2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
varying vec4 pos;
2024-11-15 17:54:18 -05:00
varying vec4 localPos;
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varying vec4 gcolor;
varying vec2 lightmapCoords;
varying vec4 normals_and_materials;
flat varying float SSSAMOUNT;
flat varying float EMISSIVE;
2024-03-14 21:18:50 +00:00
flat varying int dh_material_id;
2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
uniform float far;
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uniform float nightVision;
2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
// uniform int hideGUI;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPosition) {
vec4 pos;
pos.xyz = viewPosition;
pos.w = 0.0;
pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
return pos.xyz;
vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) {
vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0);
pos = gbufferModelView * pos;
return pos.xyz;
vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){
n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0));
n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy;
vec2 encn = clamp(n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5,-1.0,1.0);
return vec4(encn,vec2(lightmaps.x,lightmaps.y));
//encoding by jodie
float encodeVec2(vec2 a){
const vec2 constant1 = vec2( 1., 256.) / 65535.;
vec2 temp = floor( a * 255. );
return temp.x*constant1.x+temp.y*constant1.y;
float encodeVec2(float x,float y){
return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y));
// uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
// uniform vec2 texelSize;
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
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uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
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vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) {
vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw);
vec3 feetPlayerPos = p * 2. - 1.;
vec4 viewPos = iProjDiag * feetPlayerPos.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3];
return viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
2024-02-10 18:10:46 -05:00
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
2024-03-01 22:48:09 -05:00
float interleaved_gradientNoise_temporal(){
2024-02-10 18:10:46 -05:00
return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+frameTimeCounter*51.9521);
2024-03-01 22:48:09 -05:00
float interleaved_gradientNoise(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y));
return noise;
2024-02-10 18:10:46 -05:00
float R2_dither(){
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000) * 2.0;
vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026);
return fract(alpha.x * coord.x + alpha.y * coord.y ) ;
2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
2024-02-12 00:49:20 -05:00
//3D noise from 2d texture
float densityAtPos(in vec3 pos){
pos /= 18.;
pos.xz *= 0.5;
vec3 p = floor(pos);
vec3 f = fract(pos);
vec2 uv = p.xz + f.xz + p.y * vec2(0.0,193.0);
vec2 coord = uv / 512.0;
//The y channel has an offset to avoid using two textures fetches
vec2 xy = texture2D(noisetex, coord).yx;
return mix(xy.r,xy.g, f.y);
2024-11-15 17:54:18 -05:00
// https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons-core/-/blob/main/core/src/main/resources/shaders/flat_shaded.frag?ref_type=heads
// Property of Distant Horizons [mod]
const int noiseSteps = 4;
const float noiseIntensity = 10.0;
const int noiseDropoff = 1024;
float rand(float co) { return fract(sin(co*(91.3458)) * 47453.5453); }
float rand(vec2 co) { return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); }
float rand(vec3 co) { return rand(co.xy + rand(co.z)); }
vec3 quantize(const in vec3 val, const in int stepSize) {
return floor(val * stepSize) / stepSize;
vec4 applyNoise(in vec4 fragColor, const in vec3 viewPos, const in float viewDist) {
// vec3 vertexNormal = normalize(cross(dFdy(vPos.xyz), dFdx(vPos.xyz)));
// // This bit of code is required to fix the vertex position problem cus of floats in the verted world position varuable
// vec3 fixedVPos = vPos.xyz + vertexNormal * 0.001;
float noiseAmplification = noiseIntensity * 0.01;
float lum = (fragColor.r + fragColor.g + fragColor.b) / 3.0;
noiseAmplification = (1.0 - pow(lum * 2.0 - 1.0, 2.0)) * noiseAmplification; // Lessen the effect on depending on how dark the object is, equasion for this is -(2x-1)^{2}+1
noiseAmplification *= fragColor.a; // The effect would lessen on transparent objects
// Random value for each position
float randomValue = rand(quantize(viewPos, noiseSteps))
* 2.0 * noiseAmplification - noiseAmplification;
// Modifies the color
// A value of 0 on the randomValue will result in the original color, while a value of 1 will result in a fully bright color
vec3 newCol = fragColor.rgb + (1.0 - fragColor.rgb) * randomValue;
newCol = clamp(newCol, 0.0, 1.0);
if (noiseDropoff != 0) {
float distF = min(viewDist / noiseDropoff, 1.0);
newCol = mix(newCol, fragColor.rgb, distF); // The further away it gets, the less noise gets applied
return vec4(newCol,1.0);
2024-02-12 00:49:20 -05:00
2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
void main() {
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2024-06-10 23:26:19 -04:00
float maxOverdrawDistance = far;
float maxOverdrawDistance = OVERDRAW_MAX_DISTANCE;
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if(clamp(1.0-length(localPos.xyz)/clamp(far - 32.0,32.0,maxOverdrawDistance),0.0,1.0) > 0.0 ){
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2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
2024-06-23 21:43:15 -04:00
vec3 normals = (normals_and_materials.xyz);
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float materials = normals_and_materials.a;
2024-05-04 21:08:24 -04:00
vec2 PackLightmaps = lightmapCoords;
2024-06-12 20:56:14 -04:00
// PackLightmaps.y *= 1.05;
2024-06-19 21:44:21 -04:00
PackLightmaps = min(max(PackLightmaps,0.0)*1.05,1.0);
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2024-11-15 17:54:18 -05:00
vec4 data1 = clamp( encode(viewToWorld(normals), PackLightmaps), 0.0, 1.0);
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// alpha is material masks, set it to 0.65 to make a DH LODs mask.
2024-11-15 17:54:18 -05:00
vec4 Albedo = applyNoise(gcolor, localPos.rgb+cameraPosition, length(localPos.xyz));
vec4 Albedo = vec4(gcolor.rgb, 1.0);
2024-02-12 00:49:20 -05:00
// vec3 worldPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*pos.xyz + cameraPosition;
// worldPos = (worldPos*vec3(1.0,1./48.,1.0)/4) ;
// worldPos = floor(worldPos * 4.0 + 0.001) / 32.0;
// float noiseTexture = densityAtPos(worldPos* 5000 ) +0.5;
// float noiseFactor = max(1.0 - 0.3 * dot(Albedo.rgb, Albedo.rgb),0.0);
// Albedo.rgb *= pow(noiseTexture, 0.6 * noiseFactor);
// Albedo.rgb *= (noiseTexture*noiseTexture)*0.5 + 0.5;
2024-03-14 21:18:50 +00:00
if(dh_material_id == DH_BLOCK_LEAVES || dh_material_id == DH_BLOCK_WATER) { // leaves and waterlogged blocks
float grey = dot(Albedo.rgb, vec3(0.2, 01.0, 0.07));
Albedo.rgb = mix(vec3(grey), aerochrome_color, 0.7);
2024-04-18 13:29:27 -04:00
} else if(dh_material_id == DH_BLOCK_GRASS) { // grass
Albedo.rgb = mix(Albedo.rgb, aerochrome_color, 1.0 - Albedo.g);
2024-03-14 21:18:50 +00:00
2024-02-05 16:04:37 -05:00
#ifdef WhiteWorld
Albedo.rgb = vec3(0.5);
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(encodeVec2(Albedo.x,data1.x), encodeVec2(Albedo.y,data1.y), encodeVec2(Albedo.z,data1.z), encodeVec2(data1.w, materials));
gl_FragData[1].a = 0.0;
gl_FragData[2].a = 0.0;
gl_FragData[2].a = EMISSIVE;
#if SSS_TYPE == 0
gl_FragData[2].b = 0.0;
gl_FragData[2].b = SSSAMOUNT;