in sampler2D tex, in vec2 uv)
vec2 textureResolution = vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight);
uv = uv*textureResolution + 0.5;
vec2 iuv = floor( uv );
vec2 fuv = fract( uv );
uv = iuv + fuv*fuv*fuv*(fuv*(fuv*6.0-15.0)+10.0);
uv = (uv - 0.5)/textureResolution;
return texture2D( tex, uv);
//Due to low sample count we "tonemap" the inputs to preserve colors and smoother edges
vec3 weightedSample(sampler2D colorTex, vec2 texcoord){
vec3 wsample = texture2D(colorTex,texcoord).rgb*exposureA;
return wsample/(1.0+luma(wsample));
//from :
vec4 SampleTextureCatmullRom(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 texSize )
// We're going to sample a a 4x4 grid of texels surrounding the target UV coordinate. We'll do this by rounding
// down the sample location to get the exact center of our "starting" texel. The starting texel will be at
// location [1, 1] in the grid, where [0, 0] is the top left corner.
vec2 samplePos = uv * texSize;
vec2 texPos1 = floor(samplePos - 0.5) + 0.5;
// Compute the fractional offset from our starting texel to our original sample location, which we'll
// feed into the Catmull-Rom spline function to get our filter weights.
vec2 f = samplePos - texPos1;
// Compute the Catmull-Rom weights using the fractional offset that we calculated earlier.
// These equations are pre-expanded based on our knowledge of where the texels will be located,
// which lets us avoid having to evaluate a piece-wise function.
vec2 w0 = f * ( -0.5 + f * (1.0 - 0.5*f));
vec2 w1 = 1.0 + f * f * (-2.5 + 1.5*f);
vec2 w2 = f * ( 0.5 + f * (2.0 - 1.5*f) );
vec2 w3 = f * f * (-0.5 + 0.5 * f);
// Work out weighting factors and sampling offsets that will let us use bilinear filtering to
// simultaneously evaluate the middle 2 samples from the 4x4 grid.
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 offset12 = w2 / (w1 + w2);
// Compute the final UV coordinates we'll use for sampling the texture
vec2 texPos0 = texPos1 - vec2(1.0);
vec2 texPos3 = texPos1 + vec2(2.0);
vec2 texPos12 = texPos1 + offset12;
texPos0 *= texelSize;
texPos3 *= texelSize;
texPos12 *= texelSize;
vec4 result = vec4(0.0);
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos0.y)) * w0.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos0.y)) * w12.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos0.y)) * w3.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos12.y)) * w0.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos12.y)) * w12.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos12.y)) * w3.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos3.y)) * w0.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos3.y)) * w12.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos3.y)) * w3.x * w3.y;
return result;
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
//approximation from SMAA presentation from siggraph 2016
vec3 FastCatmulRom(sampler2D colorTex, vec2 texcoord, vec4 rtMetrics, float sharpenAmount)
vec2 position = * texcoord;
vec2 centerPosition = floor(position - 0.5) + 0.5;
vec2 f = position - centerPosition;
vec2 f2 = f * f;
vec2 f3 = f * f2;
float c = sharpenAmount;
vec2 w0 = -c * f3 + 2.0 * c * f2 - c * f;
vec2 w1 = (2.0 - c) * f3 - (3.0 - c) * f2 + 1.0;
vec2 w2 = -(2.0 - c) * f3 + (3.0 - 2.0 * c) * f2 + c * f;
vec2 w3 = c * f3 - c * f2;
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 tc12 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + w2 / w12);
vec3 centerColor = texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc12.y)).rgb;
vec2 tc0 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition - 1.0);
vec2 tc3 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + 2.0);
vec4 color = vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc0.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w0.y ) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc0.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w0.x * w12.y) +
vec4(centerColor, 1.0) * (w12.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc3.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w3.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc3.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w3.y );
return color.rgb/color.a;
vec3 clip_aabb(vec3 q,vec3 aabb_min, vec3 aabb_max)
vec3 p_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max + aabb_min);
vec3 e_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max - aabb_min) + 0.00000001;
vec3 v_clip = q - vec3(p_clip);
vec3 v_unit = / e_clip;
vec3 a_unit = abs(v_unit);
float ma_unit = max(a_unit.x, max(a_unit.y, a_unit.z));
if (ma_unit > 1.0)
return vec3(p_clip) + v_clip / ma_unit;
return q;
vec3 toClipSpace3Prev(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3 tonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1+luma(col));
vec3 invTonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1-luma(col));
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
// float maxOf(vec2 v) { return max(v.x, v.y); }
// float maxOf(vec3 v) { return max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z)); }
// float maxOf(vec4 v) { return max(v.x, max(v.y, max(v.z, v.w))); }
// const float eps = 1e-6;
// vec3 reproject(vec3 screenPos, sampler2D velocitySampler) {
// vec3 velocity = texelFetch(velocitySampler, ivec2(screenPos.xy), 0).xyz;
// if (maxOf(abs(velocity)) < r) {
// return reproject(screenPos);
// } else {
// vec3 pos = screenToViewSpace(screenPos, false);
// pos = pos - velocity;
// pos = toScreenSpace(pos, false);
// return pos;
// }
// }
vec3 worldToView(vec3 p3) {
vec4 pos = vec4(p3, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
vec3 projectAndDivide(mat4 projectionMatrix, vec3 position){
vec4 homogeneousPos = projectionMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
return / homogeneousPos.w;
vec3 TAA_hq(bool hand, bool istranslucent, vec3 EntityVelocity, inout vec3 DEBUG){
vec2 adjTC = clamp(texcoord*RENDER_SCALE, vec2(0.0),RENDER_SCALE-texelSize*2.);
vec2 adjTC = texcoord;
//use velocity from the nearest texel from camera in a 3x3 box in order to improve edge quality in motion
vec3 closestToCamera = closestToCamera5taps(adjTC, depthtex0);
// if( EntityVelocity > vec3(0.0) ) closestToCamera = closestToCamera - EntityVelocity;
vec3 closestToCamera = vec3(texcoord,texture2D(depthtex1,adjTC).x);
//reproject previous frame
vec3 fragposition = toScreenSpace(closestToCamera);
fragposition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragposition + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + (cameraPosition - previousCameraPosition);
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * fragposition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition = toClipSpace3Prev(previousPosition) ;
vec2 velocity = previousPosition.xy - closestToCamera.xy;
previousPosition.xy = texcoord + velocity ;
// previousPosition -= abs(EntityVelocity);
DEBUG = previousPosition;
//reject history if off-screen and early exit
if (previousPosition.x < 0.0 || previousPosition.y < 0.0 || previousPosition.x > 1.0 || previousPosition.y > 1.0)
return smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).xyz;
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).xyz;
// Interpolating neighboorhood clampling boundaries between pixels
vec3 cMax = texture2D(colortex0, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 cMin = texture2D(colortex6, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent1 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent2 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent3 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent4 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent5 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent6 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent7 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent8 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
//Assuming the history color is a blend of the 3x3 neighborhood, we clamp the history to the min and max of each channel in the 3x3 neighborhood
vec3 cMax = max(max(max(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),max(albedoCurrent3,max(albedoCurrent4,max(albedoCurrent5,max(albedoCurrent6,max(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
vec3 cMin = min(min(min(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),min(albedoCurrent3,min(albedoCurrent4,min(albedoCurrent5,min(albedoCurrent6,min(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).rgb;
#ifndef NO_CLIP
vec3 albedoPrev = max(FastCatmulRom(colortex5, previousPosition.xy,vec4(texelSize, 1.0/texelSize), 0.75).xyz, 0.0);
vec3 finalcAcc = clamp(albedoPrev,cMin,cMax);
//Increases blending factor when far from AABB and in motion, reduces ghosting
float isclamped = distance(albedoPrev,finalcAcc)/luma(albedoPrev) * 0.5;
float movementRejection = (0.12+isclamped)*clamp(length(velocity/texelSize),0.0,1.0);
float test = 0.05;
if(hand) movementRejection *= 5;
if(istranslucent) test = 0.1;
//Blend current pixel with clamped history, apply fast tonemap beforehand to reduce flickering
// vec3 supersampled = invTonemap(mix(tonemap(finalcAcc),tonemap(albedoCurrent0),clamp(BLEND_FACTOR + movementRejection, min(luma(motionVector) *255,1.0),1.)));
vec3 supersampled = invTonemap(mix(tonemap(finalcAcc),tonemap(albedoCurrent0),clamp(BLEND_FACTOR + movementRejection, test,1.)));
#ifdef NO_CLIP
vec3 albedoPrev = texture2D(colortex5, previousPosition.xy).xyz;
vec3 supersampled = mix(albedoPrev,albedoCurrent0,clamp(0.05,0.,1.));
return supersampled;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0;
n.xy = abs(encn);
n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y;
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn;
return clamp(normalize(,-1.0,1.0);
vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.);
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
vec2 R2_samples(int n){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha * n)*2.-1.0;
vec4 TAA_hq_render(){
vec2 adjTC = clamp(texcoord*RENDER_SCALE, vec2(0.0),RENDER_SCALE-texelSize*2.);
vec2 adjTC = texcoord;
//use velocity from the nearest texel from camera in a 3x3 box in order to improve edge quality in motion
vec3 closestToCamera = closestToCamera5taps(adjTC,depthtex0);
vec3 closestToCamera = vec3(texcoord,texture2D(depthtex0,adjTC).x);
//reproject previous frame
vec3 fragposition = toScreenSpace(closestToCamera);
fragposition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragposition + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + (cameraPosition - previousCameraPosition);
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * fragposition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition = toClipSpace3Prev(previousPosition);
vec2 velocity = previousPosition.xy - closestToCamera.xy;
previousPosition.xy = texcoord + velocity;
// //reject history if off-screen and early exit
if (previousPosition.x < 0.0 || previousPosition.y < 0.0 || previousPosition.x > 1.0 || previousPosition.y > 1.0)
return vec4(smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + R2_samples(frameCounter)*texelSize*0.5).xyz, 1.0);
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + R2_samples(frameCounter)*texelSize*0.5).xyz;
float rej = 0.0;
vec4 albedoPrev = texture2D(colortex5, previousPosition.xy);
vec3 supersampled = albedoPrev.rgb * albedoPrev.a + albedoCurrent0;
if (length(velocity) > 1e-6) return vec4(albedoCurrent0,1.0);
return vec4(supersampled/(albedoPrev.a+1.0), albedoPrev.a+1.0);
void main() {
gl_FragData[0].a = 1.0;
if(hideGUI > 0) {
vec4 color = TAA_hq_render();
gl_FragData[0] = color;
} else {
vec3 color = clamp(fp10Dither(texture2D(colortex3,texcoord).rgb,triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())),0.,65000.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = color;
#ifdef TAA
vec4 data = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord* RENDER_SCALE); // terraom
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
bool translucentCol = texture2D(colortex13,texcoord * RENDER_SCALE).a > 0.0; // translucents
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 DEBUG = vec3(0.0);
color += TAA_hq(hand, translucentCol, vec3(0.0), DEBUG);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(fp10Dither(color ,triangularize(R2_dither())),6.11*1e-5,65000.0);
vec3 color = clamp(fp10Dither(texture2D(colortex3,texcoord).rgb,triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())),0.,65000.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = color;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float exposureA;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform int frameCounter;
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
void main() {
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
exposureA = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(10,37),0).r;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//downsample 1st pass (half res) for bloom
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
// uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
void main() {
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize*2.*resScale/BLOOM_QUALITY;
// float emissives1 = texture2D(colortex8,quarterResTC).a;
// float emissives2 = emissives1 < 1.0 ? emissives1 : 0.0;
// 0.5
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);
if (quarterResTC.x > 1.0 - 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y > 1.0 -3.5*texelSize.y || quarterResTC.x < 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y < 3.5*texelSize.y) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51*BLOOM_QUALITY/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//downsample 1st pass (half res) for bloom
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize*2.;
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//6 Horizontal gaussian blurs and horizontal downsampling
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))*BLOOM_QUALITY;
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.x;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp2(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
//here we take advantage of bilinear filtering for 2x less sample, as a side effect the gaussian won't be totally centered for small blurs
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.x > minTC && spCoord.x < maxTC);
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(1.0,0.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.)/2.;
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc2/2,gaussDir,0.16,0);
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*2.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc4/2,gaussDir,0.16,3);
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc8/2,gaussDir,0.035,6);
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc16/2,gaussDir,0.0085,12);
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc32/2,gaussDir,0.002,28);
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc64/2,gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0))/BLOOM_QUALITY;
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//6 Vertical gaussian blurs and vertical downsampling
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))*BLOOM_QUALITY;
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.y;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp2(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.y > minTC && spCoord.y < maxTC);
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(0.0,1.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.);
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,4.0),gaussDir,0.16,0);
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,2.)-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.16,3);
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,4.)-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,2.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.035,6);
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,8.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,4.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0085,12);
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,16.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,8.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.002,30);
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(64.0,32.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*64.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,16.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0))/BLOOM_QUALITY;
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);

View File

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//Prepares sky textures (2 * 256 * 256), computes light values and custom lightmaps
#define ReflectedFog
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec3 lightSourceColor;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec3 zenithColor;
flat varying float avgL2;
flat varying vec2 tempOffsets;
flat varying float exposure;
flat varying float rodExposure;
flat varying float avgBrightness;
flat varying float centerDepth;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float eyeAltitude;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float far;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float lightningFlash;
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/ROBOBO_sky.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
// uniform int worldTime;
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
// #include "/lib/biome_specifics.glsl"
vec3 toShadowSpaceProjected(vec3 p3){
p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * p3 + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
p3 = mat3(shadowModelView) * p3 + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
p3 = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * p3 + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
return p3;
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter));
return noise;
vec4 lightCol = vec4(lightSourceColor, float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.);
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
#include "/lib/volumetricFog.glsl"
const float[17] Slightmap = float[17](14.0,17.,19.0,22.0,24.0,28.0,31.0,40.0,60.0,79.0,93.0,110.0,132.0,160.0,197.0,249.0,249.0);
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;//depth
// #define ffstep(x,y) clamp((y - x) * 1e35,0.0,1.0)
// #define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
// #define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
void main() {
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.0);
//Save light values
if (gl_FragCoord.x < 1. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(averageSkyCol_Clouds,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 2. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(averageSkyCol,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 6. && gl_FragCoord.x < 7. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(lightSourceColor,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 8. && gl_FragCoord.x < 9. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sunColor,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 13. && gl_FragCoord.x < 14. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(moonColor,1.0);
const float pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169;
//Sky gradient (no clouds)
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257){
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-vec2(18.,1.))/256.+tempOffsets/256.,0.0,1.0);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
vec2 planetSphere = vec2(0.0);
vec3 sky = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec;
sky = calculateAtmosphere(averageSkyCol*4000./2.0, viewVector, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), WsunVec, -WsunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 10, blueNoise());
sky *= vec3(0.0, 0.18, 0.35);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sky/4000.*Sky_Brightness,1.0);
//Sky gradient with clouds
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18.+257. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257+257.){
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-vec2(18.+257,1.))/256.+tempOffsets/256.,0.0,1.0);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec;
vec3 sky = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)-ivec2(257,0),0).rgb/150. ;
if(viewVector.y < -0.025) sky = sky * clamp( exp(viewVector.y) - 1.0,0.25,1.0) ;
vec4 clouds = renderClouds(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024.,vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), sunColor, moonColor, averageSkyCol*5.0);
sky = sky*clouds.a + clouds.rgb/5.0;
vec4 VL_Fog = getVolumetricRays(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887), averageSkyCol);
if(viewVector.y < -0.025) VL_Fog.rgb *= clamp( exp(viewVector.y) - 1.0,0.25,1.0) ;
sky = sky*VL_Fog.a + VL_Fog.rgb*20;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sky,1.0);
//Temporally accumulate sky and light values
vec3 temp = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy),0).rgb;
vec3 curr = gl_FragData[0].rgb*150.;
float flashtiming = pow(clamp((0.01-lightningFlash)*100,0,1),25);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(mix(temp,curr, 0.07 * flashtiming),0.0,65000.);
//Exposure values
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 10. && gl_FragCoord.x < 11. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(exposure,avgBrightness,avgL2,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 14. && gl_FragCoord.x < 15. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(rodExposure,centerDepth,0.0, 1.0);

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec3 lightSourceColor;
flat varying vec3 zenithColor;
flat varying vec2 tempOffsets;
flat varying float exposure;
flat varying float avgBrightness;
flat varying float rodExposure;
flat varying float avgL2;
flat varying float centerDepth;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform float eyeAltitude;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
uniform float frameTime;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
// uniform int worldTime;
vec3 sunVec = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/ROBOBO_sky.glsl"
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
//Low discrepancy 2D sequence, integration error is as low as sobol but easier to compute :
vec2 R2_samples(int n){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha * n);
float tanh(float x){
return (exp(x) - exp(-x))/(exp(x) + exp(-x));
float ld(float depth) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near)); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
uniform float nightVision;
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform()*0.5+0.5;
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy*vec2(18.+258*2,258.)*texelSize;
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy*2.-1.0;
/// --- AMBIENT LIGHT STUFF --- ///
averageSkyCol_Clouds = vec3(0.0);
averageSkyCol = vec3(0.0);
vec2 sample3x3[9] = vec2[](
vec2(-1.0, -0.3),
vec2( 0.0, 0.0),
vec2( 1.0, -0.3),
vec2(-1.0, -0.5),
vec2( 0.0, -0.5),
vec2( 1.0, -0.5),
vec2(-1.0, -1.0),
vec2( 0.0, -1.0),
vec2( 1.0, -1.0)
// sample in a 3x3 pattern to get a good area for average color
vec3 pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
int maxIT = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIT; i++) {
pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
pos.xy += normalize(sample3x3[i]) * vec2(0.3183,0.90);
averageSkyCol_Clouds += 2.0*skyCloudsFromTex(pos,colortex4).rgb/maxIT/150.;
// pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
// pos.xy += normalize(sample3x3[i]) * vec2(0.3183,0.90);
averageSkyCol += 1.5*skyFromTex(pos,colortex4).rgb/maxIT/150.; // please dont do an infinite feedback loop....
// // only need to sample one spot for this
// averageSkyCol += 2.0*skyFromTex(normalize(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0)),colortex4).rgb/150.;
vec3 minimimlight = vec3(0.2,0.4,1.0) * (MIN_LIGHT_AMOUNT*0.0005 + nightVision);
averageSkyCol_Clouds = max(averageSkyCol_Clouds, minimimlight);
averageSkyCol = max(averageSkyCol, minimimlight);
vec2 planetSphere = vec2(0.0);
vec3 sky = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
float sunVis = clamp(sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05*clamp(sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05;
float moonVis = clamp(-sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05*clamp(-sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05;
zenithColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,tempOffsets.x);
skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
vec3 absorb = vec3(0.0);
sunColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), sunVec, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,0.0);
sunColor = sunColorBase/4000. * skyAbsorb;
skyAbsorb = vec3(1.0);
moonColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), -sunVec, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,0.5);
moonColor = moonColorBase/4000.0;
lightSourceColor = sunVis >= 1e-5 ? sunColor * sunVis : moonColor * moonVis;
float lightDir = float( sunVis >= 1e-5)*2.0-1.0;
/// --- EXPOSURE STUFF --- ///
float avgLuma = 0.0;
float m2 = 0.0;
int n=100;
vec2 clampedRes = max(1.0/texelSize,vec2(1920.0,1080.));
float avgExp = 0.0;
float avgB = 0.0;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/clampedRes*BLOOM_QUALITY;
const int maxITexp = 50;
float w = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxITexp; i++){
vec2 ij = R2_samples((frameCounter%2000)*maxITexp+i);
vec2 tc = 0.5 + (ij-0.5) * 0.7;
vec3 sp = texture2D(colortex6,tc/16. * resScale+vec2(0.375*resScale.x+4.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb;
avgExp += log(luma(sp));
avgB += log(min(dot(sp,vec3(0.07,0.22,0.71)),8e-2));
avgExp = exp(avgExp/maxITexp);
avgB = exp(avgB/maxITexp);
avgBrightness = clamp(mix(avgExp,texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(10,37),0).g,0.95),0.00003051757,65000.0);
float L = max(avgBrightness,1e-8);
float keyVal = 1.03-2.0/(log(L*4000/150.*8./3.0+1.0)/log(10.0)+2.0);
float expFunc = 0.5+0.5*tanh(log(L));
float targetExposure = 0.18/log2(L*2.5+1.045)*0.62;
avgL2 = clamp(mix(avgB,texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(10,37),0).b,0.985),0.00003051757,65000.0);
float targetrodExposure = max(0.012/log2(avgL2+1.002)-0.1,0.0)*1.2;
exposure=max(targetExposure*EXPOSURE_MULTIPLIER, 0);
float currCenterDepth = ld(texture2D(depthtex0, vec2(0.5)*RENDER_SCALE).r);
centerDepth = mix(sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(14,37),0).g/65000.0), currCenterDepth, clamp(DoF_Adaptation_Speed*exp(-0.016/frameTime+1.0)/(6.0+currCenterDepth*far),0.0,1.0));
centerDepth = centerDepth * centerDepth * 65000.0;
rodExposure = targetrodExposure;
exposure = Manual_exposure_value;
rodExposure = clamp(log(Manual_exposure_value*2.0+1.0)-0.1,0.0,2.0);

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
float linZ(float depth) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near));
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec3 oldTex = texelFetch2D(colortex4, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0).xyz;
float newTex = texelFetch2D(depthtex1, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy*4), 0).x;
if (newTex < 1.0)
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(oldTex, linZ(newTex)*linZ(newTex)*65000.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(oldTex, 2.0);

