2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
2023-10-14 23:34:52 -04:00
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
#include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl"
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
This code is from Chocapic13' shaders
Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please !
varying vec4 lmtexcoord;
varying vec4 color;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds;
flat varying vec4 lightCol;
flat varying vec3 WsunVec;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
varying vec4 normalMat;
varying vec3 binormal;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
varying vec4 tangent;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
varying vec3 flatnormal;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
varying vec3 viewVector;
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
flat varying int glass;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
attribute vec4 at_tangent;
attribute vec4 mc_Entity;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
uniform vec3 sunPosition;
uniform float sunElevation;
varying vec4 tangent_other;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
uniform int frameCounter;
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
// uniform float far;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform float screenBrightness;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-10-30 16:07:38 -04:00
uniform int heldItemId;
uniform int heldItemId2;
flat varying float HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform int framemod8;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
#define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z)
#define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz)
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) {
return vec4(projMAD(gl_ProjectionMatrix, viewSpacePosition),-viewSpacePosition.z);
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////VOID MAIN//////////////////////////////
void main() {
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
vec4 Swtich_gl_vertex = gl_Vertex;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy / 255.0; // is this even correct? lol
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
lmtexcoord.zw = lmcoord;
2023-10-10 23:02:00 -04:00
vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(gl_Vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz;
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position);
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
2023-10-30 16:07:38 -04:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
2023-10-30 16:07:38 -04:00
#ifdef Hand_Held_lights
if(heldItemId == 100 || heldItemId2 == 100) HELD_ITEM_BRIGHTNESS = 0.9;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
float mat = 0.0;
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
if(mc_Entity.x == 8.0) {
mat = 1.0;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
gl_Position.z -= 1e-4;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
if (mc_Entity.x == 10002) mat = 0.2;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
if (mc_Entity.x == 72) mat = 0.5;
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
mat = 0.2;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
tangent = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb),at_tangent.w);
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal), 1.0);
normalMat.a = mat;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
vec3 tangent2 = normalize( gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb);
binormal = normalize(cross(tangent2.rgb,normalMat.xyz)*at_tangent.w);
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-08-03 17:40:08 -04:00
mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(tangent2.x, binormal.x, normalMat.x,
tangent2.y, binormal.y, normalMat.y,
tangent2.z, binormal.z, normalMat.z);
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
flatnormal = normalMat.xyz;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
2023-04-16 16:18:26 -04:00
viewVector = ( gl_ModelViewMatrix * Swtich_gl_vertex).xyz;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
viewVector = normalize(tbnMatrix * viewVector);
2023-10-07 22:18:20 -04:00
color = vec4(gl_Color.rgb, 1.0);
lightCol.rgb = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(6,37),0).rgb;
lightCol.a = float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2.0 - 1.0;
averageSkyCol_Clouds = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(0,37),0).rgb;
WsunVec = lightCol.a * normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * sunPosition);
// WsunVec = normalize(LightDir);
gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00
#ifdef TAA
2023-08-06 16:14:32 -04:00
gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w*texelSize;
2023-01-12 15:00:14 -05:00