2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
vec2 R2_samples(int n){
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha * n);
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec3 cosineHemisphereSample(vec2 Xi){
float theta = 2.0 * 3.14159265359 * Xi.y;
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2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
float r = sqrt(Xi.x);
float x = r * cos(theta);
float y = r * sin(theta);
2023-10-10 23:02:00 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
return vec3(x, y, sqrt(clamp(1.0 - Xi.x,0.,1.)));
2023-10-10 23:02:00 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec3 TangentToWorld(vec3 N, vec3 H, float roughness){
vec3 UpVector = abs(N.z) < 0.999 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 T = normalize(cross(UpVector, N));
vec3 B = cross(N, T);
return vec3((T * H.x) + (B * H.y) + (N * H.z));
vec2 SpiralSample(
int samples, int totalSamples, float rotation, float Xi
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
float alpha = float(samples + Xi) * (1.0 / float(totalSamples));
float theta = 3.14159265359 * alpha * rotation ;
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2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
float r = sqrt(Xi);
float x = r * sin(theta);
float y = r * cos(theta);
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2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
return vec2(x, y);
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2023-10-20 20:26:41 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
///////////////////////////// SSAO ////////////////////////
2023-10-10 23:02:00 -04:00
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
vec2 SSAO(
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec3 viewPos, vec3 normal, bool hand, bool leaves, float noise
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
if(hand) return vec2(1.0,0.0);
int samples = 7;
float occlusion = 0.0;
float sss = 0.0;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(viewPos.z*viewPos.z/50.0,0,5); // shrink sample size as distance increases
float mulfov2 = gbufferProjection[1][1]/(3 * dist);
float maxR2 = viewPos.z*viewPos.z*mulfov2*2.*5/50.0;
#ifdef Ambient_SSS
float maxR2_2 = viewPos.z*viewPos.z*mulfov2*2.*2./50.0;
float dist3 = clamp(1-exp( viewPos.z*viewPos.z / -50),0,1);
if(leaves) maxR2_2 = mix(10, maxR2_2, dist3);
vec2 acc = -(TAA_Offset*(texelSize/2))*RENDER_SCALE ;
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec2 sampleOffset = SpiralSample(i, 7, 8, noise) * 0.2 * mulfov2;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy + sampleOffset*vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight*aspectRatio)*RENDER_SCALE);
if (offset.x >= 0 && offset.y >= 0 && offset.x < viewWidth*RENDER_SCALE.x && offset.y < viewHeight*RENDER_SCALE.y ) {
vec3 t0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(offset*texelSize+acc+0.5*texelSize, texelFetch2D(depthtex1, offset,0).x) * vec3(1.0/RENDER_SCALE, 1.0) );
vec3 vec = (t0.xyz - viewPos);
float dsquared = dot(vec, vec);
if (dsquared > 1e-5){
if (dsquared < maxR2){
float NdotV = clamp(dot(vec*inversesqrt(dsquared), normalize(normal)),0.,1.);
occlusion += NdotV * clamp(1.0-dsquared/maxR2,0.0,1.0);
#ifdef Ambient_SSS
if(dsquared > maxR2_2){
float NdotV = 1.0 - clamp(dot(vec*dsquared, normalize(normal)),0.,1.);
sss += max((NdotV - (1.0-NdotV)) * clamp(1.0-maxR2_2/dsquared,0.0,1.0) ,0.0);
n += 1;
return max(1.0 - vec2(occlusion, sss)/n, 0.0);
float ScreenSpace_SSS(
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec3 viewPos, vec3 normal, bool hand, bool leaves, float noise
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
if(hand) return 0.0;
int samples = 7;
float occlusion = 0.0;
float sss = 0.0;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(viewPos.z*viewPos.z/50.0,0,5); // shrink sample size as distance increases
float mulfov2 = gbufferProjection[1][1]/(3 * dist);
float maxR2_2 = viewPos.z*viewPos.z*mulfov2*2.*2./50.0;
float dist3 = clamp(1-exp( viewPos.z*viewPos.z / -50),0,1);
if(leaves) maxR2_2 = mix(10, maxR2_2, dist3);
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
vec2 acc = -(TAA_Offset*(texelSize/2))*RENDER_SCALE ;
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec2 sampleOffset = SpiralSample(i, 7, 8, noise) * 0.2 * mulfov2;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy + sampleOffset*vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight*aspectRatio)*RENDER_SCALE);
if (offset.x >= 0 && offset.y >= 0 && offset.x < viewWidth*RENDER_SCALE.x && offset.y < viewHeight*RENDER_SCALE.y ) {
vec3 t0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(offset*texelSize+acc+0.5*texelSize, texelFetch2D(depthtex1, offset,0).x) * vec3(1.0/RENDER_SCALE, 1.0) );
vec3 vec = (t0.xyz - viewPos);
float dsquared = dot(vec, vec);
if (dsquared > 1e-5){
if(dsquared > maxR2_2){
float NdotV = 1.0 - clamp(dot(vec*dsquared, normalize(normal)),0.,1.);
sss += max((NdotV - (1.0-NdotV)) * clamp(1.0-maxR2_2/dsquared,0.0,1.0) ,0.0);
n += 1;
return max(1.0 - sss/n, 0.0);
///////////////////////////// RTAO/SSGI ////////////////////////
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
vec3 rayTrace_GI(vec3 dir,vec3 position,float dither, float quality){
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * far*sqrt(3.)) > -near) ?