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform vec2 texelSize;
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
vec2 scaleRatio = max(vec2(0.25), vec2(18.+258*2,258.)*texelSize);
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*clamp(scaleRatio+0.01,0.0,1.0)*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
// #version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
@ -23,7 +34,15 @@ uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float rainStrength;
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform float nightVision;
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
@ -51,8 +70,10 @@ const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
//Mie phase function
float phaseg(float x, float g){
float gg = g * g;
return (gg * -0.25 + 0.25) * pow(-2.0 * (g * x) + (gg + 1.0), -1.5) / 3.14;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -60,26 +81,83 @@ vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy)*color;
vec3 Albedo = toLinear(gl_FragData[0].rgb);
vec2 tempOffset = offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos;
vec3 feetPlayerPos_normalized = normalize(feetPlayerPos);
vec3 Indirect_lighting = vec3(1.0);
float lightmap = lmtexcoord.z;
vec3 nothing = vec3(0.0);
vec4 TEXTURE = texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy)*color;
vec3 Albedo = toLinear(TEXTURE.rgb);
vec2 lightmap =;
lightmap.y = 1.0;
#ifdef WEATHER
// lightmap.x = clamp(max(lightmap.x - 0.5, 0.0) * 2.5, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[1].a = TEXTURE.a; // for bloomy rain and stuff
#ifndef WEATHER
#ifndef LINES
gl_FragData[0].a = TEXTURE.a;
gl_FragData[0].a = 1.0;
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0; // for bloomy rain and stuff
vec3 Direct_lighting = vec3(0.0);
vec3 Indirect_lighting = vec3(0.0);
vec3 Torch_Color = vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B);
#ifdef LIT
float Shadows = 1.0;
vec3 feetPlayerPos_shadow = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * feetPlayerPos_shadow + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
//do shadows only if on shadow map
if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution){
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5);
Shadows = shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition).x;
float cloudShadow = GetCloudShadow(feetPlayerPos);
Direct_lighting = (lightCol.rgb/80.0) * Shadows * cloudShadow;
#ifndef LINES
Direct_lighting *= phaseg(clamp(dot(feetPlayerPos_normalized, WsunVec),0.0,1.0), 0.65)*2 + 0.5;
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting(averageSkyCol_Clouds, Torch_Color, clamp(lightmap.xy,0,1), 3.0);
float TorchLM = 10.0 - ( 1.0 / (pow(exp(-0.5*inversesqrt(lightmap)),5.0)+0.1));
TorchLM = pow(TorchLM/4,10) + pow(lightmap,1.5)*0.5;
vec3 TorchLight = (vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B) * TorchLM * 0.75) * TORCH_AMOUNT;
float TorchLM = 10.0 - ( 1.0 / (pow(exp(-0.5*inversesqrt(lightmap.x)),5.0)+0.1));
TorchLM = pow(TorchLM/4,10) + pow(lightmap.x,1.5)*0.5;
vec3 TorchLight = (Torch_Color * TorchLM * 0.75) * TORCH_AMOUNT;
Indirect_lighting = max(vec3(0.5,0.75,1.0) * 0.1, (MIN_LIGHT_AMOUNT*0.01 + nightVision*0.5) ) + TorchLight;
@ -87,8 +165,17 @@ void main() {
vec3 AmbientLightColor = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(vec3( 0, 1, 0), colortex4, 6).rgb / 10;
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_Nether(AmbientLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap, nothing, nothing, nothing);
vec3 nothing = vec3(0.0);
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_Nether(AmbientLightColor, Torch_Color, lightmap.x, nothing, nothing, nothing);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = Indirect_lighting * Albedo;
#ifndef LINES
gl_FragData[0].rgb = (Indirect_lighting + Direct_lighting) * Albedo;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = (Indirect_lighting + Direct_lighting) * toLinear(color.rgb);
// distance fade targeting the world border...
if(TEXTURE.a < 0.7 && TEXTURE.a > 0.2) gl_FragData[0] *= clamp(1.0 - length(feetPlayerPos) / 100.0 ,0.0,1.0);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
// #version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
@ -12,9 +10,21 @@ Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below pleas
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
@ -34,11 +44,24 @@ void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy/255.;
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy / 255.0; // is this even correct? lol' = lmcoord;
color = gl_Color;
#ifdef LINES
color.a = 1.0;
lightCol.rgb = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2.0 - 1.0;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = lightCol.a * normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
//#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : disable
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying int NameTags;
#ifdef HAND
#undef POM
#undef POM
@ -38,23 +41,28 @@ vec2 dcdy = dFdy(*vtexcoordam.pq)*exp2(Texture_MipMap_Bias);
// #endif
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec4 NoSeasonCol;
varying vec4 seasonColor;
uniform float far;
uniform float wetness;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec4 tangent;
uniform sampler2D normals;
varying vec4 tangent;
varying vec3 FlatNormals;
uniform sampler2D specular;
flat varying int lightningBolt;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;//albedo(rgb),material(alpha) RGBA16
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
@ -67,21 +75,46 @@ uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;//depth
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform vec4 entityColor;
// in vec3 velocity;
flat varying int PHYSICSMOD_SNOW;
flat varying float blockID;
flat varying float SSSAMOUNT;
flat varying float EMISSIVE;
flat varying int LIGHTNING;
flat varying int PORTAL;
flat varying int SIGN;
flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
uniform float noPuddleAreas;
// float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
// return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+frameTimeCounter*51.9521);
// }
float interleaved_gradientNoise_temp(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
vec2 coord = vec2(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x,alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
mat3 inverse(mat3 m) {
float a00 = m[0][0], a01 = m[0][1], a02 = m[0][2];
@ -99,15 +132,6 @@ mat3 inverse(mat3 m) {
b21, (-a21 * a00 + a01 * a20), (a11 * a00 - a01 * a10)) / det;
vec3 applyBump(mat3 tbnMatrix, vec3 bump, float puddle_values){
float bumpmult = clamp(puddle_values,0.0,1.0);
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
return normalize(bump*tbnMatrix);
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
@ -115,13 +139,11 @@ vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){
n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0));
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy;
@ -140,6 +162,15 @@ float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y));
vec3 applyBump(mat3 tbnMatrix, vec3 bump, float puddle_values){
float bumpmult = clamp(puddle_values,0.0,1.0);
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
return normalize(bump*tbnMatrix);
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
@ -164,10 +195,17 @@ vec3 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
@ -176,11 +214,75 @@ const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
vec3 srgbToLinear2(vec3 srgb){
return mix(
srgb / 12.92,
pow(.947867 * srgb + .0521327, vec3(2.4) ),
step( .04045, srgb )
vec3 blackbody2(float Temp)
float t = pow(Temp, -1.5);
float lt = log(Temp);
float bias(){
return Texture_MipMap_Bias + (blueNoise()-0.5)*0.5;
vec3 col = vec3(0.0);
col.x = 220000.0 * t + 0.58039215686;
col.y = 0.39231372549 * lt - 2.44549019608;
col.y = Temp > 6500. ? 138039.215686 * t + 0.72156862745 : col.y;
col.z = 0.76078431372 * lt - 5.68078431373;
col = clamp(col,0.0,1.0);
col = Temp < 1000. ? col * Temp * 0.001 : col;
return srgbToLinear2(col);
uniform float near;
float ld(float dist) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near));
vec4 readNoise(in vec2 coord){
// return texture2D(noisetex,coord*;
return texture2DGradARB(noisetex,coord*vtexcoordam.pq +,dcdx,dcdy);
float EndPortalEffect(
inout vec4 ALBEDO,
vec3 FragPos,
vec3 WorldPos,
mat3 tbnMatrix
int maxdist = 25;
int quality = 35;
vec3 viewVec = normalize(tbnMatrix*FragPos);
if ( viewVec.z < 0.0 && length(FragPos) < maxdist) {
float endportalGLow = 0.0;
float Depth = 0.3;
vec3 interval = ( /-viewVec.z/quality*Depth) * (0.7 + (blueNoise()-0.5)*0.1);
vec3 coord = vec3(WorldPos.xz , 1.0);
coord += interval;
for (int loopCount = 0; (loopCount < quality) && (1.0 - Depth + Depth * ( 1.0-readNoise( - readNoise(*3).b*0.2 ) ) < coord.p && coord.p >= 0.0; ++loopCount) {
coord = coord+interval ;
endportalGLow += (0.3/quality);
ALBEDO.rgb = vec3(0.5,0.75,1.0) * sqrt(endportalGLow);
return clamp(pow(endportalGLow*3.5,3),0,1);
float bias(){
// return (Texture_MipMap_Bias + (blueNoise()-0.5)*0.5) - (1.0-RENDER_SCALE.x) * 2.0;
return Texture_MipMap_Bias - (1.0-RENDER_SCALE.x) * 2.0;
vec4 texture2D_POMSwitch(
sampler2D sampler,
vec2 lightmapCoord,
@ -193,6 +295,9 @@ vec4 texture2D_POMSwitch(
return texture2D(sampler, lightmapCoord, bias());
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -222,10 +327,9 @@ void main() {
vec2 tempOffset=offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition;
float torchlightmap = lmtexcoord.z;
#ifdef Hand_Held_lights
@ -234,26 +338,37 @@ void main() {
float lightmap = clamp( (lmtexcoord.w-0.8) * 10.0,0.,1.);
float rainfall = rainStrength * noPuddleAreas;
float Puddle_shape = 0.;
#if defined Puddles && defined WORLD && !defined ENTITIES && !defined HAND
Puddle_shape = (1.0 - clamp(exp(-15 * pow(texture2D(noisetex, worldpos.xz * (0.020 * Puddle_Size) ).b ,5)),0,1)) * lightmap ;
Puddle_shape *= clamp( viewToWorld(normal).y*0.5+0.5 ,0.0,1.0);
Puddle_shape *= rainfall;
vec2 adjustedTexCoord = lmtexcoord.xy;
#ifdef POM
#if defined POM && defined WORLD && !defined ENTITIES && !defined HAND
// vec2 tempOffset=offsets[framemod8];
adjustedTexCoord = fract(*;
// vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 viewVector = normalize(tbnMatrix*fragpos);
float dist = length(fragpos);
if(!ifPOM) maxdist = 0.0;
gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
#ifdef WORLD
if (dist < maxdist) {
float depthmap = readNormal(;
float used_POM_DEPTH = 1.0;
if ( viewVector.z < 0.0 && depthmap < 0.9999 && depthmap > 0.00001) {
// float noise = interleaved_gradientNoise_temp();
#ifdef Adaptive_Step_length
vec3 interval = ( /-viewVector.z/MAX_OCCLUSION_POINTS * POM_DEPTH) * clamp(1.0-pow(depthmap,2),0.1,1.0);
used_POM_DEPTH = 1.0;
@ -276,61 +391,106 @@ void main() {
adjustedTexCoord = mix(fract(*, adjustedTexCoord, max(dist-MIX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE,0.0)/(MAX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE-MIX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE));
vec3 truePos = fragpos + sumVec*inverse(tbnMatrix)*interval;
// #ifdef Depth_Write_POM
gl_FragDepth = toClipSpace3(truePos).z;
// #endif
if(!ifPOM) adjustedTexCoord = lmtexcoord.xy;
//////////////////////////////// ALBEDO
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ALBEDO ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
vec4 Albedo = texture2D_POMSwitch(texture, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM) * color;
if(LIGHTNING > 0) Albedo = vec4(1);
// float ENDPORTAL_EFFECT = 0.0;
// #ifndef ENTITIES
// ENDPORTAL_EFFECT = PORTAL > 0 ? EndPortalEffect(Albedo, fragpos, worldpos, tbnMatrix) : 0;
// #endif
#ifdef WhiteWorld
Albedo.rgb = vec3(1.0);
vec3 aerochrome_color = mix(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.715, 0.303, 0.631), AEROCHROME_PINKNESS);
float gray = dot(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0.2, 01.0, 0.07));
if(blockID == 10001 || blockID == 10003 || blockID == 10004 || blockID == 10006) {
// IR Reflective (Pink-red)
Albedo.rgb = mix(vec3(gray), aerochrome_color, 0.7);
else if(blockID == 10008) {
// Special handling for grass block
float strength = 1.0 - color.b;
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, aerochrome_color, strength);
else if(blockID == 200) {
// Wool
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, aerochrome_color, 0.3);
else if(blockID == 8 || blockID == 10002)
// IR Absorbsive? Dark.
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0.01, 0.08, 0.15), 0.5);
#ifdef WORLD
if (Albedo.a > 0.1) Albedo.a = normalMat.a;
else Albedo.a = 0.0;
#ifdef HAND
#if defined HAND
if (Albedo.a > 0.1) Albedo.a = 0.75;
else Albedo.a = 0.0;
#ifdef WhiteWorld
Albedo.rgb = vec3(1.0);
//////////////////////////////// NORMAL
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// NORMAL ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
#if defined WORLD && defined MC_NORMAL_MAP
vec3 NormalTex = texture2D_POMSwitch(normals, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM).xya;
float Heightmap = 1.0 - NormalTex.z;
vec4 NormalTex = texture2D_POMSwitch(normals, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM);
NormalTex.xy = NormalTex.xy*2.0-1.0;
NormalTex.z = clamp(sqrt(1.0 - dot(NormalTex.xy, NormalTex.xy)),0.0,1.0) ;
normal = applyBump(tbnMatrix,, 1.0);
#if defined HEIGTHMAP_DEPTH_OFFSET && !defined HAND
gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
vec3 truePos = fragpos;
truePos.z -= Heightmap * POM_DEPTH * (1.0 + ld(truePos.z));
gl_FragDepth = toClipSpace3(truePos).z;
//////////////////////////////// SPECULAR
if(PHYSICSMOD_SNOW < 1) normal = applyBump(tbnMatrix,, mix(1.0,1-Puddle_shape,rainfall) );
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// SPECULAR ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
vec4 SpecularTex = texture2D_POMSwitch(specular, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM);
SpecularTex.r = max(SpecularTex.r, Puddle_shape);
SpecularTex.g = max(SpecularTex.g, Puddle_shape*0.02);
gl_FragData[2].rg = SpecularTex.rg;
@ -367,34 +527,50 @@ void main() {
gl_FragData[2].b = SpecularTex.b;
// #ifndef ENTITIES
// if(PORTAL > 0){
// gl_FragData[2].rgb = vec3(0);
// gl_FragData[2].a = clamp(ENDPORTAL_EFFECT * 0.9, 0,0.9);
// }
// #endif
// hit glow effect...
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, entityColor.rgb, entityColor.a);
gl_FragData[2].a = mix(gl_FragData[2].a, 0.9, entityColor.a);;
gl_FragData[2].a = mix(gl_FragData[2].a, 0.25, clamp(entityColor.a*5,0,1));
//////////////////////////////// FINALIZE
vec4 data1 = clamp( encode(viewToWorld(normal), (blueNoise()*vec2(torchlightmap,lmtexcoord.w) / (30.0 * (1+ (1-RENDER_SCALE.x))) ) + vec2(torchlightmap,lmtexcoord.w)), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(encodeVec2(Albedo.x,data1.x), encodeVec2(Albedo.y,data1.y), encodeVec2(Albedo.z,data1.z), encodeVec2(data1.w,Albedo.w));
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0;
//////////////////////////////// OTHER STUFF
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// FINALIZE ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
gl_FragData[3] = vec4(FlatNormals * 0.5 + 0.5,VanillaAO);
#ifdef Puddles
float porosity = 0.4;
#ifdef Porosity
porosity = SpecularTex.z >= 64.5/255.0 ? 0.0 : (SpecularTex.z*255.0/64.0)*0.65;
if(SpecularTex.g < 229.5/255.0) Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0), Puddle_shape*porosity);
// gl_FragData[4].x = 0;
// apply noise to lightmaps to reduce banding.
vec2 PackLightmaps = vec2(torchlightmap, lmtexcoord.w);
// #ifdef ENTITIES
// gl_FragData[4].x = 1;
// #endif
#if !defined ENTITIES && !defined HAND
// PackLightmaps = clamp(PackLightmaps*blueNoise()*0.05 + PackLightmaps,0.0,1.0);
vec4 data1 = clamp( encode(viewToWorld(normal), PackLightmaps), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(encodeVec2(Albedo.x,data1.x), encodeVec2(Albedo.y,data1.y), encodeVec2(Albedo.z,data1.z), encodeVec2(data1.w,Albedo.w));
gl_FragData[3] = vec4(FlatNormals * 0.5 + 0.5, VanillaAO);
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
@ -61,12 +61,24 @@ flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
flat varying int PHYSICSMOD_SNOW;
flat varying int NameTags;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform float screenBrightness;
flat varying float SSSAMOUNT;
flat varying float EMISSIVE;
flat varying int LIGHTNING;
flat varying int PORTAL;
flat varying int SIGN;
// in vec3 at_velocity;
// out vec3 velocity;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
@ -83,6 +95,7 @@ const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
@ -212,12 +225,19 @@ void main() {
FlatNormals =;
blockID = mc_Entity.x;
// velocity = at_velocity;
if(mc_Entity.x == 10009) normalMat.a = 0.60;
SIGN = 0;
#ifdef WORLD
// disallow POM to work on signs.
if(blockEntityId == 2200) SIGN = 1;
if(blockEntityId == 2100) PORTAL = 1;
NameTags = 0;
@ -255,7 +275,7 @@ void main() {
if(entityId == 12345){
normalMat.a = 0.5;
normalMat.a = 0.50;
@ -271,17 +291,22 @@ void main() {
#ifdef WORLD
/////// ----- SSS ON BLOCKS ----- ///////
// strong
if(mc_Entity.x == 10001 || mc_Entity.x == 10003 || mc_Entity.x == 10004) SSSAMOUNT = 1.0;
if(mc_Entity.x == 10001 || mc_Entity.x == 10003 || mc_Entity.x == 10004 || mc_Entity.x == 10009) SSSAMOUNT = 1.0;
// medium
if(mc_Entity.x == 10006 || mc_Entity.x == 200) SSSAMOUNT = 0.75;
// low
if(mc_Entity.x == 10007 || mc_Entity.x == 10008) SSSAMOUNT = 0.5;
if(mc_Entity.x == 10007 || mc_Entity.x == 10008) SSSAMOUNT = 0.5; // weird SSS on blocks like grass and stuff
#ifdef MOB_SSS
/////// ----- SSS ON MOBS----- ///////
// strong
if(entityId == 1100) SSSAMOUNT = 0.75;
@ -291,6 +316,7 @@ void main() {
// low
if(entityId == 1200) SSSAMOUNT = 0.3;
/////// ----- SSS ON BLOCK ENTITIES----- ///////
@ -304,14 +330,62 @@ void main() {
bool istopv = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t < mc_midTexCoord.t;
if ((mc_Entity.x == 10001 || mc_Entity.x == 10009) && istopv && abs(position.z) < 64.0) {
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * position + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition; += calcMovePlants(*lmtexcoord.w - cameraPosition;
position = mat3(gbufferModelView) * worldpos + gbufferModelView[3].xyz;
if (mc_Entity.x == 10003 && abs(position.z) < 64.0) {
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * position + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition; += calcMoveLeaves(, 0.0040, 0.0064, 0.0043, 0.0035, 0.0037, 0.0041, vec3(1.0,0.2,1.0), vec3(0.5,0.1,0.5))*lmtexcoord.w - cameraPosition;
position = mat3(gbufferModelView) * worldpos + gbufferModelView[3].xyz;
gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position);
#ifdef Seasons
#ifdef WORLD
#ifndef ENTITIES
#ifndef HAND
float blank = 0.0;
YearCycleColor(color.rgb, gl_Color.rgb, blank);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0);
jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter;
jitter.y *= aspectRatio;
#if MANUAL_FOCUS == -2
float focusMul = 0;
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS == -1
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25);
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - MANUAL_FOCUS;
vec2 totalOffset = (jitter * JITTER_STRENGTH) * focusMul * 1e-2;
gl_Position.xy += hideGUI >= 1 ? totalOffset : vec2(0);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
uniform float lightSign;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
const bool colortex4MipmapEnabled = true;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
@ -17,14 +27,15 @@ uniform sampler2D normals;
varying vec4 tangent;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec3 binormal;
varying vec3 flatnormal;
varying vec3 viewVector;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
// uniform float far;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
@ -37,7 +48,6 @@ uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
@ -57,10 +67,17 @@ uniform vec3 nsunColor;
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/clouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/stars.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
flat varying float Flashing;
#include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform float nightVision;
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
@ -134,9 +151,9 @@ vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPos) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition; = viewPos;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
@ -187,30 +204,31 @@ vec3 rayTrace(vec3 dir,vec3 position,float dither, float fresnel, bool inwater){
float mult = min(min(maxLengths.x,maxLengths.y),maxLengths.z);
vec3 stepv = direction * mult / quality;
vec3 stepv = direction * mult / quality * vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
vec3 spos = clipPosition+ stepv*dither;
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) + stepv*dither;
float minZ = clipPosition.z;
float maxZ = spos.z+stepv.z*0.5;
spos.xy += offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5;
spos.xy += offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5/RENDER_SCALE;
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for (int i = 0; i <= int(quality); i++) {
// decode depth buffer
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
// float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
#ifdef HAND
vec2 testthing = spos.xy*texelSize; // fix for ssr on hand
vec2 testthing = spos.xy/texelSize/4.0;
float sp = sqrt((texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(testthing),0).a+0.1)/65000.0);
sp = invLinZ(sp);
if(sp <= max(maxZ,minZ) && sp >= min(maxZ,minZ)) return vec3(spos.xy,sp);
float sp = texelFetch2D(depthtex1,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize),0).r;
if(sp <= max(maxZ,minZ) && sp >= min(maxZ,minZ)) return vec3(spos.xy,sp);
if(sp <= max(maxZ,minZ) && sp >= min(maxZ,minZ)) return vec3(spos.xy/RENDER_SCALE,sp);
spos += stepv;
//small bias
minZ = maxZ-(0.0001/dist)/ld(spos.z);
@ -255,12 +273,17 @@ vec3 GGX (vec3 n, vec3 v, vec3 l, float r, vec3 F0) {
/* RENDERTARGETS:2,7,11,14 */
void main() {
if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 ) {
vec2 tempOffset = offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
//////////////////////////////// ALBEDO
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias) * color;
vec3 Albedo = toLinear(gl_FragData[0].rgb);
float UnchangedAlpha = gl_FragData[0].a;
float iswater = normalMat.w;
@ -285,7 +308,10 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
vec4 COLORTEST = vec4(Albedo, UnchangedAlpha);
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
//////////////////////////////// NORMAL
vec3 normal =;
vec2 TangentNormal = vec2(0); // for refractions
@ -295,8 +321,6 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
tangent.y, tangent2.y, normal.y,
tangent.z, tangent2.z, normal.z);
/// ------ NORMALS ------ ///
vec4 NormalTex = texture2D(normals, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias).rgba;
NormalTex.xy = NormalTex.xy*2.0-1.0;
NormalTex.z = clamp(sqrt(1.0 - dot(NormalTex.xy, NormalTex.xy)),0.0,1.0) ;
@ -304,13 +328,15 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
normal = applyBump(tbnMatrix,, 1.0);
#ifndef HAND
if (iswater > 0.95){
float bumpmult = 1.0;
vec3 bump = vec3(0);
vec3 posxz = p3+cameraPosition;
vec3 posxz = feetPlayerPos+cameraPosition;
posxz.xz -= posxz.y; = getParallaxDisplacement(posxz,iswater,bumpmult,normalize(tbnMatrix*fragpos)) ; = getParallaxDisplacement(posxz,iswater,bumpmult,normalize(tbnMatrix*viewPos)) ;
bump = normalize(getWaveHeight(posxz.xz,iswater));
@ -319,15 +345,91 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
normal = normalize(bump * tbnMatrix);
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(encodeVec2(TangentNormal), encodeVec2(COLORTEST.rg), encodeVec2(, UnchangedAlpha);
vec3 WS_normal = viewToWorld(normal);
//////////////////////////////// DIFFUSE LIGHTING
vec2 lightmaps2 =;
vec2 lightmap =;
lightmap.y = 1.0;
vec3 Indirect_lighting = vec3(0.0);
vec3 Direct_lighting = vec3(0.0);
float NdotL = clamp(dot(normal, normalize(WsunVec*mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse))),0.0,1.0); NdotL = clamp((-15 + NdotL*255.0) / 240.0 ,0.0,1.0);
float Shadows = 0.0;
bool inShadowmapBounds = false;
vec3 feetPlayerPos_shadow = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * feetPlayerPos_shadow + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
bool ShadowBounds = false;
if(shadowDistanceRenderMul > 0.0) ShadowBounds = length(feetPlayerPos_shadow) < max(shadowDistance - 20,0.0);
if(shadowDistanceRenderMul < 0.0) ShadowBounds = abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.z) < 6.0;
// sample shadows only if on shadow map
if (NdotL > 0.0){
Shadows = 0.0;
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5);
#ifndef HAND
const float threshMul = max(2048.0/shadowMapResolution*shadowDistance/128.0,0.95);
float distortThresh = (sqrt(1.0-NdotL*NdotL)/NdotL+0.7)/distortFactor;
float diffthresh = distortThresh/6000.0*threshMul;
float rdMul = 4.0/shadowMapResolution;
float noise = blueNoise();
int SampleCount = 7;
for(int i = 0; i < SampleCount; i++){
vec2 offsetS = tapLocation(i,SampleCount,1.618,noise,0.0);
float weight = 1.0+(i+noise)*rdMul/9.0*shadowMapResolution;
float isShadow = shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition + vec3(rdMul*offsetS, -diffthresh*weight)).x / SampleCount;
Shadows += isShadow;
Shadows = shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition - vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0001)).x;
Shadows = shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition - vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0005)).x;
inShadowmapBounds = true;
// if(!inShadowmapBounds && !iswater) Shadows = min(max(lightmap.y-0.8, 0.0) * 25,1.0);
if(!inShadowmapBounds) Shadows = 1.0;
Shadows *= GetCloudShadow(feetPlayerPos);
Direct_lighting = (lightCol.rgb/80.0) * NdotL * Shadows;
vec3 ambientcoefs = WS_normal / dot(abs(WS_normal), vec3(1));
float SkylightDir = ambientcoefs.y*1.5;
float skylight = max(pow(viewToWorld(flatnormal).y*0.5+0.5,0.1) + SkylightDir, 0.25);
// float skylight = max(pow(viewToWorld(flatnormal).y*0.5+0.5,0.1) + viewToWorld(normal).y, 0.25) * 1.35;
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting(averageSkyCol_Clouds, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap.xy, skylight);
WS_normal.xz = -WS_normal.xz;
@ -342,25 +444,31 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
AmbientLightColor += up + down;
// do all ambient lighting stuff
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_Nether(AmbientLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmaps2.x, vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0));
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_Nether(AmbientLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap.x, vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0));
// do all ambient lighting stuff
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_End(gl_Fog.color.rgb, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmaps2.x, normal, p3 );
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_End(gl_Fog.color.rgb, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap.x, normal, feetPlayerPos );
vec3 FinalColor = Indirect_lighting * Albedo;
vec3 FinalColor = (Indirect_lighting + Direct_lighting) * Albedo;
#ifdef Glass_Tint
float alphashit = min(pow(gl_FragData[0].a,2.0),1.0);
FinalColor *= alphashit;
FinalColor *= min(pow(gl_FragData[0].a,2.0),1.0);
//////////////////////////////// SPECULAR
vec2 SpecularTex = texture2D(specular, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias).rg;
SpecularTex = (iswater > 0.0 && iswater < 0.9) && SpecularTex.r > 0.0 && SpecularTex.g < 0.9 ? SpecularTex : vec2(1.0,0.1);
SpecularTex = (iswater > 0.0 && iswater < 0.9) && SpecularTex.r > 0.0 && SpecularTex.g < 0.9 ? SpecularTex : vec2(1.0,0.02);
float roughness = max(pow(1.0-SpecularTex.r,2.0),0.05);
float f0 = SpecularTex.g;
@ -369,28 +477,41 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
vec3 Reflections_Final = vec3(0.0);
vec4 Reflections = vec4(0.0);
vec3 SkyReflection = vec3(0.0);
vec3 SunReflection = vec3(0.0);
float indoors = clamp((lightmap.y-0.6)*5.0, 0.0,1.0);
vec3 reflectedVector = reflect(normalize(fragpos), normal);
float normalDotEye = dot(normal, normalize(fragpos));
float fresnel = pow(clamp(1.0 + normalDotEye,0.0,1.0), 5.0);
vec3 reflectedVector = reflect(normalize(viewPos), normal);
float normalDotEye = dot(normal, normalize(viewPos));
float fresnel = pow(clamp(1.0 + dot(normal, normalize(viewPos)), 0.0, 1.0),5.0);
// float fresnel = exp(clamp(0.0 - dot(normal, normalize(viewPos)), 0.0, 1.0) * -5);
// snells window looking thing
if(isEyeInWater == 1 ) fresnel = pow(clamp(1.66 + normalDotEye,0.0,1.0), 25.0);
fresnel = mix(f0, 1.0, fresnel);
vec3 wrefl = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*reflectedVector;
// SSR, Sky, and Sun reflections
// Sun, Sky, and screen-space reflections
SunReflection = Direct_lighting * GGX(normal, -normalize(viewPos), WsunVec*mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse), roughness, vec3(f0));
SkyReflection = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(wrefl, colortex4, 0).rgb / 30.0;
SkyReflection = skyCloudsFromTex(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * reflectedVector, colortex4).rgb / 30.0;
if(isEyeInWater == 1) SkyReflection = vec3(0.0);
SkyReflection = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * reflectedVector, colortex4, 0).rgb / 30.0;
if(isEyeInWater == 1) SkyReflection = vec3(0.0);
if(iswater > 0.0){
vec3 rtPos = rayTrace(reflectedVector,, interleaved_gradientNoise(), fresnel, isEyeInWater == 1);
vec3 rtPos = rayTrace(reflectedVector,, interleaved_gradientNoise(), fresnel, isEyeInWater == 1);
if (rtPos.z < 1.){
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * toScreenSpace(rtPos) + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition-previousCameraPosition;
previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * previousPosition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
@ -405,8 +526,10 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < 1.0 && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < 1.0 )
float visibilityFactor = clamp(exp2((pow(roughness,3.0) / f0) * -4),0,1);
Reflections_Final = mix(SkyReflection, Reflections.rgb, Reflections.a);
Reflections_Final = mix(FinalColor, Reflections_Final, fresnel * visibilityFactor);
Reflections_Final = mix(SkyReflection*indoors, Reflections.rgb, Reflections.a);
Reflections_Final = mix(FinalColor, Reflections_Final, fresnel);
Reflections_Final += SunReflection;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = Reflections_Final;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
// #version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
@ -13,9 +12,17 @@ Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below pleas
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec3 binormal;
varying vec4 tangent;
varying vec3 flatnormal;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
varying vec3 viewVector;
@ -28,13 +35,12 @@ attribute vec4 mc_Entity;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform float sunElevation;
varying vec4 tangent_other;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
// uniform float far;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
@ -77,7 +83,6 @@ void main() {
vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(Swtich_gl_vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz;
gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position);
color = vec4(gl_Color.rgb,1.0);
float mat = 0.0;
@ -107,9 +112,29 @@ void main() {
tangent2.y, binormal.y, normalMat.y,
tangent2.z, binormal.z, normalMat.z);
flatnormal =;
viewVector = ( gl_ModelViewMatrix * Swtich_gl_vertex).xyz;
viewVector = normalize(tbnMatrix * viewVector);
color = vec4(gl_Color.rgb, 1.0);
lightCol.rgb = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2.0 - 1.0;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = lightCol.a * normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
// WsunVec = normalize(LightDir);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
#version 120
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord;
@ -34,17 +31,37 @@ float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
#if defined SPIDER_EYES || defined BEACON_BEAM || defined GLOWING
void main() {
vec4 Albedo = texture2D(texture, texcoord);
Albedo *= color;
Albedo.rgb = toLinear(Albedo.rgb);
#if defined SPIDER_EYES || defined BEACON_BEAM || defined GLOWING
vec4 data1 = vec4(1.0); float materialMask = 1.0;
gl_FragData[0] = Albedo;
if (gl_FragData[0].r > 65000.) gl_FragData[0].rgba = vec4(0.);
#if defined SPIDER_EYES || defined GLOWING
if(Albedo.a < 0.1) discard;
Albedo.rgb *= color.a;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5);
Albedo.rgb = Albedo.rgb * color.rgb;
materialMask = 0.75;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(encodeVec2(Albedo.x,data1.x), encodeVec2(Albedo.y,data1.y), encodeVec2(Albedo.z,data1.z), encodeVec2(data1.w, materialMask));
vec3 GlintColor = toLinear(Albedo.rgb * color.rgb) * Albedo.a;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(GlintColor, Albedo.a * 0.1);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
@ -24,6 +21,7 @@ const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -34,10 +32,18 @@ void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
// gl_Position = vec4(10,10,10,1);
texcoord = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
texcoord = (gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0).st;
// float exposure = texelFetch2D(colortex4, ivec2(10,37),0).r;
color = gl_Color;
if(gl_Color.a < 1.0) gl_Position = vec4(10,10,10,0);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;

