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synced 2024-12-23 01:59:39 +08:00
small tweak to fix VL fog after flying above clouds. fix issue where reflections got the wrong fog function
This commit is contained in:
@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18.+257. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257+
vec3 sky = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)-ivec2(257,0),0).rgb/150.0;
vec3 suncol = lightSourceColor;
#ifdef ambientLight_only
suncol = vec3(0.0);
@ -283,9 +284,8 @@ if (gl_FragCoord.x > 18.+257. && gl_FragCoord.y > 1. && gl_FragCoord.x < 18+257+
vec4 clouds = renderClouds(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), suncol*1.75, skyGroundCol/30.0);
sky = sky*clouds.a + clouds.rgb / 5.0;
// vec4 VL_Fog = GetVolumetricFog(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), lightSourceColor*1.75, skyGroundCol/30.0);
vec4 VL_Fog = DH_GetVolumetricFog(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), lightSourceColor*1.75, skyGroundCol/30.0);
vec4 VL_Fog = GetVolumetricFog(mat3(gbufferModelView)*viewVector*1024., vec2(fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887),1-fract(frameCounter/1.6180339887)), lightSourceColor*1.75, skyGroundCol/30.0);
sky = sky * VL_Fog.a + VL_Fog.rgb / 5.0;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ float cloudVol(in vec3 pos){
return CloudyFog + UniformFog + RainFog;
// float groundFog = max(exp( max(pos.y - 90,0.0) / -1), 0.0) * 100;
// return groundFog;
float phaseRayleigh(float cosTheta) {
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ vec4 GetVolumetricFog(
///// ----- main fog lighting
//Just air
vec2 airCoef = exp(-max(progressW.y - SEA_LEVEL, 0.0) / vec2(8.0e3, 1.2e3) * vec2(6.,7.0)) * 24.0 * Haze_amount * clamp(CloudLayer0_height - progressW.y,0.0,1.0);
vec2 airCoef = exp(-max(progressW.y - SEA_LEVEL, 0.0) / vec2(8.0e3, 1.2e3) * vec2(6.,7.0)) * 24.0 * Haze_amount * clamp(CloudLayer0_height - progressW.y + max(eyeAltitude-(CloudLayer0_height-50),0),0.0,1.0);
//Pbr for air, yolo mix between mie and rayleigh for water droplets
vec3 rL = rC*airCoef.x;
@ -273,142 +273,4 @@ vec4 GetVolumetricFog(
return vec4(color, min(dot(absorbance,vec3(0.335)),1.0));
#ifdef DHVLFOG
float DH_cloudVol(in vec3 pos){
vec3 samplePos = pos*vec3(1.0,1./24.,1.0);
vec3 samplePos2 = pos*vec3(1.0,1./48.,1.0);
float noise = densityAtPosFog(samplePos2 * 6.0);
float area_noise = 1-texture2D(noisetex, samplePos.xz/5000).b;
// noise += area_noise*area_noise*0.5;
// float erosion = 1.0-densityAtPosFog(samplePos2 * (125 - (1-pow(1-noise,5))*25));
// float clumpyFog = max(exp(noise * -5)*2 - (erosion*erosion), 0.0);
float groundFog = max(exp( max(pos.y - 70,0.0) / -40) - noise*noise * 2 , 0.0) * TOD_Fog_mult;
// float rainfall = pos.y < CloudLayer0_height ? clamp(1.0-GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(pos, vec3(0,1,0))-0.95,0,1) * clamp(exp( sqrt((CloudLayer0_height)-pos.y) / -5.0 ),0.0,1.0) * 255: 0;
return groundFog;
// return CloudyFog + UniformFog + RainFog;
vec4 DH_GetVolumetricFog(
vec3 viewPosition,
vec2 dither,
vec3 LightColor,
vec3 AmbientColor
/// ------------- RAYMARCHING STUFF ------------- \\\
//project pixel position into projected shadowmap space
vec3 wpos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPosition + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 fragposition = mat3(shadowModelView) * wpos + shadowModelView[3].xyz;
fragposition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * fragposition + shadowProjection[3].xyz;