(-near -position.z) / dir.z : far*sqrt(3.);
vec3 direction = normalize(toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength)-clipPosition); //convert to clip space
direction.xy = normalize(direction.xy);
//get at which length the ray intersects with the edge of the screen
vec3 maxLengths = (step(0.,direction)-clipPosition) / direction;
float mult = maxLengths.y;
vec3 stepv = direction * mult / quality*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) * dither;
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) ;
spos.xy += TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5/RENDER_SCALE;
float biasdist = clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,1,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for(int i = 0; i < int(quality); i++){
spos += stepv;
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
float currZ = linZ(spos.z);
if( sp < currZ) {
float dist = abs(sp-currZ)/currZ;
if (abs(dist) < biasdist*0.05) return vec3(spos.xy, invLinZ(sp))/vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
spos += stepv;
return vec3(1.1);
vec3 RT(vec3 dir, vec3 position, float noise, float stepsizes){
float dist = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
float stepSize = stepsizes / dist;
int maxSteps = STEPS;
vec3 clipPosition = toClipSpace3(position);
float rayLength = ((position.z + dir.z * sqrt(3.0)*far) > -sqrt(3.0)*near) ?
(-sqrt(3.0)*near -position.z) / dir.z : sqrt(3.0)*far;
vec3 end = toClipSpace3(position+dir*rayLength) ;
vec3 direction = end-clipPosition ; //convert to clip space
float len = max(abs(direction.x)/texelSize.x,abs(direction.y)/texelSize.y)/stepSize;
//get at which length the ray intersects with the edge of the screen
vec3 maxLengths = (step(0.,direction)-clipPosition) / direction;
float mult = min(min(maxLengths.x,maxLengths.y),maxLengths.z)*2000.0;
vec3 stepv = direction/len;
int iterations = min(int(min(len, mult*len)-2), maxSteps);
//Do one iteration for closest texel (good contact shadows)
vec3 spos = clipPosition*vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) ;
spos.xy += TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5*RENDER_SCALE;
spos += stepv/(stepSize/2);
float distancered = 1.0 + clamp(position.z*position.z/50.0,0,2); // shrink sample size as distance increases
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
if (spos.x < 0.0 || spos.y < 0.0 || spos.z < 0.0 || spos.x > 1.0 || spos.y > 1.0 || spos.z > 1.0) return vec3(1.1);
spos += stepv*noise;
float sp = sqrt(texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(spos.xy/ texelSize/4),0).w/65000.0);
float currZ = linZ(spos.z);
if( sp < currZ) {
float dist = abs(sp-currZ)/currZ;
if (dist <= 0.1) return vec3(spos.xy, invLinZ(sp))/vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0);
return vec3(1.1);
2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
void ApplySSRT(
inout vec3 lighting,
vec3 viewPos,
vec3 normal,
vec3 noise,
vec2 lightmaps,
vec3 skylightcolor,
vec3 torchcolor,
bool isGrass
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
int nrays = RAY_COUNT;
vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);
vec3 occlusion = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skycontribution = vec3(0.0);
vec3 occlusion2 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 skycontribution2 = vec3(0.0);
2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
// rgb = torch color * lightmap. a = sky lightmap.
vec4 Lighting = RT_AmbientLight(torchcolor, lightmaps);
skylightcolor = (skylightcolor/15.0) * Lighting.a;
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
for (int i = 0; i < nrays; i++){
int seed = (frameCounter%40000)*nrays+i;
2023-10-17 15:34:03 -04:00
vec2 ij = fract(R2_samples(seed) + noise.xy);
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
vec3 rayDir = TangentToWorld(normal, normalize(cosineHemisphereSample(ij)) ,1.0);
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
#ifdef HQ_SSGI
2023-10-17 15:34:03 -04:00
vec3 rayHit = rayTrace_GI( mat3(gbufferModelView) * rayDir, viewPos, noise.z, 50.); // ssr rt
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
2023-10-17 15:34:03 -04:00
vec3 rayHit = RT(mat3(gbufferModelView)*rayDir, viewPos, noise.z, 30.); // choc sspt
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2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
if(isGrass) rayDir.y = clamp(rayDir.y + 0.5,-1,1);
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rayDir.y = mix(-1.0,rayDir.y, lightmaps.y*lightmaps.y);
2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
skycontribution = (skyCloudsFromTexLOD(rayDir, colortex4, 0).rgb / 10.0) * Lighting.a + Lighting.rgb;
skycontribution = (skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(rayDir, colortex4, 6).rgb / 10.0) * Lighting.a + Lighting.rgb;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
if(isGrass) rayDir.y = clamp(rayDir.y + 0.25,-1,1);
2023-10-26 18:02:14 -04:00
skycontribution = skylightcolor * (max(rayDir.y,pow(1.0-lightmaps.y,2))*0.9+0.1) + Lighting.rgb;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
#if indirect_effect == 4
2023-10-18 17:43:29 -04:00
skycontribution2 = skylightcolor + Lighting.rgb;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
if (rayHit.z < 1.){
#if indirect_effect == 4
vec3 previousPosition = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * toScreenSpace(rayHit) + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz + cameraPosition-previousCameraPosition;
previousPosition = mat3(gbufferPreviousModelView) * previousPosition + gbufferPreviousModelView[3].xyz;
previousPosition.xy = projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, previousPosition).xy / -previousPosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
if (previousPosition.x > 0.0 && previousPosition.y > 0.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0 && previousPosition.x < 1.0){
radiance += (texture2D(colortex5,previousPosition.xy).rgb + skycontribution) * GI_Strength;
} else{
radiance += skycontribution;
radiance += skycontribution;
occlusion += skycontribution * GI_Strength;
#if indirect_effect == 4
occlusion2 += skycontribution2 * GI_Strength;
} else {
radiance += skycontribution;
occlusion *= AO_Strength;
#if indirect_effect == 4
lighting = max(radiance/nrays - max(occlusion, occlusion2*0.5)/nrays, 0.0);
lighting = max(radiance/nrays - occlusion/nrays, 0.0);