View File

@ -1,119 +1,80 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
const bool colortex5MipmapEnabled = true;
const bool colortex4MipmapEnabled = true;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;//depth
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;//depth
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;//depth
uniform sampler2D colortex0;//clouds
uniform sampler2D colortex1;//albedo(rgb),material(alpha) RGBA16
uniform sampler2D colortex2;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;//Skybox
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;//Skybox
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform sampler2D colortex10;
uniform sampler2D colortex15;
uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float aspectRatio;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex6; // Noise
uniform sampler2D colortex8; // Noise
uniform sampler2D colortex15; // Noise
uniform sampler2D shadow;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
// uniform float far;
uniform float near;
#define ffstep(x,y) clamp((y - x) * 1e35,0.0,1.0)
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
float ld(float dist) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near));
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec2 RENDER_SCALE = vec2(1.0);
#include "/lib/end_fog.glsl"
#include "/lib/specular.glsl"
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
float lengthVec (vec3 vec){
return sqrt(dot(vec,vec));
#define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.)
float triangularize(float dither)
vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort)
float center = dither*2.0-1.0;
dither = center*inversesqrt(abs(center));
return clamp(dither-fsign(center),0.0,1.0);
float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb;
float angle = jitter*6.28+alpha * nbRot * 6.28;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*alpha;
vec2 tapLocation2(int sampleNumber, int nb, float jitter){
float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb;
float angle = jitter*6.28 + alpha * 84.0 * 6.28;
vec3 fp10Dither(vec3 color,float dither){
const vec3 mantissaBits = vec3(6.,6.,5.);
vec3 exponent = floor(log2(color));
return color + dither*exp2(-mantissaBits)*exp2(exponent);
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*sqrt(alpha);
float facos(float sx){
float x = clamp(abs( sx ),0.,1.);
return sqrt( 1. - x ) * ( -0.16882 * x + 1.56734 );
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000);
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + frameTimeCounter;
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract( 52.9829189 * fract( (coord.x * 0.06711056) + (coord.y * 0.00583715)) );
return noise ;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
@ -128,542 +89,185 @@ vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
// float linZ(float depth) {
// return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near));
// // l = (2*n)/(f+n-d(f-n))
// // f+n-d(f-n) = 2n/l
// // -d(f-n) = ((2n/l)-f-n)
// // d = -((2n/l)-f-n)/(f-n)
// }
// float invLinZ (float lindepth){
// return -((2.0*near/lindepth)-far-near)/(far-near);
// }
// vec3 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
// return projMAD(gbufferProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
// }
vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort)
float alpha0 = sampleNumber/nb;
float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb;
float angle = jitter*6.28 + alpha * 4.0 * 6.28;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*sqrt(alpha);
vec3 BilateralFiltering(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth,vec2 coord,float frDepth,float maxZ){
vec4 sampled = vec4(texelFetch2D(tex,ivec2(coord),0).rgb,1.0);
return vec3(sampled.x,sampled.yz/sampled.w);
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000);
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + frameTimeCounter;
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract( 52.9829189 * fract( (coord.x * 0.06711056) + (coord.y * 0.00583715)) );
return noise ;
vec2 R2_dither(){
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return vec2(fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter), fract((1.0-alpha.x) * gl_FragCoord.x + (1.0-alpha.y) * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter));
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * (frameCounter*0.5+0.5) );
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){
return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0);
vec3 toShadowSpaceProjected(vec3 p3){
p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * p3 + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
p3 = mat3(shadowModelView) * p3 + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
p3 = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * p3 + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
return p3;
vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber, float spinAngle,int nb, float nbRot,float r0)
float alpha = (float(sampleNumber*1.0f + r0) * (1.0 / (nb)));
float angle = alpha * (nbRot * 6.28) + spinAngle*6.28;
float ssR = alpha;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*ssR;
float ssao(vec3 fragpos, float dither,vec3 normal)
float mulfov = 1.0;
ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
const float tan70 = tan(70.*3.14/180.);
float mulfov2 = gbufferProjection[1][1]/tan70;
const float PI = 3.14159265;
const float samplingRadius = 0.712;
float angle_thresh = 0.05;
float rd = mulfov2*0.05;
//pre-rotate direction
float n = 0.;
float occlusion = 0.0;
vec2 acc = -vec2(TAA_Offset)*texelSize*0.5;
float mult = (dot(normal,normalize(fragpos))+1.0)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 v = fract(vec2(dither,interleaved_gradientNoise()) + (frameCounter%10000) * vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026));
for (int j = 0; j < 7+2 ;j++) {
vec2 sp = tapLocation(j,v.x,7+2,2.,v.y);
vec2 sampleOffset = sp*rd;
ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy + sampleOffset*vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight));
if (offset.x >= 0 && offset.y >= 0 && offset.x < viewWidth && offset.y < viewHeight ) {
vec3 t0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(offset*texelSize+acc+0.5*texelSize,texelFetch2D(depthtex1,offset,0).x));
vec3 vec = - fragpos;
float dsquared = dot(vec,vec);
if (dsquared > 1e-5){
if (dsquared < fragpos.z*fragpos.z*0.05*0.05*mulfov2*2.*1.412){
float NdotV = clamp(dot(vec*inversesqrt(dsquared), normalize(normal)),0.,1.);
occlusion += NdotV;
n += 1.0;
return clamp(1.0-occlusion/n*2.0,0.,1.0);
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
void waterVolumetrics(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEndDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient){
inColor *= exp(-rayLength * waterCoefs); //No need to take the integrated value
int spCount = rayMarchSampleCount;
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
vec3 dV = (end-start);
//limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
//you can't see above this anyway
float maxZ = min(rayLength,12.0)/(1e-8+rayLength);
dV *= maxZ;
vec3 dVWorld = -mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ;
rayLength *= maxZ;
float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
estEndDepth *= maxZ;
estSunDepth *= maxZ;
vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
float expFactor = 11.0;
vec3 progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition;
for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor);
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0);
vec3 spPos = + dV*d;
progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
vec3 ambientMul = exp(-max(estEndDepth * d,0.0) * waterCoefs);
vec3 light = (ambientMul*ambient) * scatterCoef;
vL += (light - light * exp(-waterCoefs * dd * rayLength)) / waterCoefs *absorbance;
absorbance *= exp(-dd * rayLength * waterCoefs);
inColor += vL;
void Emission(
inout vec3 Lighting,
vec3 Albedo,
float Emission
// if( Emission < 255.0/255.0 ) Lighting = mix(Lighting, Albedo * Emissive_Brightness, pow(Emission, Emissive_Curve)); // old method.... idk why
if( Emission < 255.0/255.0 ) Lighting += (Albedo * Emissive_Brightness * 0.25) * pow(Emission, Emissive_Curve);
float rayTraceShadow(vec3 dir,vec3 position,float dither){
const float quality = 16.;
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
//prevents the ray from going behind the camera
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * far*sqrt(3.)) > -near) ?
(-near -position.z) / dir.z : far*sqrt(3.) ;
vec3 direction = toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength)-clipPosition; //convert to clip space =,abs(direction.y)/texelSize.y); //fixed step size
vec3 stepv = direction * 3.0 * clamp(MC_RENDER_QUALITY,1.,2.0);
vec3 spos = clipPosition;
spos += stepv*dither ;
for (int i = 0; i < int(quality); i++) {
spos += stepv;
float sp = texture2D(depthtex1,spos.xy).x;
if( sp < spos.z) {
float dist = abs(linZ(sp)-linZ(spos.z))/linZ(spos.z);
if (dist < 0.015 ) return i / quality;
return 1.0;
vec3 rayTrace_GI(vec3 dir,vec3 position,float dither, float quality){
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * far*sqrt(3.)) > -near) ?
(-near -position.z) / dir.z : far*sqrt(3.);
vec3 direction = normalize(toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength)-clipPosition); //convert to clip space
direction.xy = normalize(direction.xy);
//get at which length the ray intersects with the edge of the screen
vec3 maxLengths = (step(0.,direction)-clipPosition) / direction;
float mult = maxLengths.y;
vec3 stepv = direction * mult / quality*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) * dither;
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) ;
spos.xy += TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5/RENDER_SCALE;
float biasdist = clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,1,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for(int i = 0; i < int(quality); i++){
spos += stepv;
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
float currZ = linZ(spos.z);
if( sp < currZ) {
float dist = abs(sp-currZ)/currZ;
if (abs(dist) < biasdist*0.05) return vec3(spos.xy, invLinZ(sp))/vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
spos += stepv;
return vec3(1.1);
vec3 RT(vec3 dir, vec3 position, float noise, float stepsizes){
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
float stepSize = stepsizes / dist;
int maxSteps = STEPS;
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * sqrt(3.0)*far) > -sqrt(3.0)*near) ?
(-sqrt(3.0)*near -position.z) / dir.z : sqrt(3.0)*far;
vec3 end = toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength) ;
vec3 direction = end-clipPosition ; //convert to clip space
float len = max(abs(direction.x)/texelSize.x,abs(direction.y)/texelSize.y)/stepSize;
//get at which length the ray intersects with the edge of the screen
vec3 maxLengths = (step(0.,direction)-clipPosition) / direction;
float mult = min(min(maxLengths.x,maxLengths.y),maxLengths.z)*2000.0;
vec3 stepv = direction/len;
int iterations = min(int(min(len, mult*len)-2), maxSteps);
//Do one iteration for closest texel (good contact shadows)
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) ;
spos.xy += TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5*RENDER_SCALE;
spos += stepv/(stepSize/2);
float distancered = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
if (spos.x < 0.0 || spos.y < 0.0 || spos.z < 0.0 || spos.x > 1.0 || spos.y > 1.0 || spos.z > 1.0) return vec3(1.1);
spos += stepv*noise;
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/ texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
float currZ = linZ(spos.z);
if( sp < currZ) {
float dist = abs(sp-currZ)/currZ;
if (dist <= 0.1) return vec3(spos.xy, invLinZ(sp))/vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
return vec3(1.1);
vec3 cosineHemisphereSample(vec2 Xi, float roughness){
float r = sqrt(Xi.x);
float theta = 2.0 * 3.14159265359 * Xi.y;
float x = r * cos(theta);
float y = r * sin(theta);
return vec3(x, y, sqrt(clamp(1.0 - Xi.x,0.,1.)));
vec3 TangentToWorld(vec3 N, vec3 H, float roughness){
vec3 UpVector = abs(N.z) < 0.999 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 T = normalize(cross(UpVector, N));
vec3 B = cross(N, T);
return vec3((T * H.x) + (B * H.y) + (N * H.z));
vec2 R2_samples(int n){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha * n);
vec2 tapLocation_alternate(
int sampleNumber,
float spinAngle,
int nb,
float nbRot,
float r0
float alpha = (float(sampleNumber*1.0f + r0) * (1.0 / (nb)));
float angle = alpha * (nbRot * 3.14) ;
void ApplySSRT(inout vec3 lighting, vec3 normal,vec2 noise,vec3 fragpos, float lightmaps, vec3 torchcolor){
int nrays = RAY_COUNT;
float ssR = alpha + spinAngle*3.14;
float sin_v, cos_v;
vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);
vec3 occlusion = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skycontribution = vec3(0.0);
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*ssR;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPos) {
vec4 pos; = viewPos;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
// float skyLM = 0.0;
// vec3 torchlight = vec3(0.0);
// vec3 blank = vec3(0.0);
// DoRTAmbientLighting(torchcolor, vec2(lightmaps,1.0), skyLM, torchlight, blank);
for (int i = 0; i < nrays; i++){
int seed = (frameCounter%40000)*nrays+i;
vec2 ij = fract(R2_samples(seed) + noise );
// Emin's and Gri's combined ideas to stop peter panning and light leaking, also has little shadowacne so thats nice
void GriAndEminShadowFix(
inout vec3 WorldPos,
vec3 FlatNormal,
float VanillaAO,
float SkyLightmap,
bool Entities
float DistanceOffset = clamp(0.1 + length(WorldPos) / (shadowMapResolution*0.20), 0.0,1.0) ;
vec3 Bias = FlatNormal * DistanceOffset; // adjust the bias thingy's strength as it gets farther away.
vec3 rayDir = TangentToWorld(normal, normalize(cosineHemisphereSample(ij,1.0)) ,1.0);
#ifdef HQ_SSGI
vec3 rayHit = rayTrace_GI( mat3(gbufferModelView) * rayDir, fragpos, blueNoise(), 50.); // ssr rt
vec3 rayHit = RT(mat3(gbufferModelView)*rayDir, fragpos, blueNoise(), 30.); // choc sspt
skycontribution = lighting;
if (rayHit.z < 1.){
#if indirect_effect == 4
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * toScreenSpace(rayHit) + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition-previousCameraPosition;
previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * previousPosition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition.xy = projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, previousPosition).xy / -previousPosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
if (previousPosition.x > 0.0 && previousPosition.y > 0.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0){
radiance += (texture2D(colortex5,previousPosition.xy).rgb + skycontribution) * GI_Strength;
// stop lightleaking
if(SkyLightmap < 0.1 && !Entities) {
WorldPos += mix(Bias, 0.5 * (0.5 - fract(WorldPos + cameraPosition + FlatNormal*0.01 ) ), VanillaAO) ;
radiance += skycontribution;
radiance += skycontribution;
occlusion += skycontribution * GI_Strength;
} else {
radiance += skycontribution;
WorldPos += Bias;
occlusion *= AO_Strength;
lighting = max(radiance/nrays - occlusion/nrays, 0.0);
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize;
////// --------------- SETUP COORDINATE SPACES --------------- //////
float z0 = texture2D(depthtex0,texcoord).x;
float z = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x;
vec2 tempOffset=TAA_Offset;
float noise = blueNoise();
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
////// --------------- UNPACK OPAQUE GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec4 data = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord);
vec4 dataUnpacked0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.x),decodeVec2(data.y)); // albedo, masks
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w)); // normals, lightmaps
// vec4 dataUnpacked2 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
vec3 albedo = toLinear(vec3(dataUnpacked0.xz,dataUnpacked1.x));
vec4 dataUnpacked0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.x),decodeVec2(data.y));
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
vec3 normal = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * clamp(worldToView( decode(dataUnpacked0.yw) ),-1.,1.);
vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;
vec3 normal = decode(dataUnpacked0.yw);
////// --------------- UNPACK MISC --------------- //////
vec4 SpecularTex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord);
float LabSSS = clamp((-65.0 + SpecularTex.z * 255.0) / 190.0 ,0.0,1.0);
vec4 normalAndAO = texture2D(colortex15,texcoord);
vec3 FlatNormals = normalAndAO.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 slopednormal = normal;
#ifdef POM
#ifdef Horrible_slope_normals
vec3 ApproximatedFlatNormal = normalize(cross(dFdx(p3), dFdy(p3))); // it uses depth that has POM written to it.
slopednormal = normalize(clamp(normal, ApproximatedFlatNormal*2.0 - 1.0, ApproximatedFlatNormal*2.0 + 1.0) );
float vanilla_AO = clamp(normalAndAO.a,0,1);
normalAndAO.a = clamp(pow(normalAndAO.a*5,4),0,1);
////// --------------- MASKS/BOOLEANS --------------- //////
bool iswater = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord).a > 0.99;
bool lightningBolt = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.5) <0.01;
bool isLeaf = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.55) <0.01;
// bool lightningBolt = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.5) <0.01;
// bool isLeaf = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.55) <0.01;
// bool translucent2 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.6) <0.01; // Weak translucency
// bool translucent4 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.65) <0.01; // Weak translucency
bool entities = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.45) < 0.01;
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
// bool blocklights = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.8) <0.01;
////// --------------- COLORS --------------- //////
float minshadowfilt = Min_Shadow_Filter_Radius;
float maxshadowfilt = Max_Shadow_Filter_Radius;
float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount;
vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B);
vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B);
vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon;
vec3 scatterCoef = dirtAmount * vec3(Dirt_Scatter_R, Dirt_Scatter_G, Dirt_Scatter_B) / 3.14;
float NdotL = clamp(dot(normal,WsunVec),0.0,1.0);
vec3 Indirect_lighting = vec3(1.0);
vec3 Direct_lighting = vec3(0.0);
// vec4 normalAndAO = texture2D(colortex15,texcoord);
// vec3 FlatNormals = normalAndAO.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
// float vanillAO = clamp(normalAndAO.a,0.0,1.0) ;
///////////////////////////// start drawin :D
if (z >= 1.0) {
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
} else {
p3 += gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
///////////////////////////// MAJOR LIGHTSOURCE STUFF ////////////////////////
vec3 LightColor = LightSourceColor(clamp(sqrt(length(p3+cameraPosition) / 150.0 - 1.0) ,0.0,1.0));
vec3 LightPos = LightSourcePosition(p3+cameraPosition, cameraPosition);
float LightFalloff = max(exp2(4.0 + length(LightPos) / -25),0.0);
float NdotL = clamp( dot(normal,normalize(-LightPos)),0.0,1.0);
NdotL = clamp((-15 + NdotL*255.0) / 240.0 ,0.0,1.0);
float fogshadow = GetCloudShadow(p3+cameraPosition, LightPos, blueNoise());
Direct_lighting = (LightColor * max(LightColor - (1-fogshadow) ,0.0)) * LightFalloff * NdotL;
// vec3 LightSource = LightColor * fogshadow * LightFalloff * NdotL ;
float LightFalloff2 = max(1.0-length(LightPos)/120,0.0);
LightFalloff2 = pow(1.0-pow(1.0-LightFalloff2,0.5),2.0);
LightFalloff2 *= 25;
Direct_lighting += (LightColor * max(LightColor - 0.6,0.0)) * vec3(1.0,1.3,1.0) * LightFalloff2 * (NdotL*0.7+0.3);
// float RT_Shadows = rayTraceShadow(worldToView(normalize(-LightPos)), fragpos_RTSHADOW, blueNoise());
// if(!hand) LightSource *= RT_Shadows*RT_Shadows;
///////////////////////////// INDIRECT LIGHTING /////////////////////////////
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_End(gl_Fog.color.rgb, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap.x, normal, np3);
vec3 AmbientLightColor = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(normal, colortex4, 6).rgb / 10;
vec3 up = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(vec3( 0, 1, 0), colortex4, 6).rgb / 10;
vec3 down = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(vec3( 0,-1, 0), colortex4, 6).rgb / 10;
up *= pow( max( slopednormal.y, 0), 2);
down *= pow( max(-slopednormal.y, 0), 2);
AmbientLightColor += up + down;
// do all ambient lighting stuff
Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting_Nether(AmbientLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmap.x, normal, np3, p3 );
///////////////////////////// EFFECTS FOR INDIRECT /////////////////////////////
#if indirect_effect == 0
vec3 AO = vec3( exp( (vanilla_AO*vanilla_AO) * -5) ) ;
if(!hand) Indirect_lighting *= AO;
#if indirect_effect == 1
vec3 AO = vec3( exp( (vanilla_AO*vanilla_AO) * -5) ) ;
if(!hand) Indirect_lighting *= ssao(fragpos,noise,FlatNormals) * AO;
// RTAO and/or SSGI
#if indirect_effect == 3 || indirect_effect == 4
if (!hand) ApplySSRT(Indirect_lighting, normal, blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).rg, fragpos, lightmap.x,vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B));
///////////////////////////// FINALIZE /////////////////////////////
gl_FragData[0].rgb = (Indirect_lighting + Direct_lighting) * albedo;
#ifdef Specular_Reflections
vec3 specNoise = vec3(blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).rg, interleaved_gradientNoise());
DoSpecularReflections(gl_FragData[0].rgb, fragpos, np3, vec3(0.0), specNoise, normal, SpecularTex.r, SpecularTex.g, albedo, vec3(0.0), 1.0, hand);
Emission(gl_FragData[0].rgb, albedo, SpecularTex.a);
if(lightningBolt) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1);
float vanillAO = clamp(texture2D(colortex15,texcoord).a,0.0,1.0) ;
if(lightmap.y < 0.1 && !entities){
// minshadowfilt *= vanillAO;
maxshadowfilt = mix(minshadowfilt, maxshadowfilt, vanillAO);
if (iswater && isEyeInWater == 0){
vec3 fragpos0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5,z0));
float Vdiff = distance(fragpos,fragpos0);
float VdotU = np3.y;
float estimatedDepth = Vdiff * abs(VdotU) ; //assuming water plane
vec3 ambientColVol = max(vec3(1.0,0.5,1.0) * 0.3, vec3(0.2,0.4,1.0) * (MIN_LIGHT_AMOUNT*0.01 + nightVision));
float SpecularTex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord).z;
float LabSSS = clamp((-64.0 + SpecularTex * 255.0) / 191.0 ,0.0,1.0);
waterVolumetrics(gl_FragData[0].rgb, fragpos0, fragpos, estimatedDepth , estimatedDepth, Vdiff, noise, totEpsilon, scatterCoef, ambientColVol);
#ifndef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows
if (LabSSS > 0.0 && !hand && NdotL < 0.001) minshadowfilt += 50;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(minshadowfilt, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0);
gl_FragData[0].y = 0;
if (z < 1.0 && !hand){
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
#ifdef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows
if (NdotL > 0.001 || LabSSS > 0.0) {
vec3 feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
// GriAndEminShadowFix(p3, viewToWorld(FlatNormals), vanillAO, lightmap.y, entities);
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * feetPlayerPos + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
//do shadows only if on shadow map
if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.z) < 6.0){
const float threshMul = max(2048.0/shadowMapResolution*shadowDistance/128.0,0.95);
float distortThresh = (sqrt(1.0-NdotL*NdotL)/NdotL+0.7)/distortFactor;
float diffthresh = distortThresh/6000.0*threshMul;
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
float mult = maxshadowfilt;
float avgBlockerDepth = 0.0;
vec2 scales = vec2(0.0, 120.0 - Max_Filter_Depth);
float blockerCount = 0.0;
float rdMul = distortFactor*(1.0+mult)*d0*k/shadowMapResolution;
float diffthreshM = diffthresh*mult*d0*k/20.;
float avgDepth = 0.0;
int seed = (frameCounter%40000) * 2 + (1+frameCounter);
float samplePos = fract(R2_samples(seed).x + blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).x) * 1.61803398874;
float noise = 0.5+blueNoise();
for(int i = 0; i < VPS_Search_Samples; i++){
vec2 offsetS = tapLocation_alternate(i+1, i/VPS_Search_Samples, 7, 20, samplePos) * noise;
float weight = 3.0 + (i+blueNoise() ) *rdMul/SHADOW_FILTER_SAMPLE_COUNT*shadowMapResolution*distortFactor/2.7;
// float d = texelFetch2D( shadow, ivec2((projectedShadowPosition.xy+offsetS*rdMul)*shadowMapResolution),0).x;
float d = texelFetch2D( shadow, ivec2((projectedShadowPosition.xy+offsetS*rdMul)*shadowMapResolution),0).x;
float b = smoothstep(weight*diffthresh/2.0, weight*diffthresh, projectedShadowPosition.z - d);
blockerCount += b;
avgDepth += max(projectedShadowPosition.z - d, 0.0)*1000.;
avgBlockerDepth += d * b;
gl_FragData[0].g = avgDepth / VPS_Search_Samples;
gl_FragData[0].b = blockerCount / VPS_Search_Samples;
if (blockerCount >= 0.9){
avgBlockerDepth /= blockerCount;
float ssample = max(projectedShadowPosition.z - avgBlockerDepth,0.0)*1500.0;
gl_FragData[0].r = clamp(ssample, scales.x, scales.y)/(scales.y)*(mult-minshadowfilt)+minshadowfilt;

View File

@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec3 avgAmbient;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
@ -27,23 +24,14 @@ const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
WsunVec = (float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.)*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
TAA_Offset = offsets[frameCounter%8];
TAA_Offset = offsets[framemod8];
#ifndef TAA
TAA_Offset = vec2(0.0);
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;
avgAmbient = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
zMults = vec3((far * near)*2.0,far+near,far-near);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,20 +1,57 @@
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
flat varying float tempOffsets;
flat varying float Flashing;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
// uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
Flashing = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,1),0).x/150.0;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51*2.0-1.0;
zMults = vec3((far * near)*2.0,far+near,far-near);
lightCol.rgb = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2.0 - 1.0;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
// WsunVec = normalize(LightDir);
TAA_Offset = offsets[framemod8];
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//Merge and upsample the blurs into a 1/4 res bloom buffer
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
@ -83,9 +78,8 @@ vec4 texture2D_bicubic(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv)
void main() {
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/(max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/BLOOM_QUALITY);
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec2 texcoord = ((gl_FragCoord.xy)*2.+0.5)*texelSize;
vec3 bloom = texture2D_bicubic(colortex3,texcoord/2.0).rgb; //1/4 res
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/4.).rgb; //1/8 res

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -14,5 +11,5 @@ void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.26*BLOOM_QUALITY/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2-1.0;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
#version 120
//Vignetting, applies bloom, applies exposure and tonemaps the final image
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ void main() {
// vec3 bloom = (texture2D(colortex3,texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*0.5*BLOOM_QUALITY).rgb)/2./7.0;
vec3 bloom = texture2D(colortex3, texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*0.5*BLOOM_QUALITY).rgb / 2.0 / 7.0;
vec3 bloom = texture2D(colortex3, texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*BLOOM_QUALITY).rgb / 2.0 / 7.0;
float lightScat = clamp(BLOOM_STRENGTH * 0.05 * pow(exposure.a, 0.2) ,0.0,1.0)*vignette;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec4 exposure;
flat varying float rodExposure;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -17,4 +16,5 @@ void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
rodExposure = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(14,37),0).r;