//project view origin into projected shadowmap space
vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(vec3(0.0));
//rayvector into projected shadow map space
//we can use a projected vector because its orthographic projection
//however we still have to send it to curved shadow map space every step
vec3 dV = fragposition - start;
vec3 dVWorld = (wpos-gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz);
float maxLength = (min(length(dVWorld), max(dhFarPlane-1500,0.0) )/length(dVWorld));// * (1.0-min(max(1.0-length(dVWorld)/(far+32*2),0)*2,1.0));
dV *= maxLength;
dVWorld *= maxLength;
float dL = length(dVWorld);
float mult = length(dVWorld)/25;
vec3 progress = start.xyz;
// float maxLength = (min(length(dVWorld), max(dhFarPlane+3000,0.0)/4)/length(dVWorld));// * (1.0-min(max(1.0-length(dVWorld)/(far+32*2),0)*2,1.0));
// dV *= maxLength;
// dVWorld *= maxLength;
// float dL = length(dVWorld);
vec3 progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition;
vec3 WsunVec = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunVec * lightCol.a;
float SdotV = dot(sunVec,normalize(viewPosition))*lightCol.a;
/// ------------- COLOR/LIGHTING STUFF ------------- \\\
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0);
///// ----- fog lighting
//Mie phase + somewhat simulates multiple scattering (Horizon zero down cloud approx)
float mie = fogPhase(SdotV) * 5.0;
float rayL = phaseRayleigh(SdotV);
vec3 rC = vec3(sky_coefficientRayleighR*1e-6, sky_coefficientRayleighG*1e-5, sky_coefficientRayleighB*1e-5);
vec3 mC = vec3(fog_coefficientMieR*1e-6, fog_coefficientMieG*1e-6, fog_coefficientMieB*1e-6);
vec3 skyLightPhased = AmbientColor;
vec3 LightSourcePhased = LightColor;
#ifdef ambientLight_only
LightSourcePhased = vec3(0.0);
skyLightPhased = max(skyLightPhased + skyLightPhased*(normalize(wpos).y*0.9+0.1),0.0);
LightSourcePhased *= mie;
float expFactor = 11.0;
int SAMPLE = 16;
for (int i=0;i<SAMPLE;i++) {
float d = (pow(expFactor, float(i+dither.x)/float(SAMPLE))/expFactor - 1.0/expFactor)/(1-1.0/expFactor);
float dd = pow(expFactor, float(i+dither.x)/float(SAMPLE)) * log(expFactor) / float(SAMPLE)/(expFactor-1.0);
progress = start.xyz + d*dV;
progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition + d*dVWorld;
//project into biased shadowmap space
float distortFactor = calcDistort(progress.xy);
vec3 pos = vec3(progress.xy*distortFactor, progress.z);
float sh = 1.0;
if (abs(pos.x) < 1.0-0.5/2048. && abs(pos.y) < 1.0-0.5/2048){
pos = pos*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0)+0.5;
sh = shadow2D(shadow, pos).x;
sh *= GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(progressW, WsunVec);
float densityVol = DH_cloudVol(progressW);
//Water droplets(fog)
float density = densityVol*300.0;
///// ----- main fog lighting
//Just air
vec2 airCoef = exp(-max(progressW.y - SEA_LEVEL, 0.0) / vec2(8.0e3, 1.2e3) * vec2(6.,7.0)) * 6 * Haze_amount;
//Pbr for air, yolo mix between mie and rayleigh for water droplets
vec3 rL = rC*airCoef.x;
vec3 m = (airCoef.y+density) * mC;
vec3 Atmosphere = skyLightPhased * (rL * 1.0 + m) ; // not pbr so just make the atmosphere also dense fog heh
vec3 DirectLight = LightSourcePhased * sh * ((rL* 1.0)*rayL + m);
vec3 foglighting = (Atmosphere + DirectLight);// * max(exp(densityVol * -0.1),0.0) ;
color += (foglighting - foglighting * exp(-(rL+m)*dd*dL)) / ((rL+m)+0.00000001)*absorbance;
absorbance *= clamp(exp(-(rL+m)*dd*dL),0.0,1.0);
return vec4(color, min(dot(absorbance,vec3(0.335)),1.0));
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