View File

@ -1,305 +1,278 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying vec3 zMults;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
// flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex0;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex2;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform sampler2D colortex9;
uniform sampler2D colortex11;
uniform sampler2D colortex13;
uniform sampler2D colortex15;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
flat varying vec3 noooormal;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float sunElevation;
// uniform float far;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float blindness;
uniform float darknessFactor;
uniform float darknessLightFactor;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
flat varying vec3 refractedSunVec;
#include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
// #include "/lib/biome_specifics.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricFog.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
#include "/lib/nether_fog.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
#include "/lib/end_fog.glsl"
#define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.)
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
float ld(float depth) {
return 1.0 / (zMults.y - depth * zMults.z); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
// #include "/lib/specular.glsl"
vec4 BilateralUpscale(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth,vec2 coord,float frDepth, vec2 distort){
coord = coord;
vec4 vl = vec4(0.0);
float sum = 0.0;
mat3x3 weights;
const ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION);
ivec2 posD = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION + distort)*scaling;
ivec2 posVl = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION + distort);
float dz = zMults.x;
ivec2 pos = (ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy+frameCounter) % 2 )*2;
ivec2 tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
float dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
float w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,0) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2,0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0) + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0,-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
return vl/sum;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0;
n.xy = abs(encn);
n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y;
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn;
return clamp(normalize(,-1.0,1.0);
vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.);
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter );
vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){
return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0);
void waterVolumetrics_notoverworld(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEndDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient){
inColor *= exp(-rayLength * waterCoefs); //No need to take the integrated value
int spCount = rayMarchSampleCount;
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
vec3 dV = (end-start);
//limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
//you can't see above this anyway
float maxZ = min(rayLength,12.0)/(1e-8+rayLength);
dV *= maxZ;
rayLength *= maxZ;
float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
estEndDepth *= maxZ;
estSunDepth *= maxZ;
vec3 wpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayStart + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 dVWorld = (wpos-gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz);
vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
float expFactor = 11.0;
for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor);
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0);
vec3 spPos = + dV*d;
vec3 progressW =;
vec3 ambientMul = exp(-max(estEndDepth * d,0.0) * waterCoefs );
vec3 Indirectlight = ambientMul*ambient;
vec3 light = Indirectlight * scatterCoef;
vL += (light - light * exp(-waterCoefs * dd * rayLength)) / waterCoefs * absorbance;
absorbance *= exp(-dd * rayLength * waterCoefs);
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
inColor += vL;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
float waterCaustics(vec3 wPos, vec3 lightSource) { // water waves
vec2 pos = wPos.xz + (lightSource.xz/lightSource.y*wPos.y);
if(isEyeInWater==1) pos = wPos.xz - (lightSource.xz/lightSource.y*wPos.y); // fix the fucky
vec2 movement = vec2(-0.035*frameTimeCounter);
float caustic = 0.0;
float weightSum = 0.0;
float radiance = 2.39996;
mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(vec2(cos(radiance), -sin(radiance)), vec2(sin(radiance), cos(radiance)));
const vec2 wave_size[4] = vec2[](
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
pos = rotationMatrix * pos;
vec2 speed = movement;
float waveStrength = 1.0;
if( i == 0) {
speed *= 0.15;
waveStrength = 2.0;
/// thanks stackoverflow
void applyContrast(inout vec3 color, float contrast){
color = ((color - 0.5) * max(contrast, 0.0)) + 0.5;
float small_wave = texture2D(noisetex, pos / wave_size[i] + speed ).b * waveStrength;
caustic += max( 1.0-sin( 1.0-pow( 0.5+sin( small_wave*3.0 )*0.5, 25.0) ), 0);
weightSum -= exp2(caustic*0.1);
return caustic / weightSum;
void waterVolumetrics(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEyeDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient, vec3 lightSource, float VdotL){
int spCount = 8;
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart);
vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd);
vec3 dV = (end-start);
//limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error
//you can't see above this anyway
float maxZ = min(rayLength,32.0)/(1e-8+rayLength);
dV *= maxZ;
vec3 dVWorld = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ;
rayLength *= maxZ;
float dY = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y * rayLength;
vec3 progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition;
// vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunVec * lightCol.a;
float phase = (phaseg(VdotL,0.6) + phaseg(VdotL,0.8)) * 0.5;
vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
vec3 vL = vec3(0.0);
float expFactor = 11.0;
for (int i=0;i<spCount;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor); // exponential step position (0-1)
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither)/float(spCount)) * log(expFactor) / float(spCount)/(expFactor-1.0); //step length (derivative)
vec3 spPos = + dV*d;
progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
//project into biased shadowmap space
float distortFactor = calcDistort(spPos.xy);
vec3 pos = vec3(spPos.xy*distortFactor, spPos.z);
float sh = 1.0;
if (abs(pos.x) < 1.0-0.5/2048. && abs(pos.y) < 1.0-0.5/2048){
pos = pos*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0)+0.5;
sh = shadow2D( shadow, pos).x;
sh *= GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(progressW, WsunVec);
vec3 sunMul = exp(-max((estSunDepth - dY * d) ,0.0)/abs(refractedSunVec.y) * waterCoefs);
vec3 ambientMul = exp(-max(estEyeDepth - dY * d,0.0) * waterCoefs) * 2.0 ;
float np3_Y = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * rayEnd).y;
float ambfogfade = clamp(exp(np3_Y*1.5 - 1.5),0.0,1.0) ;
float sunCaustics = clamp(pow(waterCaustics(progressW, WsunVec)+1,5) * 2.0, phase*0.8+0.2, 1.0);
// make it such that the volume is brighter farther away from the camera.
float bubbleOfClearness = max(pow(length(d*dVWorld)/16,5)*100.0,0.0) + 1;
float bubbleOfClearness2 = max(pow(length(d*dVWorld)/24,5)*100.0,0.0) + 1;
vec3 Directlight = (lightSource * sunCaustics * phase * (sunMul+0.5)) * sh * pow(abs(WsunVec.y),2) * bubbleOfClearness;
vec3 Indirectlight = max(ambient * ambientMul, vec3(0.6,0.6,1.0) * exp(-waterCoefs) * bubbleOfClearness2) * ambfogfade ;
vec3 light = (Directlight + Indirectlight) * scatterCoef ;
vL += (light - light * exp(-waterCoefs * dd * rayLength)) / waterCoefs * absorbance;
absorbance *= exp(-dd * rayLength * waterCoefs);
inColor += vL;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize;
vec2 tc = floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION*texelSize+0.5*texelSize;
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,tc).x;
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(vec3(tc/RENDER_SCALE,z));
vec4 trpData = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord);
bool iswater = trpData.a > 0.99;
float translucentAlpha = trpData.a;
// vec4 speculartex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord); // translucents
// float sunlight = speculartex.b;
//3x3 bilateral upscale from half resolution
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,texcoord).x;
float z2 = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x;
float frDepth = ld(z2);
// vec4 vl = texture2D(colortex0,texcoord * 0.5);
////// --------------- UNPACK OPAQUE GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec4 data_opaque = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord);
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data_opaque.z),decodeVec2(data_opaque.w)); // normals, lightmaps
// vec4 dataUnpacked2 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;
////// --------------- UNPACK TRANSLUCENT GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec3 data = texture2D(colortex11,texcoord).rgb;
vec4 unpack0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.r),decodeVec2(data.g)) ;
vec4 unpack1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.b),0,0) ;
float noise_1 = blueNoise();
float noise_2 = interleaved_gradientNoise();
if (isEyeInWater == 0){
vec4 albedo = vec4(,unpack1.rg);
vec2 tangentNormals = unpack0.xy*2.0-1.0;
if(albedo.a <= 0.0) tangentNormals = vec2(0.0);
vec4 TranslucentShader = texture2D(colortex2,texcoord);
float lightleakfix = clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.,2) ,0.0,1.0);
vec2 tempOffset = TAA_Offset;
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
vec3 fragpos2 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z2));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
vec2 refractedCoord = texcoord;
/// --- REFRACTION --- ///
#ifdef Refraction
refractedCoord += (tangentNormals * clamp((ld(z2) - ld(z)) * 0.5,0.0,0.15)) * RENDER_SCALE;
// refractedCoord += tangentNormals * 0.1 * RENDER_SCALE;
float refractedalpha = decodeVec2(texture2D(colortex11,refractedCoord).b).g;
float refractedalpha2 = texture2D(colortex7,refractedCoord).a;
if( refractedalpha <= 0.001 ||z < 0.56) refractedCoord = texcoord; // remove refracted coords on solids
vec4 VolumetricFog = GetVolumetricFog(viewPos, noise_1, lightCol.rgb/80.0, averageSkyCol/30.0);
vec4 VolumetricFog = GetVolumetricFog(viewPos, noise_1, noise_2);
vec4 VolumetricFog = GetVolumetricFog(viewPos, noise_1, noise_2);
/// --- MAIN COLOR BUFFER --- ///
// it is sampled with distorted texcoords
vec3 color = texture2D(colortex3,refractedCoord).rgb;
vec4 vl = BilateralUpscale(colortex0, depthtex1, gl_FragCoord.xy, frDepth, vec2(0.0));
float bloomyFogMult = 1.0;
if (TranslucentShader.a > 0.0){
#ifdef Glass_Tint
if(albedo.a > 0.2) color = color*albedo.rgb + color * clamp(pow(1.0-luma(albedo.rgb),20.),0.0,1.0);
color = color*(1.0-TranslucentShader.a) + TranslucentShader.rgb;
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(VolumetricFog, 0.0, 65000.0);
// underwater fog
if (isEyeInWater == 1){
float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount;
vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B);
vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B);
vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon;
vec3 scatterCoef = dirtAmount * vec3(Dirt_Scatter_R, Dirt_Scatter_G, Dirt_Scatter_B) / 3.14;
// float fogfade = clamp( exp(length(fragpos) / -20) ,0.0,1.0);
// vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (length(fragpos) / -4) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (-length(fragpos)) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
fogfade *= 1.0 - clamp( length(fragpos) / far,0.0,1.0);
color.rgb *= fogfade ;
bloomyFogMult *= 0.4;
float estEyeDepth = 1.0-clamp(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.0,0.,1.0);
estEyeDepth = pow(estEyeDepth,3.0) * 32.0;
// apply VL fog to the scene
color *= vl.a;
color += vl.rgb;
vec3 lightColVol = lightCol.rgb / 80.;
// bloomy rain effect
float rainDrops = clamp(texture2D(colortex9,texcoord).a, 0.0,1.0);
if(rainDrops > 0.0) bloomyFogMult *= clamp(1.0 - pow(rainDrops*5.0,2),0.0,1.0);
vec3 lightningColor = (lightningEffect / 3) * (max(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y,0)/240.);
vec3 ambientColVol = (averageSkyCol/30.0);
/// lava.
if (isEyeInWater == 2){
color.rgb = vec3(4.0,0.5,0.1);
vec3 vl = vec3(0.0);
waterVolumetrics(vl, vec3(0.0), viewPos, estEyeDepth, estEyeDepth, length(viewPos), noise_1, totEpsilon, scatterCoef, ambientColVol, lightColVol*(1.0-pow(1.0-sunElevation*lightCol.a,5.0)) , dot(normalize(viewPos), normalize(sunVec* lightCol.a ) ));
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(vec4(vl,1.0),0.000001,65000.);
/// powdered snow
if (isEyeInWater == 3){
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb,vec3(10,15,20),clamp(length(fragpos)*0.5,0.,1.));
bloomyFogMult = 0.0;
// blidnesss
color.rgb *= mix(1.0,clamp( exp(pow(length(fragpos)*(blindness*0.2),2) * -1),0.,1.) , blindness);
// darkness effect
color.rgb *= mix(1.0, (1.0-darknessLightFactor*2.0) * clamp(1.0-pow(length(fragpos2)*(darknessFactor*0.07),2.0),0.0,1.0), darknessFactor);
#ifdef display_LUT
vec2 movedTC = texcoord;
vec3 thingy = texture2D(colortex4,movedTC).rgb / 150. * 5.0;
if(luma(thingy) > 0.0 ) color.rgb = thingy;
vec3 fragpos0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord - TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5,z));
vec3 ambientColVol = max(vec3(1.0,0.5,1.0) * 0.6, vec3(0.2,0.4,1.0) * MIN_LIGHT_AMOUNT*0.01);
gl_FragData[0].a = 1;
waterVolumetrics_notoverworld(gl_FragData[0].rgb, fragpos0, viewPos, 1 , 1, 1, blueNoise(), totEpsilon, scatterCoef, ambientColVol);
gl_FragData[0].r = vl.a * bloomyFogMult; // pass fog alpha so bloom can do bloomy fog
gl_FragData[1].rgb = clamp(color.rgb,0.0,68000.0);

View File

@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec3 refractedSunVec;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform int frameCounter;
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
void main() {
zMults = vec3(1.0/(far * near),far+near,far-near);
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51*2.0-1.0;
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2.0 - 1.0;
lightCol.rgb = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = lightCol.a * normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
// WsunVec = normalize(LightDir);
refractedSunVec = refract(WsunVec, -vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), 1.0/1.33333);

View File

@ -1,350 +1,347 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
const int noiseTextureResolution = 32;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset;
const int colortex0Format = RGBA16F; // low res clouds (deferred->composite2) + low res VL (composite5->composite15)
const int colortex1Format = RGBA16; //terrain gbuffer (gbuffer->composite2)
const int colortex2Format = RGBA16F; //forward + transparencies (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex3Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //frame buffer + bloom (deferred6->final)
const int colortex4Format = RGBA16F; //light values and skyboxes (everything)
const int colortex5Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //TAA buffer (everything)
const int colortex6Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //additionnal buffer for bloom (composite3->final)
const int colortex7Format = RGBA8; //Final output, transparencies id (gbuffer->composite4)
//no need to clear the buffers, saves a few fps
const bool colortex0Clear = false;
const bool colortex1Clear = false;
const bool colortex2Clear = true;
const bool colortex3Clear = false;
const bool colortex4Clear = false;
const bool colortex5Clear = false;
const bool colortex6Clear = false;
const bool colortex7Clear = false;
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float exposureA;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex10;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex0;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;
uniform sampler2D colortex2;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
uniform sampler2D colortex8;
uniform sampler2D colortex9;
uniform sampler2D colortex11;
uniform sampler2D colortex13;
uniform sampler2D colortex15;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
flat varying vec3 noooormal;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int framemod8;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float blindness;
uniform float darknessFactor;
uniform float darknessLightFactor;
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/climate_settings.glsl"
#define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.)
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
float ld(float depth) {
return 1.0 / (zMults.y - depth * zMults.z); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
// #include "/lib/specular.glsl"
vec4 BilateralUpscale(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth,vec2 coord,float frDepth){
coord = coord;
vec4 vl = vec4(0.0);
float sum = 0.0;
mat3x3 weights;
const ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION);
ivec2 posD = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION)*scaling;
ivec2 posVl = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION);
float dz = zMults.x;
ivec2 pos = (ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy+frameCounter) % 2 )*2;
ivec2 tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
float dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
float w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(-2,0) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(-2,0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0) + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
tcDepth = posD + ivec2(0,-2) * scaling + pos * scaling;
dsample = ld(texelFetch2D(depth,tcDepth,0).r);
w = abs(dsample-frDepth) < dz ? 1.0 : 1e-5;
vl += texelFetch2D(tex,posVl+ivec2(0,-2)+pos,0)*w;
sum += w;
return vl/sum;
vec3 decode (vec2 encn){
vec3 n = vec3(0.0);
encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0;
n.xy = abs(encn);
n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y;
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn;
return clamp(normalize(,-1.0,1.0);
vec2 decodeVec2(float a){
const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.);
const float constant2 = 256. / 255.;
return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){
return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0);
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+tempOffsets);
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float triangularize(float dither)
float center = dither*2.0-1.0;
dither = center*inversesqrt(abs(center));
return clamp(dither-fsign(center),0.0,1.0);
vec3 fp10Dither(vec3 color,float dither){
const vec3 mantissaBits = vec3(6.,6.,5.);
vec3 exponent = floor(log2(color));
return color + dither*exp2(-mantissaBits)*exp2(exponent);
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
//returns the projected coordinates of the closest point to the camera in the 3x3 neighborhood
vec3 closestToCamera3x3()
vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x, 0.0);
vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y);
vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv - du).x);
vec3 dtc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv).x);
vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv + du).x);
vec3 dml = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - du).x);
vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord).x);
vec3 dmr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + du).x);
vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv - du).x);
vec3 dbc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv).x);
vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv + du).x);
vec3 dmin = dmc;
dmin = dmin.z > dtc.z? dtc : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z? dtr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dml.z? dml : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z? dtl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dmr.z? dmr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z? dbl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbc.z? dbc : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z? dbr : dmin;
return dmin;
/// thanks stackoverflow
void applyContrast(inout vec3 color, float contrast){
color = ((color - 0.5) * max(contrast, 0.0)) + 0.5;
//Modified texture interpolation from inigo quilez
vec4 smoothfilter(in sampler2D tex, in vec2 uv)
vec2 textureResolution = vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight);
uv = uv*textureResolution + 0.5;
vec2 iuv = floor( uv );
vec2 fuv = fract( uv );
uv = iuv + (fuv*fuv)*(3.0-2.0*fuv);
uv = iuv + fuv*fuv*fuv*(fuv*(fuv*6.0-15.0)+10.0);
uv = (uv - 0.5)/textureResolution;
return texture2D( tex, uv);
//Due to low sample count we "tonemap" the inputs to preserve colors and smoother edges
vec3 weightedSample(sampler2D colorTex, vec2 texcoord){
vec3 wsample = texture2D(colorTex,texcoord).rgb*exposureA;
return wsample/(1.0+luma(wsample));
//from :
vec4 SampleTextureCatmullRom(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 texSize )
// We're going to sample a a 4x4 grid of texels surrounding the target UV coordinate. We'll do this by rounding
// down the sample location to get the exact center of our "starting" texel. The starting texel will be at
// location [1, 1] in the grid, where [0, 0] is the top left corner.
vec2 samplePos = uv * texSize;
vec2 texPos1 = floor(samplePos - 0.5) + 0.5;
// Compute the fractional offset from our starting texel to our original sample location, which we'll
// feed into the Catmull-Rom spline function to get our filter weights.
vec2 f = samplePos - texPos1;
// Compute the Catmull-Rom weights using the fractional offset that we calculated earlier.
// These equations are pre-expanded based on our knowledge of where the texels will be located,
// which lets us avoid having to evaluate a piece-wise function.
vec2 w0 = f * ( -0.5 + f * (1.0 - 0.5*f));
vec2 w1 = 1.0 + f * f * (-2.5 + 1.5*f);
vec2 w2 = f * ( 0.5 + f * (2.0 - 1.5*f) );
vec2 w3 = f * f * (-0.5 + 0.5 * f);
// Work out weighting factors and sampling offsets that will let us use bilinear filtering to
// simultaneously evaluate the middle 2 samples from the 4x4 grid.
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 offset12 = w2 / (w1 + w2);
// Compute the final UV coordinates we'll use for sampling the texture
vec2 texPos0 = texPos1 - vec2(1.0);
vec2 texPos3 = texPos1 + vec2(2.0);
vec2 texPos12 = texPos1 + offset12;
texPos0 *= texelSize;
texPos3 *= texelSize;
texPos12 *= texelSize;
vec4 result = vec4(0.0);
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos0.y)) * w0.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos0.y)) * w12.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos0.y)) * w3.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos12.y)) * w0.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos12.y)) * w12.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos12.y)) * w3.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos3.y)) * w0.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos3.y)) * w12.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos3.y)) * w3.x * w3.y;
return result;
//approximation from SMAA presentation from siggraph 2016
vec3 FastCatmulRom(sampler2D colorTex, vec2 texcoord, vec4 rtMetrics, float sharpenAmount)
vec2 position = * texcoord;
vec2 centerPosition = floor(position - 0.5) + 0.5;
vec2 f = position - centerPosition;
vec2 f2 = f * f;
vec2 f3 = f * f2;
float c = sharpenAmount;
vec2 w0 = -c * f3 + 2.0 * c * f2 - c * f;
vec2 w1 = (2.0 - c) * f3 - (3.0 - c) * f2 + 1.0;
vec2 w2 = -(2.0 - c) * f3 + (3.0 - 2.0 * c) * f2 + c * f;
vec2 w3 = c * f3 - c * f2;
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 tc12 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + w2 / w12);
vec3 centerColor = texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc12.y)).rgb;
vec2 tc0 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition - 1.0);
vec2 tc3 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + 2.0);
vec4 color = vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc0.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w0.y ) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc0.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w0.x * w12.y) +
vec4(centerColor, 1.0) * (w12.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc3.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w3.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc3.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w3.y );
return color.rgb/color.a;
vec3 clip_aabb(vec3 q,vec3 aabb_min, vec3 aabb_max)
vec3 p_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max + aabb_min);
vec3 e_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max - aabb_min) + 0.00000001;
vec3 v_clip = q - vec3(p_clip);
vec3 v_unit = / e_clip;
vec3 a_unit = abs(v_unit);
float ma_unit = max(a_unit.x, max(a_unit.y, a_unit.z));
if (ma_unit > 1.0)
return vec3(p_clip) + v_clip / ma_unit;
return q;
vec3 toClipSpace3Prev(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3 tonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1+luma(col));
vec3 invTonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1-luma(col));
vec3 closestToCamera5taps(vec2 texcoord, sampler2D depth)
vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x*2., 0.0);
vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y*2.);
vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv - du).x);
vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv + du).x);
vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depth, texcoord).x);
vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv - du).x);
vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv + du).x);
vec3 dmin = dmc;
dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z? dtr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z? dtl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z? dbl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z? dbr : dmin;
return dmin;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
vec3 TAA_hq(){
vec2 adjTC = texcoord;
//use velocity from the nearest texel from camera in a 3x3 box in order to improve edge quality in motion
vec3 closestToCamera = closestToCamera5taps(adjTC, depthtex0);
vec3 closestToCamera = vec3(texcoord,texture2D(depthtex1,adjTC).x);
//reproject previous frame
vec3 fragposition = toScreenSpace(closestToCamera);
fragposition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragposition + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + (cameraPosition - previousCameraPosition);
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * fragposition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition = toClipSpace3Prev(previousPosition);
vec2 velocity = previousPosition.xy - closestToCamera.xy;
previousPosition.xy = texcoord + velocity;
//reject history if off-screen and early exit
if (previousPosition.x < 0.0 || previousPosition.y < 0.0 || previousPosition.x > 1.0 || previousPosition.y > 1.0)
return smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).xyz;
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent1 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent2 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent3 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent4 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent5 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent6 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent7 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent8 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
//Assuming the history color is a blend of the 3x3 neighborhood, we clamp the history to the min and max of each channel in the 3x3 neighborhood
vec3 cMax = max(max(max(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),max(albedoCurrent3,max(albedoCurrent4,max(albedoCurrent5,max(albedoCurrent6,max(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
vec3 cMin = min(min(min(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),min(albedoCurrent3,min(albedoCurrent4,min(albedoCurrent5,min(albedoCurrent6,min(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).rgb;
#ifndef NO_CLIP
vec3 albedoPrev = max(FastCatmulRom(colortex5, previousPosition.xy,vec4(texelSize, 1.0/texelSize), 0.75).xyz, 0.0);
vec3 finalcAcc = clamp(albedoPrev,cMin,cMax);
//Increases blending factor when far from AABB and in motion, reduces ghosting
float isclamped = distance(albedoPrev,finalcAcc)/luma(albedoPrev) * 0.5;
float movementRejection = (0.12+isclamped)*clamp(length(velocity/texelSize),0.0,1.0);
float test = 0.05;
bool isEntities = texture2D(colortex10,texcoord).x > 0.0;
// if(isEntities) test = 0.15;
// if(istranslucent) test = 0.1;
//Blend current pixel with clamped history, apply fast tonemap beforehand to reduce flickering
// vec3 supersampled = invTonemap(mix(tonemap(finalcAcc),tonemap(albedoCurrent0),clamp(BLEND_FACTOR + movementRejection, min(luma(motionVector) *255,1.0),1.)));
vec3 supersampled = invTonemap(mix(tonemap(finalcAcc),tonemap(albedoCurrent0),clamp(BLEND_FACTOR + movementRejection, test,1.)));
#ifdef NO_CLIP
vec3 albedoPrev = texture2D(colortex5, previousPosition.xy).xyz;
vec3 supersampled = mix(albedoPrev,albedoCurrent0,clamp(0.05,0.,1.));
return supersampled;
void main() {
gl_FragData[0].a = 1.0;
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize;
#ifdef TAA
vec3 color = TAA_hq();
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(fp10Dither(color,triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())),6.11*1e-5,65000.0);
vec4 trpData = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord);
bool iswater = trpData.a > 0.99;
float translucentAlpha = trpData.a;
// vec4 speculartex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord); // translucents
// float sunlight = speculartex.b;
//3x3 bilateral upscale from half resolution
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,texcoord).x;
float z2 = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x;
float frDepth = ld(z2);
// vec4 vl = texture2D(colortex0,texcoord * 0.5);
////// --------------- UNPACK OPAQUE GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec4 data_opaque = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord);
vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data_opaque.z),decodeVec2(data_opaque.w)); // normals, lightmaps
// vec4 dataUnpacked2 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w));
bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01;
vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;
////// --------------- UNPACK TRANSLUCENT GBUFFERS --------------- //////
vec3 data = texture2D(colortex11,texcoord).rgb;
vec4 unpack0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.r),decodeVec2(data.g)) ;
vec4 unpack1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.b),0,0) ;
vec4 albedo = vec4(,unpack1.rg);
vec2 tangentNormals = unpack0.xy*2.0-1.0;
if(albedo.a <= 0.0) tangentNormals = vec2(0.0);
vec4 TranslucentShader = texture2D(colortex2,texcoord);
vec2 tempOffset = TAA_Offset;
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z));
vec3 fragpos2 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,z2));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
vec2 refractedCoord = texcoord;
/// --- REFRACTION --- ///
#ifdef Refraction
refractedCoord += (tangentNormals * clamp((ld(z2) - ld(z)) * 0.5,0.0,0.15)) * RENDER_SCALE;
// refractedCoord += tangentNormals * 0.1 * RENDER_SCALE;
float refractedalpha = decodeVec2(texture2D(colortex11,refractedCoord).b).g;
float refractedalpha2 = texture2D(colortex7,refractedCoord).a;
if( refractedalpha <= 0.001 ||z < 0.56) refractedCoord = texcoord; // remove refracted coords on solids
#ifndef TAA
vec3 color = clamp(fp10Dither(texture2D(colortex3,texcoord).rgb,triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())),0.,65000.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = color;
/// --- MAIN COLOR BUFFER --- ///
// it is sampled with distorted texcoords
vec3 color = texture2D(colortex3,refractedCoord).rgb;
float lightleakfix = clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.,2) ,0.0,1.0);
#if defined OVERWORLD_SHADER && defined BorderFog
vec3 sky = skyFromTex(np3,colortex4) / 150. * 5.0;
float fog = 1.0 - clamp(exp(-pow(length(fragpos / far),10.)*4.0) ,0.0,1.0);
float heightFalloff = clamp( pow(abs(np3.y-1.01),5) ,0,1) ;
if(z < 1.0 && isEyeInWater == 0) color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, sky, fog * heightFalloff * lightleakfix);
vec4 vl = BilateralUpscale(colortex0, depthtex1, gl_FragCoord.xy, frDepth);
float bloomyFogMult = 1.0;
if (TranslucentShader.a > 0.0){
#ifdef Glass_Tint
if(albedo.a > 0.2) color = color*albedo.rgb + color * clamp(pow(1.0-luma(albedo.rgb),20.),0.0,1.0);
color = color*(1.0-TranslucentShader.a) + TranslucentShader.rgb;
#ifdef BorderFog
if(z < 1.0 && isEyeInWater == 0) color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, sky, fog * heightFalloff * lightleakfix);
#ifdef Cave_fog
if (isEyeInWater == 0){
float fogdistfade = clamp( pow(length(fragpos) / far, CaveFogFallOff) ,0.0,1.0);
fogdistfade = fogdistfade*0.95 + clamp( pow(1.0 - exp((length(fragpos) / far) * -5), 2.0) ,0.0,1.0)*0.05;
float fogfade = clamp( exp(clamp(np3.y * 0.5 + 0.5,0,1) * -3.0) ,0.0,1.0);
vec3 cavefogCol = vec3(CaveFogColor_R,CaveFogColor_G,CaveFogColor_B);
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, cavefogCol*fogfade, fogdistfade * (1.0-lightleakfix) * (1.0-darknessFactor) * clamp( 1.5 - np3.y,0.,1)) ;
// color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, vec3(0.), fogdistfade * (1.0-lightleakfix) * (1.0-darknessFactor) * clamp( 1.5 - np3.y,0.,1)) ;
// color.rgb = vec3(CaveFogColor_R,CaveFogColor_G,CaveFogColor_B)*fogfade ;
// underwater fog
if (isEyeInWater == 1){
float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount;
vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B);
vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B);
vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon;
// float fogfade = clamp( exp(length(fragpos) / -20) ,0.0,1.0);
// vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (length(fragpos) / -4) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
vec3 fogfade = clamp( exp( (length(fragpos) / -4) * totEpsilon ) ,0.0,1.0);
fogfade *= 1.0 - clamp( length(fragpos) / far,0.0,1.0);
color.rgb *= fogfade ;
bloomyFogMult *= 0.4;
// apply VL fog to the scene
color *= vl.a;
color += vl.rgb;
// bloomy rain effect
float rainDrops = clamp(texture2D(colortex9,texcoord).a, 0.0,1.0);
if(rainDrops > 0.0) bloomyFogMult *= clamp(1.0 - pow(rainDrops*5.0,2),0.0,1.0);
/// lava.
if (isEyeInWater == 2){
color.rgb = vec3(4.0,0.5,0.1);
/// powdered snow
if (isEyeInWater == 3){
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb,vec3(10,15,20),clamp(length(fragpos)*0.5,0.,1.));
bloomyFogMult = 0.0;
// blidnesss
color.rgb *= mix(1.0,clamp( exp(pow(length(fragpos)*(blindness*0.2),2) * -5),0.,1.) , blindness);
// darkness effect
color.rgb *= mix(1.0, (1.0-darknessLightFactor*2.0) * clamp(1.0-pow(length(fragpos2)*(darknessFactor*0.07),2.0),0.0,1.0), darknessFactor);
#ifdef display_LUT
vec2 movedTC = texcoord;
vec3 thingy = texture2D(colortex4,movedTC).rgb / 30;
if(luma(thingy) > 0.0){
color.rgb = thingy;
vl.a = 1.0;
gl_FragData[0].r = vl.a * bloomyFogMult; // pass fog alpha so bloom can do bloomy fog
gl_FragData[1].rgb = clamp(color.rgb, 0.0,68000.0);

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float exposureA;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform int frameCounter;
flat varying vec3 zMults;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
zMults = vec3(1.0/(far * near),far+near,far-near);
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
exposureA = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(10,37),0).r;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// Compute 3x3 min max for TAA
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -9,34 +10,35 @@ uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*2.*resScale*texelSize;
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);
if (quarterResTC.x > 1.0 - 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y > 1.0 -3.5*texelSize.y || quarterResTC.x < 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y < 3.5*texelSize.y) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
ivec2 center = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec3 current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center, 0).rgb;
vec3 cMin = current;
vec3 cMax = current;
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, 0), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(-1, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(0, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(0, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, -1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, 0), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
current = texelFetch2D(colortex3, center + ivec2(1, 1), 0).rgb;
cMin = min(cMin, current);
cMax = max(cMax, current);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = cMax;
gl_FragData[1].rgb = cMin;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -7,9 +8,9 @@ uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,42 +1,286 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
const int colortex0Format = RGBA16F; // low res clouds (deferred->composite2) + low res VL (composite5->composite15)
const int colortex1Format = RGBA16; //terrain gbuffer (gbuffer->composite2)
const int colortex2Format = RGBA16F; //forward + transparencies (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex3Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //frame buffer + bloom (deferred6->final)
const int colortex4Format = RGBA16F; //light values and skyboxes (everything)
const int colortex6Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //additionnal buffer for bloom (composite3->final)
const int colortex7Format = RGBA8; //Final output, transparencies id (gbuffer->composite4)
const int colortex11Format = RGBA16; // unchanged translucents albedo, alpha and tangent normals
const int colortex15Format = RGBA8; // flat normals and vanilla AO
//no need to clear the buffers, saves a few fps
const bool colortex0Clear = false;
const bool colortex1Clear = false;
const bool colortex2Clear = true;
const bool colortex3Clear = false;
const bool colortex4Clear = false;
const bool colortex5Clear = false;
const bool colortex6Clear = false;
const bool colortex7Clear = false;
const bool colortex11Clear = true;
const int colortex5Format = RGBA32F; //TAA buffer (everything)
const int colortex5Format = R11F_G11F_B10F; //TAA buffer (everything)
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex0;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex10;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int framemod8;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
void main() {
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*2.*texelSize;
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);
uniform int hideGUI;
#define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.)
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+tempOffsets);
float triangularize(float dither)
float center = dither*2.0-1.0;
dither = center*inversesqrt(abs(center));
return clamp(dither-fsign(center),0.0,1.0);
vec4 fp10Dither(vec4 color ,float dither){
const vec3 mantissaBits = vec3(6.,6.,5.);
vec3 exponent = floor(log2(color.rgb));
return vec4(color.rgb + dither*exp2(-mantissaBits)*exp2(exponent), color.a);
//Modified texture interpolation from inigo quilez
vec4 smoothfilter(in sampler2D tex, in vec2 uv)
vec2 textureResolution = vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight);
uv = uv*textureResolution + 0.5;
vec2 iuv = floor( uv );
vec2 fuv = fract( uv );
uv = iuv + (fuv*fuv)*(3.0-2.0*fuv);
uv = iuv + fuv*fuv*fuv*(fuv*(fuv*6.0-15.0)+10.0);
uv = (uv - 0.5)/textureResolution;
return texture2D( tex, uv);
//approximation from SMAA presentation from siggraph 2016
vec3 FastCatmulRom(sampler2D colorTex, vec2 texcoord, vec4 rtMetrics, float sharpenAmount)
vec2 position = * texcoord;
vec2 centerPosition = floor(position - 0.5) + 0.5;
vec2 f = position - centerPosition;
vec2 f2 = f * f;
vec2 f3 = f * f2;
float c = sharpenAmount;
vec2 w0 = -c * f3 + 2.0 * c * f2 - c * f;
vec2 w1 = (2.0 - c) * f3 - (3.0 - c) * f2 + 1.0;
vec2 w2 = -(2.0 - c) * f3 + (3.0 - 2.0 * c) * f2 + c * f;
vec2 w3 = c * f3 - c * f2;
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 tc12 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + w2 / w12);
vec3 centerColor = texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc12.y)).rgb;
vec2 tc0 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition - 1.0);
vec2 tc3 = rtMetrics.xy * (centerPosition + 2.0);
vec4 color = vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc0.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w0.y ) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc0.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w0.x * w12.y) +
vec4(centerColor, 1.0) * (w12.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc3.x, tc12.y)).rgb, 1.0) * (w3.x * w12.y) +
vec4(texture2D(colorTex, vec2(tc12.x, tc3.y )).rgb, 1.0) * (w12.x * w3.y );
return color.rgb/color.a;
vec3 clip_aabb(vec3 q, vec3 aabb_min, vec3 aabb_max)
vec3 p_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max + aabb_min);
vec3 e_clip = 0.5 * (aabb_max - aabb_min) + 0.00000001;
vec3 v_clip = q - vec3(p_clip);
vec3 v_unit = / e_clip;
vec3 a_unit = abs(v_unit);
float ma_unit = max(a_unit.x, max(a_unit.y, a_unit.z));
if (ma_unit > 1.0)
return vec3(p_clip) + v_clip / ma_unit;
return q;
vec3 toClipSpace3Prev(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3 tonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1+luma(col));
vec3 invTonemap(vec3 col){
return col/(1-luma(col));
vec3 closestToCamera5taps(vec2 texcoord, sampler2D depth)
vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x*2., 0.0);
vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y*2.);
vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv - du).x);
vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv + du).x);
vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depth, texcoord).x);
vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv - du).x);
vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv + du).x);
vec3 dmin = dmc;
dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z? dtr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z? dtl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z? dbl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z? dbr : dmin;
dmin.xy = dmin.xy/RENDER_SCALE;
return dmin;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
vec4 TAA_hq(){
vec2 adjTC = clamp(texcoord*RENDER_SCALE, vec2(0.0), RENDER_SCALE - texelSize*2.0);
vec2 adjTC = texcoord;
//use velocity from the nearest texel from camera in a 3x3 box in order to improve edge quality in motion
vec3 closestToCamera = closestToCamera5taps(adjTC, depthtex0);
vec3 closestToCamera = vec3(texcoord,texture2D(depthtex1,adjTC).x);
//reproject previous frame
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(closestToCamera);
viewPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + (cameraPosition - previousCameraPosition);
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * viewPos + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition = toClipSpace3Prev(previousPosition);
vec2 velocity = previousPosition.xy - closestToCamera.xy;
previousPosition.xy = texcoord + velocity;
//reject history if off-screen and early exit
if (previousPosition.x < 0.0 || previousPosition.y < 0.0 || previousPosition.x > 1.0 || previousPosition.y > 1.0)
return vec4(smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).xyz,1.0);
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).xyz;
// Interpolating neighboorhood clampling boundaries between pixels
vec3 cMax = texture2D(colortex0, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 cMin = texture2D(colortex6, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent0 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent1 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent2 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent3 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent4 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent5 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent6 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(0.0,-texelSize.y)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent7 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent8 = texture2D(colortex3, adjTC + vec2(texelSize.x,0.0)).rgb;
//Assuming the history color is a blend of the 3x3 neighborhood, we clamp the history to the min and max of each channel in the 3x3 neighborhood
vec3 cMax = max(max(max(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),max(albedoCurrent3,max(albedoCurrent4,max(albedoCurrent5,max(albedoCurrent6,max(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
vec3 cMin = min(min(min(albedoCurrent0,albedoCurrent1),albedoCurrent2),min(albedoCurrent3,min(albedoCurrent4,min(albedoCurrent5,min(albedoCurrent6,min(albedoCurrent7,albedoCurrent8))))));
albedoCurrent0 = smoothfilter(colortex3, adjTC + offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5).rgb;
vec3 albedoPrev = max(FastCatmulRom(colortex5, previousPosition.xy,vec4(texelSize, 1.0/texelSize), 0.75).xyz, 0.0);
vec3 finalcAcc = clamp(albedoPrev, cMin, cMax);
//Increases blending factor when far from AABB and in motion, reduces ghosting
float isclamped = distance(albedoPrev,finalcAcc)/luma(albedoPrev) * 0.5;
float movementRejection = (0.12+isclamped)*clamp(length(velocity/texelSize),0.0,1.0);
//Blend current pixel with clamped history, apply fast tonemap beforehand to reduce flickering
vec4 supersampled = vec4(invTonemap(mix(tonemap(finalcAcc), tonemap(albedoCurrent0), clamp(BLEND_FACTOR + movementRejection, 0.0,1.0))), 1.0);
return supersampled;
vec4 albedoPrev = texture2D(colortex5, previousPosition.xy);
vec3 supersampled = albedoPrev.rgb * albedoPrev.a + albedoCurrent0;
if (length(velocity) > 1e-6 || hideGUI < 1) return vec4(albedoCurrent0,1.0);
return vec4(supersampled/(albedoPrev.a+1.0), albedoPrev.a+1.0);
void main() {
gl_FragData[0].a = 1.0;
#ifdef TAA
vec4 color = TAA_hq();
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(color, 0.0, 65000.0);
gl_FragData[0] = clamp(fp10Dither(color, triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())), 0.0, 65000.0);
#ifndef TAA
vec3 color = clamp(fp10Dither(texture2D(colortex3,texcoord).rgb, triangularize(interleaved_gradientNoise())),0.0,65000.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = color;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
void main() {
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.26/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.x;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
//here we take advantage of bilinear filtering for 2x less sample, as a side effect the gaussian won't be totally centered for small blurs
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.x > minTC && spCoord.x < maxTC);
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -24,34 +9,35 @@ vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(1.0,0.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.)/2.;
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc2/2,gaussDir,0.16,0);
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*2.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc4/2,gaussDir,0.16,3);
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*2.*resScale*texelSize;
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc8/2,gaussDir,0.035,6);
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc16/2,gaussDir,0.0085,12);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc32/2,gaussDir,0.002,28);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc64/2,gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex5,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);
if (quarterResTC.x > 1.0 - 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y > 1.0 -3.5*texelSize.y || quarterResTC.x < 3.5*texelSize.x || quarterResTC.y < 3.5*texelSize.y) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -8,11 +7,9 @@ varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0));
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.y;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.y > minTC && spCoord.y < maxTC);
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -23,34 +9,34 @@ vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 resScale = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.))/vec2(1920.,1080.);
vec2 quarterResTC = gl_FragCoord.xy*2.*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(0.0,1.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.);
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,4.0),gaussDir,0.16,0);
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+1.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-1.0*texelSize.x,1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(1.0*texelSize.x,-1.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.5;
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,2.)-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.16,3);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,0.0))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0.0,texelSize.y))/2.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(0,-texelSize.y))/2*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(-texelSize.x,0.0))/2*0.125;
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,4.)-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,2.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.035,6);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC-2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+2.0*vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(-2.0*texelSize.x,2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC+vec2(2.0*texelSize.x,-2.0*texelSize.y))/4.*0.125;
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,8.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,4.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0085,12);
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,16.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,8.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.002,30);
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(64.0,32.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*64.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,16.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0] += texture2D(colortex3,quarterResTC)*0.125;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -8,12 +7,9 @@ varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0));
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.26/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2-1.0;

View File

@ -1,73 +1,20 @@
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
float w0(float a)
return (1.0/6.0)*(a*(a*(-a + 3.0) - 3.0) + 1.0);
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.x;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
//here we take advantage of bilinear filtering for 2x less sample, as a side effect the gaussian won't be totally centered for small blurs
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.x > minTC && spCoord.x < maxTC);
float w1(float a)
return (1.0/6.0)*(a*a*(3.0*a - 6.0) + 4.0);
float w2(float a)
return (1.0/6.0)*(a*(a*(-3.0*a + 3.0) + 3.0) + 1.0);
float w3(float a)
return (1.0/6.0)*(a*a*a);
float g0(float a)
return w0(a) + w1(a);
float g1(float a)
return w2(a) + w3(a);
float h0(float a)
return -1.0 + w1(a) / (w0(a) + w1(a));
float h1(float a)
return 1.0 + w3(a) / (w2(a) + w3(a));
vec4 texture2D_bicubic(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv)
vec4 texelSize = vec4(texelSize,1.0/texelSize);
uv = uv*;
vec2 iuv = floor( uv );
vec2 fuv = fract( uv );
float g0x = g0(fuv.x);
float g1x = g1(fuv.x);
float h0x = h0(fuv.x);
float h1x = h1(fuv.x);
float h0y = h0(fuv.y);
float h1y = h1(fuv.y);
vec2 p0 = (vec2(iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h0y) - 0.5) * texelSize.xy;
vec2 p1 = (vec2(iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h0y) - 0.5) * texelSize.xy;
vec2 p2 = (vec2(iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h1y) - 0.5) * texelSize.xy;
vec2 p3 = (vec2(iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h1y) - 0.5) * texelSize.xy;
return g0(fuv.y) * (g0x * texture2D(tex, p0) +
g1x * texture2D(tex, p1)) +
g1(fuv.y) * (g0x * texture2D(tex, p2) +
g1x * texture2D(tex, p3));
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -77,24 +24,34 @@ vec4 texture2D_bicubic(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv)
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec2 texcoord = ((gl_FragCoord.xy)*2.+0.5)*texelSize;
vec3 bloom = texture2D_bicubic(colortex3,texcoord/2.0).rgb; //1/4 res
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/4.).rgb; //1/8 res
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(1.0,0.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.)/2.;
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc2/2,gaussDir,0.16,0);
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/8.+vec2(0.25*resScale.x+2.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb; //1/16 res
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*2.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc4/2,gaussDir,0.16,3);
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/16.+vec2(0.375*resScale.x+4.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb; //1/32 res
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1.)/2.-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc8/2,gaussDir,0.035,6);
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/32.+vec2(0.4375*resScale.x+6.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb*1.0; //1/64 res
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/64.+vec2(0.46875*resScale.x+8.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb*1.0; //1/128 res
bloom += texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord/128.+vec2(0.484375*resScale.x+10.5*texelSize.x,.0)).rgb*1.0; //1/256 res
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc16/2,gaussDir,0.0085,12);
//bloom = texture2D_bicubic(colortex6,texcoord).rgb*6.; //1/8 res
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc32/2,gaussDir,0.002,28);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = bloom*2.;
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,1./2.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(tc64/2,gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -7,9 +8,11 @@ uniform float viewHeight;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
//Improves performances and makes sure bloom radius stays the same at high resolution (>1080p)
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0));
gl_Position = ftransform();
//*0.51 to avoid errors when sampling outside since clearing is disabled
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*0.51/clampedRes*vec2(1920.0,1080.)*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);

View File

@ -1,473 +1,56 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#ifdef DOF
//hexagon pattern
const vec2 hex_offsets[60] = vec2[60] ( vec2( 0.2165, 0.1250 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.2165, 0.1250 ),
vec2( -0.2165, -0.1250 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.2165, -0.1250 ),
vec2( 0.4330, 0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.4330, 0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.4330, -0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.4330, -0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.6495, 0.3750 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 0.7500 ),
vec2( -0.6495, 0.3750 ),
vec2( -0.6495, -0.3750 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.7500 ),
vec2( 0.6495, -0.3750 ),
vec2( 0.8660, 0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 1.0000 ),
vec2( -0.8660, 0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.8660, -0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -1.0000 ),
vec2( 0.8660, -0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.2163, 0.3754 ),
vec2( -0.2170, 0.3750 ),
vec2( -0.4333, -0.0004 ),
vec2( -0.2163, -0.3754 ),
vec2( 0.2170, -0.3750 ),
vec2( 0.4333, 0.0004 ),
vec2( 0.4328, 0.5004 ),
vec2( -0.2170, 0.6250 ),
vec2( -0.6498, 0.1246 ),
vec2( -0.4328, -0.5004 ),
vec2( 0.2170, -0.6250 ),
vec2( 0.6498, -0.1246 ),
vec2( 0.6493, 0.6254 ),
vec2( -0.2170, 0.8750 ),
vec2( -0.8663, 0.2496 ),
vec2( -0.6493, -0.6254 ),
vec2( 0.2170, -0.8750 ),
vec2( 0.8663, -0.2496 ),
vec2( 0.2160, 0.6259 ),
vec2( -0.4340, 0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.6500, -0.1259 ),
vec2( -0.2160, -0.6259 ),
vec2( 0.4340, -0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.6500, 0.1259 ),
vec2( 0.4325, 0.7509 ),
vec2( -0.4340, 0.7500 ),
vec2( -0.8665, -0.0009 ),
vec2( -0.4325, -0.7509 ),
vec2( 0.4340, -0.7500 ),
vec2( 0.8665, 0.0009 ),
vec2( 0.2158, 0.8763 ),
vec2( -0.6510, 0.6250 ),
vec2( -0.8668, -0.2513 ),
vec2( -0.2158, -0.8763 ),
vec2( 0.6510, -0.6250 ),
vec2( 0.8668, 0.2513 ));
const vec2 offsets[60] = vec2[60] ( vec2( 0.0000, 0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.2165, 0.1250 ),
vec2( -0.2165, -0.1250 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.2165, -0.1250 ),
vec2( 0.2165, 0.1250 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.2500, 0.4330 ),
vec2( -0.4330, 0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.5000, 0.0000 ),
vec2( -0.4330, -0.2500 ),
vec2( -0.2500, -0.4330 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.2500, -0.4330 ),
vec2( 0.4330, -0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.5000, -0.0000 ),
vec2( 0.4330, 0.2500 ),
vec2( 0.2500, 0.4330 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 0.7500 ),
vec2( -0.2565, 0.7048 ),
vec2( -0.4821, 0.5745 ),
vec2( -0.6495, 0.3750 ),
vec2( -0.7386, 0.1302 ),
vec2( -0.7386, -0.1302 ),
vec2( -0.6495, -0.3750 ),
vec2( -0.4821, -0.5745 ),
vec2( -0.2565, -0.7048 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -0.7500 ),
vec2( 0.2565, -0.7048 ),
vec2( 0.4821, -0.5745 ),
vec2( 0.6495, -0.3750 ),
vec2( 0.7386, -0.1302 ),
vec2( 0.7386, 0.1302 ),
vec2( 0.6495, 0.3750 ),
vec2( 0.4821, 0.5745 ),
vec2( 0.2565, 0.7048 ),
vec2( 0.0000, 1.0000 ),
vec2( -0.2588, 0.9659 ),
vec2( -0.5000, 0.8660 ),
vec2( -0.7071, 0.7071 ),
vec2( -0.8660, 0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.9659, 0.2588 ),
vec2( -1.0000, 0.0000 ),
vec2( -0.9659, -0.2588 ),
vec2( -0.8660, -0.5000 ),
vec2( -0.7071, -0.7071 ),
vec2( -0.5000, -0.8660 ),
vec2( -0.2588, -0.9659 ),
vec2( -0.0000, -1.0000 ),
vec2( 0.2588, -0.9659 ),
vec2( 0.5000, -0.8660 ),
vec2( 0.7071, -0.7071 ),
vec2( 0.8660, -0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.9659, -0.2588 ),
vec2( 1.0000, -0.0000 ),
vec2( 0.9659, 0.2588 ),
vec2( 0.8660, 0.5000 ),
vec2( 0.7071, 0.7071 ),
vec2( 0.5000, 0.8660 ),
vec2( 0.2588, 0.9659 ));
const vec2 shadow_offsets[209] = vec2[209](vec2(0.8886414f , 0.07936136f),
vec2(0.8190064f , 0.1900164f),
vec2(0.8614115f , -0.06991258f),
vec2(0.7685533f , 0.03792081f),
vec2(0.9970094f , 0.02585129f),
vec2(0.9686818f , 0.1570935f),
vec2(0.9854341f , -0.09172997f),
vec2(0.9330608f , 0.3326486f),
vec2(0.8329557f , -0.2438523f),
vec2(0.664771f , -0.0837701f),
vec2(0.7429124f , -0.1530652f),
vec2(0.9506453f , -0.2174281f),
vec2(0.8192949f , 0.3485171f),
vec2(0.6851269f , 0.2711877f),
vec2(0.7665657f , 0.5014166f),
vec2(0.673241f , 0.3793408f),
vec2(0.6981376f , 0.1465924f),
vec2(0.6521665f , -0.2384985f),
vec2(0.5145761f , -0.05752508f),
vec2(0.5641244f , -0.169443f),
vec2(0.5916035f , 0.06004957f),
vec2(0.57079f , 0.234188f),
vec2(0.509311f , 0.1523665f),
vec2(0.4204576f , 0.05759521f),
vec2(0.8200846f , -0.3601041f),
vec2(0.6893264f , -0.3473432f),
vec2(0.4775535f , -0.3062558f),
vec2(0.438106f , -0.1796866f),
vec2(0.4056528f , -0.08251233f),
vec2(0.5771964f , 0.5502692f),
vec2(0.5094061f , 0.4025192f),
vec2(0.6908483f , 0.572951f),
vec2(0.5379036f , -0.4542191f),
vec2(0.8167359f , -0.4793735f),
vec2(0.6829269f , -0.4557574f),
vec2(0.5725697f , -0.3477072f),
vec2(0.5767449f , -0.5782524f),
vec2(0.3979413f , -0.4172934f),
vec2(0.4282598f , -0.5145645f),
vec2(0.938814f , -0.3239739f),
vec2(0.702452f , -0.5662871f),
vec2(0.2832307f , -0.1285671f),
vec2(0.3230537f , -0.2691054f),
vec2(0.2921676f , -0.3734582f),
vec2(0.2534037f , -0.4906001f),
vec2(0.4343273f , 0.5223463f),
vec2(0.3605334f , 0.3151571f),
vec2(0.3498518f , 0.451428f),
vec2(0.3230703f , 0.00287089f),
vec2(0.1049206f , -0.1476725f),
vec2(0.2063161f , -0.2608192f),
vec2(0.7266634f , 0.6725333f),
vec2(0.4027067f , -0.6185485f),
vec2(0.2655533f , -0.5912259f),
vec2(0.4947965f , 0.3025357f),
vec2(0.5760762f , 0.68844f),
vec2(0.4909205f , -0.6975324f),
vec2(0.8609334f , 0.4559f),
vec2(0.1836646f , 0.03724086f),
vec2(0.2878554f , 0.178938f),
vec2(0.3948484f , 0.1618928f),
vec2(0.3519658f , -0.7628763f),
vec2(0.6338583f , -0.673193f),
vec2(0.5511802f , -0.8283072f),
vec2(0.4090595f , -0.8717521f),
vec2(0.1482169f , -0.374728f),
vec2(0.1050598f , -0.2613987f),
vec2(0.4210334f , 0.6578422f),
vec2(0.2430464f , 0.4383665f),
vec2(0.3329675f , 0.5512741f),
vec2(0.2147711f , 0.3245511f),
vec2(0.1227196f , 0.2529026f),
vec2(-0.03937457f , 0.156439f),
vec2(0.05618772f , 0.06690486f),
vec2(0.06519571f , 0.3974038f),
vec2(0.1360903f , 0.1466078f),
vec2(-0.00170609f , 0.3089452f),
vec2(0.1357622f , -0.5088975f),
vec2(0.1604694f , -0.7453476f),
vec2(0.1245694f , -0.6337074f),
vec2(0.02542936f , -0.3728781f),
vec2(0.02222222f , -0.649554f),
vec2(0.09870815f , 0.5357338f),
vec2(0.2073958f , 0.5452989f),
vec2(0.216654f , -0.8935689f),
vec2(0.2422334f , 0.665805f),
vec2(0.0574713f , 0.6742729f),
vec2(0.2021346f , 0.8144029f),
vec2(0.3086587f , 0.7504997f),
vec2(0.02122174f , -0.7498575f),
vec2(-0.1551729f , 0.1809731f),
vec2(-0.1947583f , 0.06246066f),
vec2(-0.05754202f , -0.03901273f),
vec2(-0.1083095f , 0.2952235f),
vec2(-0.03259534f , -0.492394f),
vec2(-0.02488567f , -0.2081116f),
vec2(-0.1820729f , -0.1829884f),
vec2(-0.1674413f , -0.04529009f),
vec2(0.04342153f , -0.0368562f),
vec2(0.801399f , -0.5845526f),
vec2(0.3158276f , -0.9124843f),
vec2(-0.05945269f , 0.6727523f),
vec2(0.07701834f , 0.8579889f),
vec2(-0.05778154f , 0.5699022f),
vec2(0.1191713f , 0.7542591f),
vec2(-0.2578296f , 0.3630984f),
vec2(-0.1428598f , 0.4557526f),
vec2(-0.3304029f , 0.5055485f),
vec2(-0.3227198f , 0.1847367f),
vec2(-0.4183801f , 0.3412776f),
vec2(0.2538475f , 0.9317476f),
vec2(0.406249f , 0.8423664f),
vec2(0.4718862f , 0.7592828f),
vec2(0.168472f , -0.06605823f),
vec2(0.2632498f , -0.7084918f),
vec2(-0.2816192f , -0.1023492f),
vec2(-0.3161443f , 0.02489911f),
vec2(-0.4677814f , 0.08450397f),
vec2(-0.4156994f , 0.2408664f),
vec2(-0.237449f , 0.2605326f),
vec2(-0.0912179f , 0.06491816f),
vec2(0.01475127f , 0.7670643f),
vec2(0.1216858f , -0.9368939f),
vec2(0.07010741f , -0.841011f),
vec2(-0.1708607f , -0.4152923f),
vec2(-0.1345006f , -0.5842513f),
vec2(-0.09419055f , -0.3213732f),
vec2(-0.2149337f , 0.730642f),
vec2(-0.1102187f , 0.8425013f),
vec2(-0.1808572f , 0.6244397f),
vec2(-0.2414505f , -0.7063725f),
vec2(-0.2410318f , -0.537854f),
vec2(-0.1005938f , -0.7635075f),
vec2(0.1053517f , 0.9678772f),
vec2(-0.3340288f , 0.6926677f),
vec2(-0.2363931f , 0.8464488f),
vec2(-0.4057773f , 0.7786722f),
vec2(-0.5484858f , 0.1686208f),
vec2(-0.64842f , 0.02256887f),
vec2(-0.5544513f , -0.02348978f),
vec2(-0.492855f , -0.1083694f),
vec2(-0.4248196f , 0.4674786f),
vec2(-0.5873146f , 0.4072608f),
vec2(-0.6439911f , 0.3038489f),
vec2(-0.6419188f , 0.1293737f),
vec2(-0.005880734f , 0.4699725f),
vec2(-0.4239455f , 0.6250131f),
vec2(-0.1701273f , 0.9506347f),
vec2(7.665656E-05f , 0.9941212f),
vec2(-0.7070159f , 0.4426281f),
vec2(-0.7481344f , 0.3139496f),
vec2(-0.8330062f , 0.2472693f),
vec2(-0.7271438f , 0.2024286f),
vec2(-0.5179888f , 0.3149576f),
vec2(-0.8258062f , 0.3779382f),
vec2(-0.8063191f , 0.1262931f),
vec2(-0.2690676f , -0.4360798f),
vec2(-0.3714577f , -0.5887412f),
vec2(-0.3736085f , -0.4018324f),
vec2(-0.3228985f , -0.2063406f),
vec2(-0.2414576f , -0.2875458f),
vec2(-0.4720859f , -0.3823904f),
vec2(-0.4937642f , -0.2686005f),
vec2(-0.01500604f , -0.9587054f),
vec2(-0.08535925f , -0.8820614f),
vec2(-0.6436375f , -0.3157263f),
vec2(-0.5736347f , -0.4224878f),
vec2(-0.5026127f , -0.5516239f),
vec2(-0.8200902f , 0.5370023f),
vec2(-0.7196413f , 0.57133f),
vec2(-0.5849072f , 0.5917885f),
vec2(-0.1598758f , -0.9739854f),
vec2(-0.4230629f , -0.01858409f),
vec2(-0.9403627f , 0.2213769f),
vec2(-0.685889f , -0.2192711f),
vec2(-0.6693704f , -0.4884708f),
vec2(-0.7967147f , -0.3078234f),
vec2(-0.596441f , -0.1686891f),
vec2(-0.7366468f , -0.3939891f),
vec2(-0.7963406f , 0.02246814f),
vec2(-0.9177913f , 0.0929693f),
vec2(-0.9284672f , 0.3329005f),
vec2(-0.6497722f , 0.6851863f),
vec2(-0.496019f , 0.7013303f),
vec2(-0.3930301f , -0.6892192f),
vec2(-0.2122009f , -0.8777389f),
vec2(-0.3660335f , -0.801644f),
vec2(-0.386839f , -0.1191898f),
vec2(-0.7020127f , -0.0776734f),
vec2(-0.7760845f , -0.1566844f),
vec2(-0.5444778f , -0.6516482f),
vec2(-0.5331346f , 0.4946506f),
vec2(-0.3288236f , 0.9408244f),
vec2(0.5819826f , 0.8101937f),
vec2(-0.4894184f , -0.8290837f),
vec2(-0.5183194f , 0.8454953f),
vec2(-0.7665774f , -0.5223897f),
vec2(-0.6703191f , -0.6217513f),
vec2(-0.8902924f , -0.2446688f),
vec2(-0.8574848f , -0.09174173f),
vec2(-0.3544409f , -0.9239591f),
vec2(-0.969833f , -0.1172272f),
vec2(-0.8968207f , -0.4079512f),
vec2(-0.5891477f , 0.7724466f),
vec2(-0.2146262f , 0.5286855f),
vec2(-0.3762444f , -0.3014335f),
vec2(-0.9466863f , -0.008970681f),
vec2(-0.596356f , -0.7976127f),
vec2(-0.8877738f , 0.4569088f));
flat varying vec4 exposure;
flat varying float rodExposure;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform float near;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float far;
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
float cdist(vec2 coord) {
return max(abs(coord.s-0.5),abs(coord.t-0.5))*2.0;
vec2 resScale = vec2(1920.,1080.)/max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec3 gauss1D(vec2 coord,vec2 dir,float alpha,int maxIT){
vec4 tot = vec4(0.);
float maxTC = 0.25*resScale.y;
float minTC = 0.;
for (int i = -maxIT;i<maxIT+1;i++){
float weight = exp(-i*i*alpha*4.0);
vec2 spCoord = coord+dir*texelSize*(2.0*i+0.5);
tot += vec4(texture2D(colortex6,spCoord).rgb,1.0)*weight*float(spCoord.y > minTC && spCoord.y < maxTC);
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
return tot.rgb/max(1.0,tot.a);
float ld(float depth) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near)); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
vec3 closestToCamera3x3()
vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x, 0.0);
vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y);
vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv - du).x);
vec3 dtc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv).x);
vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - dv + du).x);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
vec3 dml = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord - du).x);
vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord).x);
vec3 dmr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, 0.0, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + du).x);
vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv - du).x);
vec3 dbc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv).x);
vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depthtex0, texcoord + dv + du).x);
vec3 dmin = dmc;
dmin = dmin.z > dtc.z? dtc : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z? dtr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dml.z? dml : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z? dtl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dmr.z? dmr : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z? dbl : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbc.z? dbc : dmin;
dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z? dbr : dmin;
return dmin;
void main() {
float vignette = (1.5-dot(texcoord-0.5,texcoord-0.5)*2.5);
vec3 col = texture2D(colortex5,texcoord).rgb;
#ifdef DOF
float z = ld(texture2D(depthtex0,*far;
float focus = ld(texture2D(depthtex0, vec2(0.5)).r)*far;
float focus = MANUAL_FOCUS;
float pcoc = min(abs(aperture * (focal/100.0 * (z - focus)) / (z * (focus - focal/100.0))),texelSize.x*15.0);
pcoc *= float(z > focus);
float noise = blueNoise()*6.28318530718;
mat2 noiseM = mat2( cos( noise ), -sin( noise ),
sin( noise ), cos( noise )
vec3 bcolor = vec3(0.);
float nb = 0.0;
vec2 bcoord = vec2(0.0);
#ifndef HQ_DOF
bcolor = col;
for ( int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
bcolor += texture2D(colortex5, texcoord.xy + hex_offsets[i]*pcoc*vec2(1.0,aspectRatio)).rgb;
col = bcolor/61.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
bcolor += texture2D(colortex5, texcoord.xy + offsets[i]*pcoc*vec2(1.0,aspectRatio)).rgb;
col = bcolor/61.0;
#ifdef HQ_DOF
for ( int i = 0; i < 209; i++) {
bcolor += texture2D(colortex5, texcoord.xy + noiseM*shadow_offsets[i]*pcoc*vec2(1.0,aspectRatio)).rgb;
col = bcolor/209.0;
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
vec3 bloom = texture2D(colortex3,texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*0.5).rgb/2./7.0;
float lightScat = clamp(BLOOM_STRENGTH * 0.05 * pow(exposure.a ,0.2) ,0.0,1.0)*vignette;
float VL_abs = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord).r;
VL_abs = clamp((1.0-VL_abs*1.05)*BLOOMY_FOG*0.5,0.0,1.0)*clamp(1.0-pow(cdist(texcoord.xy),15.0),0.0,1.0);
col = ( mix(col, bloom, VL_abs) + bloom*lightScat) * exposure.rgb;
col = LinearTosRGB(TONEMAP(col));
col = col * ACESInputMat;
col = TONEMAP(col);
col = LinearTosRGB(clamp(col * ACESOutputMat, 0.0, 1.0));
//col = ACESFitted(texture2D(colortex4,texcoord/3.).rgb/500.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(int8Dither(col,texcoord),0.0,1.0);
//if (nightMode < 0.99 && texcoord.x < 0.5) gl_FragData[0].rgb =vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
vec2 texcoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(2.0,4.0))*texelSize;
vec2 gaussDir = vec2(0.0,1.0);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 tc2 = texcoord*vec2(2.0,1.);
if (tc2.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc2.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,4.0),gaussDir,0.16,0);
vec2 tc4 = texcoord*vec2(4.0,2.)-vec2(0.5*resScale.x+4.0*texelSize.x,0.)*4.0;
if (tc4.x > 0.0 && tc4.y > 0.0 && tc4.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc4.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.16,3);
vec2 tc8 = texcoord*vec2(8.0,4.)-vec2(0.75*resScale.x+8.*texelSize.x,0.)*8.0;
if (tc8.x > 0.0 && tc8.y > 0.0 && tc8.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc8.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,2.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.035,6);
vec2 tc16 = texcoord*vec2(16.0,8.)-vec2(0.875*resScale.x+12.*texelSize.x,0.)*16.0;
if (tc16.x > 0.0 && tc16.y > 0.0 && tc16.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc16.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,4.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0085,12);
vec2 tc32 = texcoord*vec2(32.0,16.)-vec2(0.9375*resScale.x+16.*texelSize.x,0.)*32.0;
if (tc32.x > 0.0 && tc32.y > 0.0 && tc32.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc32.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,8.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.002,30);
vec2 tc64 = texcoord*vec2(64.0,32.)-vec2(0.96875*resScale.x+20.*texelSize.x,0.)*64.0;
if (tc64.x > 0.0 && tc64.y > 0.0 && tc64.x < 1.0*resScale.x && tc64.y <1.0*resScale.y)
gl_FragData[0].xyz = gauss1D(texcoord*vec2(1.0,16.0)/vec2(2.0,2.0),gaussDir,0.0005,60);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(gl_FragData[0].rgb,0.0,65000.);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec4 exposure;
flat varying float rodExposure;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -12,9 +8,12 @@ uniform sampler2D colortex4;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.0));
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
rodExposure = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(14,37),0).r;
gl_Position.y = (gl_Position.y*0.5+0.5)*0.25/clampedRes.y*1080.0*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.x = (gl_Position.x*0.5+0.5)*0.5/clampedRes.x*1920.0*2.0-1.0;
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.);

View File

@ -1,37 +1,33 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#define ReflectedFog
// flat varying vec3 ambientUp;
// flat varying vec3 ambientLeft;
// flat varying vec3 ambientRight;
// flat varying vec3 ambientB;
// flat varying vec3 ambientF;
// flat varying vec3 ambientDown;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec3 lightSourceColor;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 sunColorCloud;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColorCloud;
flat varying vec3 zenithColor;
flat varying vec3 avgSky;
// flat varying vec3 zenithColor;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec2 tempOffsets;
flat varying float exposure;
flat varying float rodExposure;
flat varying float avgBrightness;
flat varying float exposureF;
flat varying float fogAmount;
flat varying float VFAmount;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform float frameTime;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float eyeAltitude;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection;
@ -41,11 +37,15 @@ uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float far;
// uniform float far;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
vec4 lightCol = vec4(lightSourceColor, float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.);
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/ROBOBO_sky.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
vec3 toShadowSpaceProjected(vec3 p3){
p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * p3 + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
@ -64,25 +64,136 @@ float blueNoise(){
// const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
#define TEST
#include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricFog.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
#include "/lib/nether_fog.glsl"
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
#include "/lib/end_fog.glsl"
#include "/lib/nether_fog.glsl"
void main() {
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.0);
float mixhistory = 0.07;
/// --- STORE COLOR LUT --- ///
vec3 AmbientLightTint = vec3(AmbientLight_R, AmbientLight_G, AmbientLight_B);
// --- the color of the atmosphere + the average color of the atmosphere.
vec3 skyGroundCol = skyFromTex(vec3(0, -1 ,0), colortex4).rgb ;
/// --- Save light values
if (gl_FragCoord.x < 1. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(averageSkyCol_Clouds * AmbientLightTint,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 2. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4((skyGroundCol/150.0) * AmbientLightTint,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 6. && gl_FragCoord.x < 7. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(lightSourceColor,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 8. && gl_FragCoord.x < 9. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sunColor,1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 13. && gl_FragCoord.x < 14. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(moonColor,1.0);
/// --- ATMOSPHERE IMAGE --- ///
/// --- Sky only
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257){
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-vec2(18.,1.))/256.+tempOffsets/256.,0.0,1.0);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
vec2 planetSphere = vec2(0.0);
vec3 sky = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec;
sky = calculateAtmosphere(averageSkyCol*4000./2.0, viewVector, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), WsunVec, -WsunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 10, blueNoise());
// sky = mix(sky, (averageSkyCol + skyAbsorb)*4000./2.0 ,(1.0 - exp(pow(clamp(-viewVector.y+0.5,0.0,1.0),2) * -25)));
// fade atmosphere conditions for rain away when you pass above the cloud plane.
float heightRelativeToClouds = clamp(1.0 - max(eyeAltitude - Cumulus_height,0.0) / 200.0 ,0.0,1.0);
if(rainStrength > 0.0) sky = mix(sky, 3.0 + averageSkyCol*4000 * (skyAbsorb*0.7+0.3), clamp(1.0 - exp(pow(clamp(-viewVector.y+0.9,0.0,1.0),2) * -5.0),0.0,1.0) * heightRelativeToClouds * rainStrength);
sky *= vec3(0.0, 0.18, 0.35);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sky / 4000.0 * Sky_Brightness, 1.0);
/// --- Sky + clouds + fog
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18.+257. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257+257.){
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-vec2(18.+257,1.))/256.+tempOffsets/256.,0.0,1.0);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec;
vec3 sky = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)-ivec2(257,0),0).rgb/150.0;
if(viewVector.y < -0.025) sky = sky * clamp( exp(viewVector.y) - 1.0,0.25,1.0) ;
vec4 clouds = renderClouds(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024.,vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), sunColor, moonColor, skyGroundCol/30.0);
sky = sky*clouds.a + clouds.rgb / 5.0;
vec4 VL_Fog = GetVolumetricFog(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887), lightSourceColor*1.75, skyGroundCol/30.0);
sky = sky * VL_Fog.a + VL_Fog.rgb / 5.0;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(sky,1.0);
vec2 fogPos = vec2(256.0 - 256.0*0.12,1.0);
//Sky gradient with clouds
if (gl_FragCoord.x > (fogPos.x - fogPos.x*0.22) && gl_FragCoord.y > 0.4 && gl_FragCoord.x < 535){
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-fogPos)/256.+tempOffsets/256.,-0.2,1.2);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
vec3 BackgroundColor = vec3(0.0);
vec4 VL_Fog = GetVolumetricFog(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*256., fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887), fract(frameCounter/2.6180339887));
BackgroundColor += VL_Fog.rgb/5.0;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(BackgroundColor, 1.0);
/* ---------------------- FOG SHADER ---------------------- */
vec2 fogPos = vec2(256.0 - 256.0*0.12,1.0);
//Sky gradient with clouds
if (gl_FragCoord.x > (fogPos.x - fogPos.x*0.22) && gl_FragCoord.y > 0.4 && gl_FragCoord.x < 535){
// vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-vec2(18.+257,1.))/256.+tempOffsets/256.,0.0,1.0);
vec2 p = clamp(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy-fogPos)/256.+tempOffsets/256.,-0.2,1.2);
vec3 viewVector = cartToSphere(p);
@ -96,10 +207,61 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x > (fogPos.x - fogPos.x*0.22) && gl_FragCoord.y > 0.4 && gl_Fr
/* ---------------------- TIMER ---------------------- */
float flash = 0.0;
float maxWaitTime = 10;
float Timer = texelFetch2D(colortex4, ivec2(3,1), 0).x/150.0;
Timer -= frameTime;
if(Timer <= 0.0){
flash = 1.0;
Timer = pow(hash11(frameCounter), 5) * maxWaitTime;
vec2 pixelPos0 = vec2(3,1);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > pixelPos0.x && gl_FragCoord.x < pixelPos0.x + 1 && gl_FragCoord.y > pixelPos0.y && gl_FragCoord.y < pixelPos0.y + 1){
mixhistory = 1.0;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(Timer, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/* ---------------------- FLASHING ---------------------- */
vec2 pixelPos1 = vec2(1,1);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > pixelPos1.x && gl_FragCoord.x < pixelPos1.x + 1 && gl_FragCoord.y > pixelPos1.y && gl_FragCoord.y < pixelPos1.y + 1){
mixhistory = clamp(5.0 * frameTime,0.0,1.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(flash, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/* ---------------------- POSITION ---------------------- */
vec2 pixelPos2 = vec2(2,1);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > pixelPos2.x && gl_FragCoord.x < pixelPos2.x + 1 && gl_FragCoord.y > pixelPos2.y && gl_FragCoord.y < pixelPos2.y + 1){
mixhistory = clamp(500.0 * frameTime,0.0,1.0);
vec3 LastPos = (texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(2,1),0).xyz/150.0) * 2.0 - 1.0;
LastPos += (hash31(frameCounter / 75) * 2.0 - 1.0);
LastPos = LastPos * 0.5 + 0.5;
if(Timer > maxWaitTime * 0.7 ){
LastPos = vec3(0.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(LastPos, 1.0);
//Temporally accumulate sky and light values
vec3 temp = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy),0).rgb;
vec3 curr = gl_FragData[0].rgb*150.;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(mix(temp,curr,0.07),0.0,65000.);
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(mix(temp, curr, mixhistory),0.0,65000.);
//Exposure values
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 10. && gl_FragCoord.x < 11. && gl_FragCoord.y > 19.+18. && gl_FragCoord.y < 19.+18.+1 )

View File

@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
// #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec3 sunColor;
flat varying vec3 moonColor;
flat varying vec3 lightSourceColor;
flat varying vec3 zenithColor;
flat varying vec2 tempOffsets;
flat varying float exposure;
@ -18,13 +29,14 @@ uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform float eyeAltitude;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
// uniform float far;
uniform float frameTime;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float rainStrength;
// uniform int worldTime;
vec3 sunVec = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
// vec3 sunVec = normalize(LightDir);
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
@ -55,6 +67,79 @@ void main() {
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy*vec2(18.+258*2,258.)*texelSize;
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy*2.-1.0;
/// --- AMBIENT LIGHT STUFF --- ///
averageSkyCol_Clouds = vec3(0.0);
averageSkyCol = vec3(0.0);
vec2 sample3x3[9] = vec2[](
vec2(-1.0, -0.3),
vec2( 0.0, 0.0),
vec2( 1.0, -0.3),
vec2(-1.0, -0.5),
vec2( 0.0, -0.5),
vec2( 1.0, -0.5),
vec2(-1.0, -1.0),
vec2( 0.0, -1.0),
vec2( 1.0, -1.0)
// sample in a 3x3 pattern to get a good area for average color
vec3 pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
int maxIT = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIT; i++) {
pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
pos.xy += normalize(sample3x3[i]) * vec2(0.3183,0.90);
averageSkyCol_Clouds += 2.0*skyCloudsFromTex(pos,colortex4).rgb/maxIT/150.;
// pos = normalize(vec3(0,1,0));
// pos.xy += normalize(sample3x3[i]) * vec2(0.3183,0.90);
averageSkyCol += 1.5*skyFromTex(pos,colortex4).rgb/maxIT/150.; // please dont do an infinite feedback loop....
// // only need to sample one spot for this
// averageSkyCol += 2.0*skyFromTex(normalize(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0)),colortex4).rgb/150.;
vec3 minimimlight = vec3(0.2,0.4,1.0) * (MIN_LIGHT_AMOUNT*0.0005 + nightVision);
averageSkyCol_Clouds = max(averageSkyCol_Clouds, minimimlight);
averageSkyCol = max(averageSkyCol, minimimlight);
vec2 planetSphere = vec2(0.0);
vec3 sky = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
float sunVis = clamp(sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05*clamp(sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05;
float moonVis = clamp(-sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05*clamp(-sunElevation,0.0,0.05)/0.05;
// zenithColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,tempOffsets.x);
skyAbsorb = vec3(0.0);
vec3 absorb = vec3(0.0);
sunColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), sunVec, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,0.0);
sunColor = sunColorBase/4000. * skyAbsorb;
skyAbsorb = vec3(1.0);
moonColor = calculateAtmosphere(vec3(0.0), -sunVec, vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), sunVec, -sunVec, planetSphere, skyAbsorb, 25,0.5);
moonColor = moonColorBase/4000.0;
lightSourceColor = sunVis >= 1e-5 ? sunColor * sunVis : moonColor * moonVis;
float lightDir = float( sunVis >= 1e-5)*2.0-1.0;
/// --- EXPOSURE STUFF --- ///

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
float linZ(float depth) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near));
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
//Computes volumetric clouds at variable resolution (default 1/4 res)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying float tempOffsets;
uniform float far;
// uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
#include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -86,22 +92,21 @@ vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
void main() {
// vec2 halfResTC = vec2(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)/CLOUDS_QUALITY/RENDER_SCALE+0.5+(vec2(tempOffsets)*(texelSize/4))*CLOUDS_QUALITY*RENDER_SCALE*0.5);
vec2 halfResTC = vec2(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)/CLOUDS_QUALITY/RENDER_SCALE+0.5+offsets[framemod8]*CLOUDS_QUALITY*RENDER_SCALE*0.5);
float z = texture2D(depthtex0,halfResTC*texelSize).x;
vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(vec3(halfResTC*texelSize,1));
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(vec3(halfResTC*texelSize,1));
vec4 VolumetricClouds = renderClouds(viewPos, vec2(R2_dither(),blueNoise2()), sunColor/80., moonColor/150., averageSkyCol/30.0);
vec4 currentClouds = renderClouds(fragpos,vec2(R2_dither(),blueNoise2()), sunColor/80., moonColor/150., averageSkyCol/30.0);
gl_FragData[0] = currentClouds;
gl_FragData[0] = VolumetricClouds;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ uniform int frameCounter;
#include "/lib/util.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
void main() {
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*clamp(CLOUDS_QUALITY+0.01,0.0,1.0)*2.0-1.0;
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;
averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;
sunColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
moonColor = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(13,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = ( float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1. )*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
// WsunVec = normalize(LightDir);
tempOffsets = HaltonSeq2(frameCounter%10000);
gl_Position.xy = (gl_Position.xy*0.5+0.5)*RENDER_SCALE*2.0-1.0;

View File

@ -3,15 +3,12 @@
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
// uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0;
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0;
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1;
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
@ -99,6 +96,30 @@ void applyColorCurve(inout vec3 color, vec4 darks, vec4 brights){
uniform float hurt;
uniform float dying;
uniform float dead;
void PlayerDamagedEffect(inout vec3 outColor){
if(dying > 0){
float vignette2 = clamp(1.0 - exp(-(sin(frameTimeCounter*7)*15+50) * dot(texcoord-0.5,texcoord-0.5)),0.0,1.0);
outColor = mix(outColor, vec3(0.0), min(dying,1.0)*vignette2);
outColor = mix(outColor, vec3(0.0), dead);
float vignette = clamp(1.0 - exp(-5 * dot(texcoord-0.5,texcoord-0.5)),0.0,1.0);
outColor = mix(outColor, vec3(0.3,0.0,0.0), vignette*sqrt(hurt));
void main() {
vec3 col = SampleTextureCatmullRom(colortex7,texcoord,1.0/texelSize).rgb;
@ -119,14 +140,18 @@ void main() {
vec3 std = abs(col - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent1 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent2 - m1) +
abs(albedoCurrent3 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent3 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent4 - m1);
float contrast = 1.0 - luma(std)/5.0;
col = col*(1.0+(SHARPENING)*contrast)
- (SHARPENING)/(1.0-0.5/3.5)*contrast*(m1 - 0.5/3.5*col);
- (SHARPENING+UPSCALING_SHARPNENING)/(1.0-0.5/3.5)*contrast*(m1 - 0.5/3.5*col);
float lum = luma(col);
vec3 diff = col-lum;
col = col + diff*(-lum*CROSSTALK + SATURATION);
vec3 FINAL_COLOR = clamp(int8Dither(col,texcoord),0.0,1.0);
@ -136,4 +161,14 @@ void main() {
applyContrast(FINAL_COLOR, CONTRAST); // for fun
gl_FragColor.rgb = FINAL_COLOR;
// uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0;
// uniform sampler2D shadowtex0;
// uniform sampler2D shadowtex1;
// if(texcoord.x > 0.5) gl_FragColor.rgb = texture2D(shadowcolor0, texcoord * vec2(2.0, 1.0) - vec2(1.0, 0.0)).rgb;
// vec2 texrood = texcoord * vec2(2.0, 1.0) - vec2(1.0, 0.0);
// if(texrood.x > 0.49 && texrood.x < 0.51 && texrood.y > 0.49 && texrood.y < 0.51) gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(1,0,0);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
flat varying vec4 exposure;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
@ -11,8 +9,6 @@ uniform sampler2D colortex4;
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
###### all the different strengths of subsurface scattering and what entities to put them on.
### all the different strengths of subsurface scattering and what entities to put them on.
#medium sss (same as strong sss for blocks)
## medium sss (same as strong sss for blocks)
entity.1100 = slime giant ghast elder_guardian
#weak sss (same as weak sss for blocks)
entity.1200 = ender_dragon player sheep frog chicken snow_golem polar_bear zombie_horse armor_stand arrow squid bat cat cod cow donkey fox horse mooshroom mule ocelot parrot pig piglin polar_bear pufferfish rabbit salmon strider tropical_fish turtle villager wandering_trader bee cave_spider dolphin enderman llama panda spider wolf zombified_piglin blaze creeper drowned endermite evoker guardian hoglin husk magma_cube phantom piglin_brute pillager ravager silverfish stray vex vindicator witch zoglin zombie zombie_villager wither trader_llama
## weak sss (same as weak sss for blocks)
entity.1200 = player sheep frog chicken snow_golem polar_bear zombie_horse armor_stand arrow squid bat cat cod cow donkey fox horse mooshroom mule ocelot parrot pig piglin polar_bear pufferfish rabbit salmon strider tropical_fish turtle villager wandering_trader bee cave_spider dolphin enderman llama panda spider wolf zombified_piglin blaze creeper drowned endermite evoker guardian hoglin husk magma_cube phantom piglin_brute pillager ravager silverfish stray vex vindicator witch zoglin zombie zombie_villager trader_llama
## misc stuff
entity.1300 = ender_dragon wither
# various stuff
entity.12345 = minecraft:lightning_bolt weather2:lightning_bolt
entity.12345 = minecraft:lightning_bolt \
# all of these get excluded from POM
entity.2300 = minecraft:item_frame minecraft:item_display

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//Vignetting, applies bloom, applies exposure and tonemaps the final image
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
// uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
vec4 SampleTextureCatmullRom(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 texSize )
// We're going to sample a a 4x4 grid of texels surrounding the target UV coordinate. We'll do this by rounding
// down the sample location to get the exact center of our "starting" texel. The starting texel will be at
// location [1, 1] in the grid, where [0, 0] is the top left corner.
vec2 samplePos = uv * texSize;
vec2 texPos1 = floor(samplePos - 0.5) + 0.5;
// Compute the fractional offset from our starting texel to our original sample location, which we'll
// feed into the Catmull-Rom spline function to get our filter weights.
vec2 f = samplePos - texPos1;
// Compute the Catmull-Rom weights using the fractional offset that we calculated earlier.
// These equations are pre-expanded based on our knowledge of where the texels will be located,
// which lets us avoid having to evaluate a piece-wise function.
vec2 w0 = f * ( -0.5 + f * (1.0 - 0.5*f));
vec2 w1 = 1.0 + f * f * (-2.5 + 1.5*f);
vec2 w2 = f * ( 0.5 + f * (2.0 - 1.5*f) );
vec2 w3 = f * f * (-0.5 + 0.5 * f);
// Work out weighting factors and sampling offsets that will let us use bilinear filtering to
// simultaneously evaluate the middle 2 samples from the 4x4 grid.
vec2 w12 = w1 + w2;
vec2 offset12 = w2 / (w1 + w2);
// Compute the final UV coordinates we'll use for sampling the texture
vec2 texPos0 = texPos1 - vec2(1.0);
vec2 texPos3 = texPos1 + vec2(2.0);
vec2 texPos12 = texPos1 + offset12;
texPos0 *= texelSize;
texPos3 *= texelSize;
texPos12 *= texelSize;
vec4 result = vec4(0.0);
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos0.y)) * w0.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos0.y)) * w12.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos0.y)) * w3.x * w0.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos12.y)) * w0.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos12.y)) * w12.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos12.y)) * w3.x * w12.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos0.x, texPos3.y)) * w0.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos12.x, texPos3.y)) * w12.x * w3.y;
result += texture2D(tex, vec2(texPos3.x, texPos3.y)) * w3.x * w3.y;
return result;
/// thanks stackoverflow
void applyContrast(inout vec3 color, float contrast){
color = (color - 0.5) * contrast + 0.5;
float lowerCurve(float x) {
float y = 16 * x * (0.5 - x) * 0.1;
return clamp(y, 0.0, 1.0);
float upperCurve(float x) {
float y = 16 * (0.5 - x) * (x - 1.0) * 0.1;
return clamp(y, 0.0, 1.0);
void applyLuminanceCurve(inout vec3 color, float darks, float brights){
// color.r = color.r < 0.5 ? pow(2.0 * color.r, darks) / 2.0 : 1.0 - (pow(2.0 - 2.0 * color.r, brights) / 2.0);
// color.g = color.g < 0.5 ? pow(2.0 * color.g, darks) / 2.0 : 1.0 - (pow(2.0 - 2.0 * color.g, brights) / 2.0);
// color.b = color.b < 0.5 ? pow(2.0 * color.b, darks) / 2.0 : 1.0 - (pow(2.0 - 2.0 * color.b, brights) / 2.0);
color.r += darks * lowerCurve(color.r) + brights * upperCurve(color.r);
color.g += darks * lowerCurve(color.g) + brights * upperCurve(color.g);
color.b += darks * lowerCurve(color.b) + brights * upperCurve(color.b);
void applyColorCurve(inout vec3 color, vec4 darks, vec4 brights){
color.r += (darks.r + darks.a) * lowerCurve(color.r) + (brights.r + brights.a) * upperCurve(color.r);
color.g += (darks.g + darks.a) * lowerCurve(color.g) + (brights.g + brights.a) * upperCurve(color.g);
color.b += (darks.b + darks.a) * lowerCurve(color.b) + (brights.b + brights.a) * upperCurve(color.b);
void main() {
vec3 col = SampleTextureCatmullRom(colortex7,texcoord,1.0/texelSize).rgb;
vec3 col = texture2D(colortex7,texcoord).rgb;
//Weights : 1 in the center, 0.5 middle, 0.25 corners
vec3 albedoCurrent1 = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord + vec2(texelSize.x,texelSize.y)/MC_RENDER_QUALITY*0.5).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent2 = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord + vec2(texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)/MC_RENDER_QUALITY*0.5).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent3 = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord + vec2(-texelSize.x,-texelSize.y)/MC_RENDER_QUALITY*0.5).rgb;
vec3 albedoCurrent4 = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord + vec2(-texelSize.x,texelSize.y)/MC_RENDER_QUALITY*0.5).rgb;
vec3 m1 = -0.5/3.5*col + albedoCurrent1/3.5 + albedoCurrent2/3.5 + albedoCurrent3/3.5 + albedoCurrent4/3.5;
vec3 std = abs(col - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent1 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent2 - m1) +
abs(albedoCurrent3 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent3 - m1) + abs(albedoCurrent4 - m1);
float contrast = 1.0 - luma(std)/5.0;
- (SHARPENING+UPSCALING_SHARPNENING)/(1.0-0.5/3.5)*contrast*(m1 - 0.5/3.5*col);
float lum = luma(col);
vec3 diff = col-lum;
col = col + diff*(-lum*CROSSTALK + SATURATION);
vec3 FINAL_COLOR = clamp(int8Dither(col,texcoord),0.0,1.0);
applyContrast(FINAL_COLOR, CONTRAST); // for fun
gl_FragColor.rgb = FINAL_COLOR ;

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
// #version 120
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
// flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
// flat varying vec3 sunColor;
// flat varying vec3 moonColor;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
uniform sampler2D gaux1;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float far;
uniform float near;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
//faster and actually more precise than pow 2.2
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
float shadow2D_bicubic(sampler2DShadow tex, vec3 sc)
vec2 uv = sc.xy*shadowMapResolution;
vec2 iuv = floor( uv );
vec2 fuv = fract( uv );
float g0x = g0(fuv.x);
float g1x = g1(fuv.x);
float h0x = h0(fuv.x);
float h1x = h1(fuv.x);
float h0y = h0(fuv.y);
float h1y = h1(fuv.y);
vec2 p0 = vec2(iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h0y)/shadowMapResolution - 0.5/shadowMapResolution;
vec2 p1 = vec2(iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h0y)/shadowMapResolution - 0.5/shadowMapResolution;
vec2 p2 = vec2(iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h1y)/shadowMapResolution - 0.5/shadowMapResolution;
vec2 p3 = vec2(iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h1y)/shadowMapResolution - 0.5/shadowMapResolution;
return g0(fuv.y) * (g0x * shadow2D(tex, vec3(p0,sc.z)).x +
g1x * shadow2D(tex, vec3(p1,sc.z)).x) +
g1(fuv.y) * (g0x * shadow2D(tex, vec3(p2,sc.z)).x +
g1x * shadow2D(tex, vec3(p3,sc.z)).x);
vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){
return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec));
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec4 TEXTURE = texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy) * color;
vec2 tempOffset = offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos;
vec3 np3 = normVec(p3);
float cloudOcclusion = 0.0;
if(TEXTURE.a > 0.0) cloudOcclusion = 1.0 - GetCloudSkyOcclusion(p3 + cameraPosition)*0.8;
gl_FragData[1].a = TEXTURE.a * cloudOcclusion ; // for bloomy rain and stuff
#ifndef WEATHER
gl_FragData[1].a = 1.0 - TEXTURE.a;
#ifdef LIT
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0;
gl_FragData[0].a = TEXTURE.a;
vec3 Albedo = toLinear(TEXTURE.rgb);
// do the maths only if the pixels exist....
if(TEXTURE.a > 0.0){
float Shadows = 1.0;
vec3 p3_shadow = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * p3_shadow + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
int shadowmapindicator = 0;
//do shadows only if on shadow map
if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution){
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5);
Shadows = shadow2D_bicubic(shadow,vec3(projectedShadowPosition + vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)));
shadowmapindicator = 1;
if(shadowmapindicator < 1) Shadows = clamp((lmtexcoord.w-0.8) * 5,0,1);
Shadows *= GetCloudShadow(p3);
vec3 AmbientLightColor = averageSkyCol_Clouds;
vec3 DirectLightColor = lightCol.rgb/80.0;
AmbientLightColor += (lightningEffect * 10) * pow(lmtexcoord.w,2);
float lightleakfix = clamp(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240.0,0.0,1.0);
float phase = phaseg(clamp(dot(np3, WsunVec),0.0,1.0),(1.0-gl_FragData[0].a) * 0.8 + 0.1) + 1.0 ;
vec3 Direct_lighting = DoDirectLighting(DirectLightColor, Shadows, 1.0, 0.0) * phase * lightleakfix;
vec3 Torch_Color = vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B);
#ifdef LIT
vec3 Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting(AmbientLightColor, Torch_Color, clamp(,0.0,1.0), 5.0);
// gl_FragData[0].a = TEXTURE.a;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = (Direct_lighting + Indirect_lighting) * Albedo;

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
// #version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec4 tangent;
attribute vec4 at_tangent;
varying vec3 FlatNormals;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
// flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform float screenBrightness;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
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//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy/255.; = lmcoord;
gl_Position = ftransform();
color = gl_Color;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
// averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;
vec3 sc = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.;
lightCol.rgb = sc;
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
FlatNormals = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal);
tangent = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb),at_tangent.w);
normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal),1.0);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0);
jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter;
jitter.y *= aspectRatio;
#if MANUAL_FOCUS == -2
float focusMul = 0;
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS == -1
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25);
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - MANUAL_FOCUS;
vec2 totalOffset = (jitter * JITTER_STRENGTH) * focusMul * 1e-2;
gl_Position.xy += hideGUI >= 1 ? totalOffset : vec2(0);

View File

@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
//#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
flat varying int NameTags;
#ifdef HAND
#undef POM
#undef POM
#ifdef POM
varying float VanillaAO;
const float mincoord = 1.0/4096.0;
const float maxcoord = 1.0-mincoord;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
// #ifdef POM
varying vec4 vtexcoordam; // .st for add, .pq for mul
varying vec4 vtexcoord;
vec2 dcdx = dFdx(*vtexcoordam.pq)*exp2(Texture_MipMap_Bias);
vec2 dcdy = dFdy(*vtexcoordam.pq)*exp2(Texture_MipMap_Bias);
// #endif
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
uniform float far;
uniform float wetness;
varying vec4 normalMat;
uniform sampler2D normals;
varying vec4 tangent;
varying vec3 FlatNormals;
uniform sampler2D specular;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D colortex1;//albedo(rgb),material(alpha) RGBA16
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;//depth
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform vec4 entityColor;
in vec3 velocity;
flat varying int PHYSICSMOD_SNOW;
flat varying float blockID;
flat varying float SSSAMOUNT;
flat varying float EMISSIVE;
flat varying int LIGHTNING;
flat varying int PORTAL;
flat varying int SIGN;
flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
uniform float noPuddleAreas;
// float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
// return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+frameTimeCounter*51.9521);
// }
float interleaved_gradientNoise_temp(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
vec2 coord = vec2(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x,alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y)+ 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
mat3 inverse(mat3 m) {
float a00 = m[0][0], a01 = m[0][1], a02 = m[0][2];
float a10 = m[1][0], a11 = m[1][1], a12 = m[1][2];
float a20 = m[2][0], a21 = m[2][1], a22 = m[2][2];
float b01 = a22 * a11 - a12 * a21;
float b11 = -a22 * a10 + a12 * a20;
float b21 = a21 * a10 - a11 * a20;
float det = a00 * b01 + a01 * b11 + a02 * b21;
return mat3(b01, (-a22 * a01 + a02 * a21), (a12 * a01 - a02 * a11),
b11, (a22 * a00 - a02 * a20), (-a12 * a00 + a02 * a10),
b21, (-a21 * a00 + a01 * a20), (a11 * a00 - a01 * a10)) / det;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){
n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0));
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy;
vec2 encn = clamp(n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5,-1.0,1.0);
return vec4(encn,vec2(lightmaps.x,lightmaps.y));
//encoding by jodie
float encodeVec2(vec2 a){
const vec2 constant1 = vec2( 1., 256.) / 65535.;
vec2 temp = floor( a * 255. );
return temp.x*constant1.x+temp.y*constant1.y;
float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y));
vec3 applyBump(mat3 tbnMatrix, vec3 bump, float puddle_values){
float bumpmult = clamp(puddle_values,0.0,1.0);
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
return normalize(bump*tbnMatrix);
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return / fragposition.w;
vec3 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return projMAD(gbufferProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
#ifdef POM
vec4 readNormal(in vec2 coord)
return texture2DGradARB(normals,fract(coord)*,dcdx,dcdy);
vec4 readTexture(in vec2 coord)
return texture2DGradARB(texture,fract(coord)*,dcdx,dcdy);
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
vec3 srgbToLinear2(vec3 srgb){
return mix(
srgb / 12.92,
pow(.947867 * srgb + .0521327, vec3(2.4) ),
step( .04045, srgb )
vec3 blackbody2(float Temp)
float t = pow(Temp, -1.5);
float lt = log(Temp);
vec3 col = vec3(0.0);
col.x = 220000.0 * t + 0.58039215686;
col.y = 0.39231372549 * lt - 2.44549019608;
col.y = Temp > 6500. ? 138039.215686 * t + 0.72156862745 : col.y;
col.z = 0.76078431372 * lt - 5.68078431373;
col = clamp(col,0.0,1.0);
col = Temp < 1000. ? col * Temp * 0.001 : col;
return srgbToLinear2(col);
uniform float near;
float ld(float dist) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near));
vec4 readNoise(in vec2 coord){
// return texture2D(noisetex,coord*;
return texture2DGradARB(noisetex,coord*vtexcoordam.pq +,dcdx,dcdy);
float EndPortalEffect(
inout vec4 ALBEDO,
vec3 FragPos,
vec3 WorldPos,
mat3 tbnMatrix
int maxdist = 25;
int quality = 35;
vec3 viewVec = normalize(tbnMatrix*FragPos);
if ( viewVec.z < 0.0 && length(FragPos) < maxdist) {
float endportalGLow = 0.0;
float Depth = 0.3;
vec3 interval = ( /-viewVec.z/quality*Depth) * (0.7 + (blueNoise()-0.5)*0.1);
vec3 coord = vec3(WorldPos.xz , 1.0);
coord += interval;
for (int loopCount = 0; (loopCount < quality) && (1.0 - Depth + Depth * ( 1.0-readNoise( - readNoise(*3).b*0.2 ) ) < coord.p && coord.p >= 0.0; ++loopCount) {
coord = coord+interval ;
endportalGLow += (0.3/quality);
ALBEDO.rgb = vec3(0.5,0.75,1.0) * sqrt(endportalGLow);
return clamp(pow(endportalGLow*3.5,3),0,1);
float bias(){
return (Texture_MipMap_Bias + (blueNoise()-0.5)*0.5) - (1.0-RENDER_SCALE.x) * 2.0;
vec4 texture2D_POMSwitch(
sampler2D sampler,
vec2 lightmapCoord,
vec4 dcdxdcdy,
bool ifPOM
return texture2DGradARB(sampler, lightmapCoord, dcdxdcdy.xy,;
return texture2D(sampler, lightmapCoord, bias());
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
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//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
/* RENDERTARGETS: 1,7,8,15 */
void main() {
bool ifPOM = false;
#ifdef POM
ifPOM = true;
if(SIGN > 0) ifPOM = false;
vec3 normal =;
vec3 tangent2 = normalize(cross(tangent.rgb,normal)*tangent.w);
mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(tangent.x, tangent2.x, normal.x,
tangent.y, tangent2.y, normal.y,
tangent.z, tangent2.z, normal.z);
vec2 tempOffset=offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition;
float torchlightmap = lmtexcoord.z;
#ifdef Hand_Held_lights
if(HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS > 0.0) torchlightmap = max(torchlightmap, HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS * clamp( pow(max(1.0-length(fragpos)/10,0.0),1.5),0.0,1.0));
float lightmap = clamp( (lmtexcoord.w-0.8) * 10.0,0.,1.);
float rainfall = rainStrength * noPuddleAreas;
float Puddle_shape = 0.;
#ifndef ENTITIES
#ifndef HAND
#ifdef WORLD
#ifdef Puddles
Puddle_shape = (1.0 - clamp(exp(-15 * pow(texture2D(noisetex, worldpos.xz * (0.020 * Puddle_Size) ).b ,5)),0,1)) * lightmap ;
Puddle_shape *= clamp( viewToWorld(normal).y*0.5+0.5 ,0.0,1.0);
Puddle_shape *= rainfall;
vec2 adjustedTexCoord = lmtexcoord.xy;
#ifdef POM
#ifdef WORLD
// vec2 tempOffset=offsets[framemod8];
adjustedTexCoord = fract(*;
// vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
vec3 viewVector = normalize(tbnMatrix*fragpos);
float dist = length(fragpos);
if(!ifPOM) maxdist = 0.0;
gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
if (dist < maxdist) {
float depthmap = readNormal(;
float used_POM_DEPTH = 1.0;
if ( viewVector.z < 0.0 && depthmap < 0.9999 && depthmap > 0.00001) {
// float noise = interleaved_gradientNoise_temp();
#ifdef Adaptive_Step_length
vec3 interval = ( /-viewVector.z/MAX_OCCLUSION_POINTS * POM_DEPTH) * clamp(1.0-pow(depthmap,2),0.1,1.0);
used_POM_DEPTH = 1.0;
vec3 interval = /-viewVector.z/MAX_OCCLUSION_POINTS*POM_DEPTH;
vec3 coord = vec3( , 1.0);
coord += interval * used_POM_DEPTH;
float sumVec = 0.5;
for (int loopCount = 0; (loopCount < MAX_OCCLUSION_POINTS) && (1.0 - POM_DEPTH + POM_DEPTH * readNormal( ) < coord.p && coord.p >= 0.0; ++loopCount) {
coord = coord + interval * used_POM_DEPTH;
sumVec += 1.0 * used_POM_DEPTH;
if (coord.t < mincoord) {
if (readTexture(vec2(coord.s,mincoord)).a == 0.0) {
coord.t = mincoord;
adjustedTexCoord = mix(fract(*, adjustedTexCoord, max(dist-MIX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE,0.0)/(MAX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE-MIX_OCCLUSION_DISTANCE));
vec3 truePos = fragpos + sumVec*inverse(tbnMatrix)*interval;
// #ifdef Depth_Write_POM
gl_FragDepth = toClipSpace3(truePos).z;
// #endif
if(!ifPOM) adjustedTexCoord = lmtexcoord.xy;
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ALBEDO ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
vec4 Albedo = texture2D_POMSwitch(texture, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM) * color;
if(LIGHTNING > 0) Albedo = vec4(1);
#ifndef ENTITIES
ENDPORTAL_EFFECT = PORTAL > 0 ? EndPortalEffect(Albedo, fragpos, worldpos, tbnMatrix) : 0;
#ifdef WhiteWorld
Albedo.rgb = vec3(1.0);
vec3 aerochrome_color = mix(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.715, 0.303, 0.631), AEROCHROME_PINKNESS);
float gray = dot(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0.2, 01.0, 0.07));
if(blockID == 10001 || blockID == 10003 || blockID == 10004 || blockID == 10006) {
// IR Reflective (Pink-red)
Albedo.rgb = mix(vec3(gray), aerochrome_color, 0.7);
else if(blockID == 10008) {
// Special handling for grass block
float strength = 1.0 - color.b;
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, aerochrome_color, strength);
else if(blockID == 200) {
// Wool
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, aerochrome_color, 0.3);
else if(blockID == 8 || blockID == 10002)
// IR Absorbsive? Dark.
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0.01, 0.08, 0.15), 0.5);
#ifdef WORLD
if (Albedo.a > 0.1) Albedo.a = normalMat.a;
else Albedo.a = 0.0;
#ifdef HAND
if (Albedo.a > 0.1) Albedo.a = 0.75;
else Albedo.a = 0.0;
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// NORMAL ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
vec4 NormalTex = texture2D_POMSwitch(normals, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM);
NormalTex.xy = NormalTex.xy*2.0-1.0;
NormalTex.z = clamp(sqrt(1.0 - dot(NormalTex.xy, NormalTex.xy)),0.0,1.0) ;
if(PHYSICSMOD_SNOW < 1) normal = applyBump(tbnMatrix,, mix(1.0,1-Puddle_shape,rainfall) );
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// SPECULAR ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
vec4 SpecularTex = texture2D_POMSwitch(specular, adjustedTexCoord.xy, vec4(dcdx,dcdy), ifPOM);
SpecularTex.r = max(SpecularTex.r, Puddle_shape);
SpecularTex.g = max(SpecularTex.g, Puddle_shape*0.02);
gl_FragData[2].rg = SpecularTex.rg;
gl_FragData[2].a = 0.0;
gl_FragData[2].a = EMISSIVE;
gl_FragData[2].a = SpecularTex.a;
if(SpecularTex.a <= 0.0) gl_FragData[2].a = EMISSIVE;
gl_FragData[2].a = SpecularTex.a;
#if SSS_TYPE == 0
gl_FragData[2].b = 0.0;
#if SSS_TYPE == 1
gl_FragData[2].b = SSSAMOUNT;
#if SSS_TYPE == 2
gl_FragData[2].b = SpecularTex.b;
if(SpecularTex.b < 65.0/255.0) gl_FragData[2].b = SSSAMOUNT;
#if SSS_TYPE == 3
gl_FragData[2].b = SpecularTex.b;
#ifndef ENTITIES
if(PORTAL > 0){
gl_FragData[2].rgb = vec3(0);
gl_FragData[2].a = clamp(ENDPORTAL_EFFECT * 0.9, 0,0.9);
// hit glow effect...
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, entityColor.rgb, entityColor.a);
gl_FragData[2].a = mix(gl_FragData[2].a, 0.9, entityColor.a);;
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// FINALIZE ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
#ifdef WORLD
#ifdef Puddles
float porosity = 0.4;
#ifdef Porosity
porosity = SpecularTex.z >= 64.5/255.0 ? 0.0 : (SpecularTex.z*255.0/64.0)*0.65;
if(SpecularTex.g < 229.5/255.0) Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0), Puddle_shape*porosity);
// apply noise to lightmaps to reduce banding.
vec2 PackLightmaps = vec2(torchlightmap,lmtexcoord.w);
#ifndef ENTITIES
#ifndef HAND
PackLightmaps = max(PackLightmaps*blueNoise()*0.05 + PackLightmaps,0.0);
vec4 data1 = clamp( encode(viewToWorld(normal),PackLightmaps), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(encodeVec2(Albedo.x,data1.x), encodeVec2(Albedo.y,data1.y), encodeVec2(Albedo.z,data1.z), encodeVec2(data1.w,Albedo.w));
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0;
#ifdef WORLD
// #ifdef ENTITIES
// gl_FragData[5].xyz = velocity *0.5+0.5;
// #endif
gl_FragData[3] = vec4(FlatNormals * 0.5 + 0.5, VanillaAO);

View File

@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
#ifdef HAND
#undef POM
#undef POM
#ifdef POM
varying vec4 color;
varying float VanillaAO;
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 normalMat;
// #ifdef POM
varying vec4 vtexcoordam; // .st for add, .pq for mul
varying vec4 vtexcoord;
// #endif
varying vec4 tangent;
attribute vec4 at_tangent;
varying vec3 FlatNormals;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
const float PI48 = 150.796447372*WAVY_SPEED;
float pi2wt = PI48*frameTimeCounter;
attribute vec4 mc_Entity;
uniform int blockEntityId;
uniform int entityId;
flat varying float blockID;
uniform int heldItemId;
uniform int heldItemId2;
flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
flat varying int PHYSICSMOD_SNOW;
flat varying int NameTags;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform float screenBrightness;
flat varying float SSSAMOUNT;
flat varying float EMISSIVE;
flat varying int LIGHTNING;
flat varying int PORTAL;
flat varying int SIGN;
in vec3 at_velocity;
out vec3 velocity;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
attribute vec4 mc_midTexCoord;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return vec4(projMAD(gl_ProjectionMatrix, viewSpacePosition),-viewSpacePosition.z);
vec2 calcWave(in vec3 pos) {
float magnitude = abs(sin(dot(vec4(frameTimeCounter, pos),vec4(1.0,0.005,0.005,0.005)))*0.5+0.72)*0.013;
vec2 ret = (sin(pi2wt*vec2(0.0063,0.0015)*4. - pos.xz + pos.y*0.05)+0.1)*magnitude;
return ret;
vec3 calcMovePlants(in vec3 pos) {
vec2 move1 = calcWave(pos );
float move1y = -length(move1);
return vec3(move1.x,move1y,move1.y)*5.*WAVY_STRENGTH;
vec3 calcWaveLeaves(in vec3 pos, in float fm, in float mm, in float ma, in float f0, in float f1, in float f2, in float f3, in float f4, in float f5) {
float magnitude = abs(sin(dot(vec4(frameTimeCounter, pos),vec4(1.0,0.005,0.005,0.005)))*0.5+0.72)*0.013;
vec3 ret = (sin(pi2wt*vec3(0.0063,0.0224,0.0015)*1.5 - pos))*magnitude;
return ret;
vec3 calcMoveLeaves(in vec3 pos, in float f0, in float f1, in float f2, in float f3, in float f4, in float f5, in vec3 amp1, in vec3 amp2) {
vec3 move1 = calcWaveLeaves(pos , 0.0054, 0.0400, 0.0400, 0.0127, 0.0089, 0.0114, 0.0063, 0.0224, 0.0015) * amp1;
return move1*5.*WAVY_STRENGTH;
vec3 srgbToLinear2(vec3 srgb){
return mix(
srgb / 12.92,
pow(.947867 * srgb + .0521327, vec3(2.4) ),
step( .04045, srgb )
vec3 blackbody2(float Temp)
float t = pow(Temp, -1.5);
float lt = log(Temp);
vec3 col = vec3(0.0);
col.x = 220000.0 * t + 0.58039215686;
col.y = 0.39231372549 * lt - 2.44549019608;
col.y = Temp > 6500. ? 138039.215686 * t + 0.72156862745 : col.y;
col.z = 0.76078431372 * lt - 5.68078431373;
col = clamp(col,0.0,1.0);
col = Temp < 1000. ? col * Temp * 0.001 : col;
return srgbToLinear2(col);
// float luma(vec3 color) {
// return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
// }
#include "/lib/climate_settings.glsl"
uniform sampler2D noisetex;//depth
float densityAtPos(in vec3 pos){
pos /= 18.;
pos.xz *= 0.5;
vec3 p = floor(pos);
vec3 f = fract(pos);
vec2 uv = p.xz + f.xz + p.y * vec2(0.0,193.0);
vec2 coord = uv / 512.0;
//The y channel has an offset to avoid using two textures fetches
vec2 xy = texture2D(noisetex, coord).yx;
return mix(xy.r,xy.g, f.y);
float luma(vec3 color) {
return dot(color,vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07));
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(gl_Vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz;
/////// ----- COLOR STUFF ----- ///////
color = gl_Color;
VanillaAO = 1.0 - clamp(color.a,0,1);
if (color.a < 0.3) color.a = 1.0; // fix vanilla ao on some custom block models.
/////// ----- RANDOM STUFF ----- ///////
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
// #ifdef POM
vec2 midcoord = (gl_TextureMatrix[0] * mc_midTexCoord).st;
vec2 texcoordminusmid = lmtexcoord.xy-midcoord;
vtexcoordam.pq = abs(texcoordminusmid)*2; = min(lmtexcoord.xy,midcoord-texcoordminusmid);
vtexcoord.xy = sign(texcoordminusmid)*0.5+0.5;
// #endif
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy / 255.0; // is this even correct? lol' = lmcoord;
tangent = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb),at_tangent.w);
normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal), 1.0);
FlatNormals =;
blockID = mc_Entity.x;
velocity = at_velocity;
if(mc_Entity.x == 10009) normalMat.a = 0.60;
SIGN = 0;
#ifdef WORLD
// disallow POM to work on signs.
if(blockEntityId == 2200) SIGN = 1;
if(blockEntityId == 2100) PORTAL = 1;
NameTags = 0;
// disallow POM to work on item frames.
if(entityId == 2300) SIGN = 1;
if(entityId == 829925) PHYSICSMOD_SNOW = 1;
// try and single out nametag text and then discard nametag background
// if( dot(gl_Color.rgb, vec3(1.0/3.0)) < 1.0) NameTags = 1;
// if(gl_Color.a < 1.0) NameTags = 1;
// if(gl_Color.a >= 0.24 && gl_Color.a <= 0.25 ) gl_Position = vec4(10,10,10,1);
if(entityId == 1100 || entityId == 1200 || entityId == 2468) normalMat.a = 0.45;
if(mc_Entity.x == 10003) normalMat.a = 0.55;
/////// ----- EMISSIVE STUFF ----- ///////
// if(NameTags > 0) EMISSIVE = 0.9;
// normal block lightsources
if(mc_Entity.x == 10005) EMISSIVE = 0.5;
// special cases light lightning and beacon beams...
if(entityId == 12345){
normalMat.a = 0.50;
/////// ----- SSS STUFF ----- ///////
#ifdef Hand_Held_lights
if(heldItemId == 100 || heldItemId2 == 100) HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS = 0.9;
#ifdef WORLD
/////// ----- SSS ON BLOCKS ----- ///////
// strong
if(mc_Entity.x == 10001 || mc_Entity.x == 10003 || mc_Entity.x == 10004 || mc_Entity.x == 10009) SSSAMOUNT = 1.0;
// medium
if(mc_Entity.x == 10006 || mc_Entity.x == 200) SSSAMOUNT = 0.75;
// low
if(mc_Entity.x == 10007 || mc_Entity.x == 10008) SSSAMOUNT = 0.5; // weird SSS on blocks like grass and stuff
#ifdef MOB_SSS
/////// ----- SSS ON MOBS----- ///////
// strong
if(entityId == 1100) SSSAMOUNT = 0.75;
// medium
// low
if(entityId == 1200) SSSAMOUNT = 0.3;
/////// ----- SSS ON BLOCK ENTITIES----- ///////
// strong
// medium
if(blockEntityId == 10010) SSSAMOUNT = 0.4;
// low
bool istopv = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t < mc_midTexCoord.t;
// #ifdef WORLD
// #ifndef HAND
// vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * position + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition;
// // += (densityAtPos(worldpos*255 )*2) - cameraPosition;
// += sin(worldpos) - cameraPosition;
// position = mat3(gbufferModelView) * worldpos + gbufferModelView[3].xyz;
// #endif
// #endif
if ((mc_Entity.x == 10001 || mc_Entity.x == 10009) && istopv && abs(position.z) < 64.0) {
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * position + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition; += calcMovePlants(*lmtexcoord.w - cameraPosition;
position = mat3(gbufferModelView) * worldpos + gbufferModelView[3].xyz;
if (mc_Entity.x == 10003 && abs(position.z) < 64.0) {
vec3 worldpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * position + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition; += calcMoveLeaves(, 0.0040, 0.0064, 0.0043, 0.0035, 0.0037, 0.0041, vec3(1.0,0.2,1.0), vec3(0.5,0.1,0.5))*lmtexcoord.w - cameraPosition;
position = mat3(gbufferModelView) * worldpos + gbufferModelView[3].xyz;
gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position);
#ifdef Seasons
#ifdef WORLD
#ifndef ENTITIES
#ifndef HAND
float blank = 0.0;
YearCycleColor(color.rgb, gl_Color.rgb, blank);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w * texelSize;
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0);
jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter;
jitter.y *= aspectRatio;
#if MANUAL_FOCUS == -2
float focusMul = 0;
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS == -1
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25);
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - MANUAL_FOCUS;
vec2 totalOffset = (jitter * JITTER_STRENGTH) * focusMul * 1e-2;
gl_Position.xy += hideGUI >= 1 ? totalOffset : vec2(0);

View File

@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
// #version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D normals;
varying vec4 tangent;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec3 binormal;
varying vec3 viewVector;
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow;
// uniform sampler2D gaux2;
// uniform sampler2D gaux1;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform vec3 sunVec;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform float lightSign;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
uniform float moonIntensity;
uniform float sunIntensity;
uniform vec3 sunColor;
uniform vec3 nsunColor;
uniform vec3 upVec;
uniform float sunElevation;
uniform float fogAmount;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float skyIntensityNight;
uniform float skyIntensity;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView;
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition;
uniform int framemod8;
uniform sampler2D specular;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightness;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
flat varying vec4 lightCol; //main light source color (rgb),used light source(1=sun,-1=moon)
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
// flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/projections.glsl"
#include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl"
#include "/lib/waterBump.glsl"
#include "/lib/clouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/stars.glsl"
#include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl"
#include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl"
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float R2_dither(){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * gl_FragCoord.x + alpha.y * gl_FragCoord.y + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter) ;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000);
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + frameTimeCounter;
// vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract( 52.9829189 * fract( (coord.x * 0.06711056) + (coord.y * 0.00583715)) );
return noise ;
float interleaved_gradientNoise(float temporal){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y)+temporal);
return noise;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
#define PW_DEPTH 1.0 //[0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0]
#define PW_POINTS 1 //[2 4 6 8 16 32]
vec3 getParallaxDisplacement(vec3 posxz, float iswater,float bumpmult,vec3 viewVec) {
float waveZ = mix(20.0,0.25,iswater);
float waveM = mix(0.0,4.0,iswater);
vec3 parallaxPos = posxz;
vec2 vec = viewVector.xy * (1.0 / float(PW_POINTS)) * 22.0 * PW_DEPTH;
float waterHeight = getWaterHeightmap(posxz.xz, waveM, waveZ, iswater) ;
parallaxPos.xz += waterHeight * vec;
return parallaxPos;
vec3 applyBump(mat3 tbnMatrix, vec3 bump, float puddle_values){
float bumpmult = 1;
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
return normalize(bump*tbnMatrix);
vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort)
float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb;
float angle = jitter*6.28 + alpha * nbRot * 6.28;
float sin_v, cos_v;
sin_v = sin(angle);
cos_v = cos(angle);
return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*sqrt(alpha);
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos; = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){
n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0));
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy;
vec2 encn = clamp(n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5,-1.0,1.0);
return vec4(encn,vec2(lightmaps.x,lightmaps.y));
//encoding by jodie
float encodeVec2(vec2 a){
const vec2 constant1 = vec2( 1., 256.) / 65535.;
vec2 temp = floor( a * 255. );
return temp.x*constant1.x+temp.y*constant1.y;
float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y));
float invLinZ (float lindepth){
return -((2.0*near/lindepth)-far-near)/(far-near);
float ld(float dist) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near));
vec3 rayTrace(vec3 dir,vec3 position,float dither, float fresnel, bool inwater){
float quality = mix(15,SSR_STEPS,fresnel);
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * far*sqrt(3.)) > -near) ?
(-near -position.z) / dir.z : far*sqrt(3.);
vec3 direction = normalize(toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength)-clipPosition); //convert to clip space
direction.xy = normalize(direction.xy);
//get at which length the ray intersects with the edge of the screen
vec3 maxLengths = (step(0.,direction)-clipPosition) / direction;
float mult = min(min(maxLengths.x,maxLengths.y),maxLengths.z);
vec3 stepv = direction * mult / quality*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) + stepv*dither;
float minZ = clipPosition.z;
float maxZ = spos.z+stepv.z*0.5;
spos.xy += offsets[framemod8]*texelSize*0.5/RENDER_SCALE;
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for (int i = 0; i <= int(quality); i++) {
// decode depth buffer
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
sp = invLinZ(sp);
if(sp <= max(maxZ,minZ) && sp >= min(maxZ,minZ)) return vec3(spos.xy/RENDER_SCALE,sp);
float sp = texelFetch2D(depthtex1,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize),0).r;
if(sp <= max(maxZ,minZ) && sp >= min(maxZ,minZ)) return vec3(spos.xy/RENDER_SCALE,sp);
spos += stepv;
//small bias
minZ = maxZ-(0.0001/dist)/ld(spos.z);
if(inwater) minZ = maxZ-0.0004/ld(spos.z);
maxZ += stepv.z;
return vec3(1.1);
vec3 GGX (vec3 n, vec3 v, vec3 l, float r, vec3 F0) {
r = pow(r,2.5);
// r*=r;
vec3 h = l + v;
float hn = inversesqrt(dot(h, h));
float dotLH = clamp(dot(h,l)*hn,0.,1.);
float dotNH = clamp(dot(h,n)*hn,0.,1.) ;
float dotNL = clamp(dot(n,l),0.,1.);
float dotNHsq = dotNH*dotNH;
float denom = dotNHsq * r - dotNHsq + 1.;
float D = r / (3.141592653589793 * denom * denom);
vec3 F = F0 + (1. - F0) * exp2((-5.55473*dotLH-6.98316)*dotLH);
float k2 = .25 * r;
return dotNL * D * F / (dotLH*dotLH*(1.0-k2)+k2);
#include "/lib/oceans.glsl"
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
/* RENDERTARGETS:2,7,11,14 */
void main() {
if (gl_FragCoord.x * texelSize.x < RENDER_SCALE.x && gl_FragCoord.y * texelSize.y < RENDER_SCALE.y ) {
vec2 tempOffset = offsets[framemod8];
vec3 fragpos = toScreenSpace(*vec3(texelSize/RENDER_SCALE,1.0)-vec3(vec2(tempOffset)*texelSize*0.5,0.0));
gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias) * color;
vec3 Albedo = toLinear(gl_FragData[0].rgb);
float UnchangedAlpha = gl_FragData[0].a;
float iswater = normalMat.w;
#ifdef HAND
iswater = 0.1;
#ifdef Vanilla_like_water
if (iswater > 0.5) {
gl_FragData[0].a = luma(Albedo.rgb);
Albedo = color.rgb * sqrt(luma(Albedo.rgb));
if (iswater > 0.9) {
Albedo = vec3(0.0);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(vec3(0.0),1.0/255.0);
vec4 COLORTEST = vec4(Albedo,UnchangedAlpha);
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 normal =;
vec2 TangentNormal = vec2(0); // for refractions
vec3 tangent2 = normalize(cross(tangent.rgb,normal)*tangent.w);
mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(tangent.x, tangent2.x, normal.x,
tangent.y, tangent2.y, normal.y,
tangent.z, tangent2.z, normal.z);
/// ------ NORMALS ------ ///
vec4 NormalTex = texture2D(normals, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias).rgba;
NormalTex.xy = NormalTex.xy*2.0-1.0;
NormalTex.z = clamp(sqrt(1.0 - dot(NormalTex.xy, NormalTex.xy)),0.0,1.0) ;
TangentNormal = NormalTex.xy*0.5+0.5;
normal = applyBump(tbnMatrix,, 1.0);
if (iswater > 0.95){
#ifdef PhysicsMod_support
if(physics_iterationsNormal < 1.0){
float bumpmult = 1.0;
vec3 bump = vec3(0);
vec3 posxz = p3+cameraPosition;
posxz.xz -= posxz.y; = getParallaxDisplacement(posxz,iswater,bumpmult,normalize(tbnMatrix*fragpos)) ;
bump = normalize(getWaveHeight(posxz.xz,iswater));
TangentNormal = bump.xy*0.5+0.5; // tangent space normals for refraction
bump = bump * vec3(bumpmult, bumpmult, bumpmult) + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f - bumpmult);
normal = normalize(bump * tbnMatrix);
#ifdef PhysicsMod_support
/// ------ PHYSICS MOD OCEAN SHIT ------ ///
WavePixelData wave = physics_wavePixel(physics_localPosition.xz, physics_localWaviness, physics_iterationsNormal, physics_gameTime);
// float Foam = wave.foam;
// Albedo = mix(Albedo,vec3(1),Foam);
// gl_FragData[0].a = Foam;
normal = normalize(worldToView(wave.normal) + mix(normal, vec3(0.0), clamp(physics_localWaviness,0.0,1.0)));
vec3 worldSpaceNormal = normal;
vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(, worldSpaceNormal));
mat3 tbn_new = mat3(, binormal, worldSpaceNormal);
vec3 tangentSpaceNormal = worldSpaceNormal * tbn_new;
TangentNormal = tangentSpaceNormal.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(encodeVec2(TangentNormal), encodeVec2(COLORTEST.rg), encodeVec2(, UnchangedAlpha);
float NdotL = clamp(lightSign*dot(normal,sunVec) ,0.0,1.0);
NdotL = clamp((-15 + NdotL*255.0) / 240.0 ,0.0,1.0);
float Shadows = 1.0;
int shadowmapindicator = 0;
//compute shadows only if not backface
if (NdotL > 0.001) {
vec3 p3 = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * fragpos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * p3 + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//apply distortion
float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy);
projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor;
//do shadows only if on shadow map
if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution){
Shadows = 0.0;
projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
const float threshMul = max(2048.0/shadowMapResolution*shadowDistance/128.0,0.95);
float distortThresh = (sqrt(1.0-NdotL*NdotL)/NdotL+0.7)/distortFactor;
float diffthresh = distortThresh/6000.0*threshMul;
float noise = blueNoise();
float rdMul = 4.0/shadowMapResolution;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
vec2 offsetS = tapLocation(i,9, 1.618,noise,0.0);
float weight = 1.0+(i+noise)*rdMul/9.0*shadowMapResolution;
Shadows += shadow2D(shadow,vec3(projectedShadowPosition + vec3(rdMul*offsetS,-diffthresh*weight))).x/9.0;
Shadows = shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition + vec3(0.0,0.0,-0.0001)).x;
shadowmapindicator = 1;
if(shadowmapindicator < 1) Shadows = clamp((lmtexcoord.w-0.8) * 5,0,1);
Shadows *= GetCloudShadow(p3);
vec3 AmbientLightColor = averageSkyCol_Clouds;
vec3 DirectLightColor = lightCol.rgb/80.0;
vec3 WS_normal = viewToWorld(normal);
vec3 ambientCoefs = WS_normal/dot(abs(WS_normal),vec3(1.));
float skylight = clamp(ambientCoefs.y + 0.5,0.25,2.0);
vec2 lightmaps2 =;
float lightleakfix = clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240. + lightmaps2.y,2) ,0.0,1.0);
AmbientLightColor += (lightningEffect * 10) * skylight * pow(lightmaps2.y,2);
vec3 Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLighting(AmbientLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), lightmaps2, skylight);
vec3 Direct_lighting = DoDirectLighting(DirectLightColor, Shadows, NdotL, 0.0);
vec3 FinalColor = (Direct_lighting + Indirect_lighting) * Albedo;
#ifdef Glass_Tint
float alphashit = min(pow(gl_FragData[0].a,2.0),1.0);
FinalColor *= alphashit;
vec2 SpecularTex = texture2D(specular, lmtexcoord.xy, Texture_MipMap_Bias).rg;
SpecularTex = (iswater > 0.0 && iswater < 0.9) && SpecularTex.r > 0.0 && SpecularTex.g < 0.9 ? SpecularTex : vec2(1.0,0.1);
float roughness = max(pow(1.0-SpecularTex.r,2.0),0.05);
float f0 = SpecularTex.g;
if (iswater > 0.0){
vec3 Reflections_Final = vec3(0.0);
vec4 Reflections = vec4(0.0);
vec3 SkyReflection = vec3(0.0);
vec3 SunReflection = vec3(0.0);
float indoors = clamp((lmtexcoord.w-0.6)*5.0, 0.0,1.0);
vec3 reflectedVector = reflect(normalize(fragpos), normal);
float normalDotEye = dot(normal, normalize(fragpos));
float fresnel = pow(clamp(1.0 + normalDotEye,0.0,1.0), 5.0);
// snells window looking thing
#ifdef PhysicsMod_support
if(isEyeInWater == 1 && physics_iterationsNormal > 0.0) fresnel = clamp( 1.0 - (pow( normalDotEye * 1.66 ,25)),0.02,1.0);
if(isEyeInWater == 1 ) fresnel = pow(clamp(1.66 + normalDotEye,0.0,1.0), 25.0);
fresnel = mix(f0, 1.0, fresnel);
vec3 wrefl = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*reflectedVector;
// SSR, Sky, and Sun reflections
SkyReflection = skyCloudsFromTex(wrefl,colortex4).rgb / 30.0;
if(isEyeInWater == 1) SkyReflection = vec3(0.0);
SunReflection = Direct_lighting * GGX(normal, -normalize(fragpos), lightSign*sunVec, roughness, vec3(f0));
if(iswater > 0.0){
vec3 rtPos = rayTrace(reflectedVector,, interleaved_gradientNoise(), fresnel, isEyeInWater == 1);
if (rtPos.z < 1.){
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * toScreenSpace(rtPos) + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition-previousCameraPosition;
previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * previousPosition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition.xy = projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, previousPosition).xy / -previousPosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
if (previousPosition.x > 0.0 && previousPosition.y > 0.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0) {
Reflections.a = 1.0;
Reflections.rgb = texture2D(colortex5,previousPosition.xy).rgb;
float visibilityFactor = clamp(exp2((pow(roughness,3.0) / f0) * -4),0,1);
Reflections_Final = mix(SkyReflection*indoors, Reflections.rgb, Reflections.a);
Reflections_Final = mix(FinalColor, Reflections_Final, fresnel * visibilityFactor);
Reflections_Final += SunReflection * lightleakfix;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = Reflections_Final;
//correct alpha channel with fresnel
gl_FragData[0].a = mix(gl_FragData[0].a, 1.0, fresnel);
if (gl_FragData[0].r > 65000.) gl_FragData[0].rgba = vec4(0.);
} else {
gl_FragData[0].rgb = FinalColor;
gl_FragData[0].rgb = FinalColor;
#ifndef HAND
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(Albedo,iswater);
gl_FragData[3].a = max(lmtexcoord.w*blueNoise()*0.05 + lmtexcoord.w,0.0);

View File

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
// #version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec3 binormal;
varying vec4 tangent;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
varying vec3 viewVector;
flat varying int glass;
attribute vec4 at_tangent;
attribute vec4 mc_Entity;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
uniform float sunElevation;
varying vec4 tangent_other;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float far;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform float screenBrightness;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return vec4(projMAD(gl_ProjectionMatrix, viewSpacePosition),-viewSpacePosition.z);
#include "/lib/oceans.glsl"
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec4 Swtich_gl_vertex = gl_Vertex;
#ifdef PhysicsMod_support
if(physics_iterationsNormal > 0.0){
// basic texture to determine how shallow/far away from the shore the water is
physics_localWaviness = texelFetch(physics_waviness, ivec2(gl_Vertex.xz) - physics_textureOffset, 0).r;
// transform gl_Vertex (since it is the raw mesh, i.e. not transformed yet)
vec4 finalPosition = vec4(gl_Vertex.x, gl_Vertex.y + physics_waveHeight(gl_Vertex.xz, PHYSICS_ITERATIONS_OFFSET, physics_localWaviness, physics_gameTime), gl_Vertex.z, gl_Vertex.w);
// pass this to the fragment shader to fetch the texture there for per fragment normals
physics_localPosition =; = ;
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy / 255.0; // is this even correct? lol = lmcoord;
vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(Swtich_gl_vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz;
gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position);
color = vec4(gl_Color.rgb,1.0);
float mat = 0.0;
if(mc_Entity.x == 8.0) {
mat = 1.0;
gl_Position.z -= 1e-4;
if (mc_Entity.x == 10002) mat = 0.2;
if (mc_Entity.x == 72) mat = 0.5;
mat = 0.2;
tangent = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb),at_tangent.w);
normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal), 1.0);
normalMat.a = mat;
vec3 tangent2 = normalize( gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb);
binormal = normalize(cross(tangent2.rgb,*at_tangent.w);
mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(tangent2.x, binormal.x, normalMat.x,
tangent2.y, binormal.y, normalMat.y,
tangent2.z, binormal.z, normalMat.z);
viewVector = ( gl_ModelViewMatrix * Swtich_gl_vertex).xyz;
viewVector = normalize(tbnMatrix * viewVector);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;
vec3 sc = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.;
lightCol.rgb = sc;
WsunVec = lightCol.a*normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) *sunPosition);
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0);
jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter;
jitter.y *= aspectRatio;
#if MANUAL_FOCUS == -2
float focusMul = 0;
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS == -1
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25);
float focusMul = gl_Position.z - MANUAL_FOCUS;
vec2 totalOffset = (jitter * JITTER_STRENGTH) * focusMul * 1e-2;
gl_Position.xy += hideGUI >= 1 ? totalOffset : vec2(0);
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
// averageSkyCol = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,37),0).rgb;

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D texture;
//faster and actually more precise than pow 2.2
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(toLinear( texture2D(texture, lmtexcoord.xy).rgb * color.rgb), 0.1);

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0).st;
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy/255.; = lmcoord*lmcoord;
color = gl_Color;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define ENTITIES
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.fsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define ENTITIES
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.vsh"

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#version 120
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform sampler2D texture;
//faster and actually more precise than pow 2.2
vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){
return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878);
vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){
n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0));
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy;
vec2 encn = clamp(n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5,-1.0,1.0);
return vec4(encn,vec2(lightmaps.x,lightmaps.y));
//encoding by jodie
float encodeVec2(vec2 a){
const vec2 constant1 = vec2( 1., 256.) / 65535.;
vec2 temp = floor( a * 255. );
return temp.x*constant1.x+temp.y*constant1.y;
float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y));
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
vec4 Albedo = vec4(texture2D(texture, texcoord).rgb*5.0,1.0);
Albedo *= color;
Albedo.rgb = toLinear(Albedo.rgb);
gl_FragData[0] = Albedo;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.9);

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#version 120
//#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : disable
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
gl_Position = ftransform();
if(gl_Color.a < 1.0 ) gl_Position = vec4(10,10,10,1);
texcoord = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
color = gl_Color;
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
#ifdef TAA
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.fsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.vsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
void main() { = vec3(-1.0);

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.fsh"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.vsh"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#define ENTITIES
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.fsh"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#define ENTITIES
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.vsh"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#define HAND
// #define GETNORMAL
// #define GETSPECULAR
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.fsh"

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#define HAND
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.vsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define HAND
// #define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.fsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define HAND
// #define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.vsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
void main() { = vec3(-10.0);

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.fsh"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_solid.vsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
// #define WEATHER
#include "gbuffers_all_particles.fsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
// #define WEATHER
#include "gbuffers_all_particles.vsh"

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define LIT
// #define WEATHER
#include "gbuffers_all_particles.fsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
// #define WEATHER
#include "gbuffers_all_particles.vsh"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
// #define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.fsh"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#version 120
// #define WORLD
#include "gbuffers_all_translucent.vsh"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#version 120
#define WEATHER
#include "gbuffers_all_particles.fsh"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More